Gen question about posing
If I have someone holding a cup is it possible to have her hold the cup in each view? If I change the view the cup is now longer in her hand. If I move the cup in her hand again then change the view the cup is not in her hand then around and around I go. My renders are ok and still leaning a lot. If this is possible would me render look better?
You need to parent the cup to her hand
Right click, change parent, or drag and drop in the Sceen pane
in Szenetab drag the Cup on the Hand
this is named parenting
it will follow then
Great thanks for the information. So I can parent anything to anything not just outfits to people. Also a ball to a foot and more.
Sort of, you can not Parent anything to BOTH hands at once.
Thanks jaderail I will add that to my notes. If I wanted to hold a baseball bat. Then I could parent one hand and pose the other? I need to work with the t script you told me about soon.I read the web page and that is what I needed (a long with a lot more stuff) and it looks simple to install and use.
Yes, pose the second, and those scripts are very useful to have. They work just as well for a still render as they do for animation. So keep that in mind when you pick the ones you think you can use.
Also note that parenting only works with whole objects. You can't parent figure B's hand to figure A's hand and have them shake hands; what would happen is you'd end up parenting the whole of one figure to the other one's hand. Amusing (like a cartoon wrestling slam) but maybe not what you intended. ;-)
Your a mind reader but I was thinking more look holding hand watching a sunset.