Latest model 100% Bryce

Okay, so I've been sitting on my butt . Here is my latest Bryce model creation, used 5.5 and 6.3. Lots of metaballs to make the chain, boy that was time consuming as each link had to be individually manipulated around the sprocket. Anyway hope you like it.

800 x 600 - 204K

800 x 600 - 103K

800 x 600 - 32K

800 x 600 - 34K
good one - joystick got to go through
Thanks bigh. Actually most of the reference pics I printed off from google had joysticks like that. I guess you need somewhere for the trigger to go.
we use button on frame - we would brake off the joystick
have one for me
Just had several, had to add a couple for you as well. A man just has to do, da da da da da da.
PS. Are you military ?????
Truly amazing modelling!
No, you have NOT been sitting on your butt!
Brilliant work exactly as it should be. You obviously know how to use the software FOR WHAT IT WAS INTENDED TO BE USED FOR! Now that you have your Gatling Gun you can experiment with textures and lighting. You must be [and should be] very proud of yourself. Now you will no doubt be motivated to build more models like this in Bryce-ONLY mode.
Your magnificent work proves my thesis! You are not the first nor will you be the last. Many others will be inspired by what you have done.
Kind regards
Thanks for the kind words guys, I may put some other stuff up on the weekend.
Very nice model, and modelling. If you take away the chain of cartridges, the joystick too, shoot a flame out the back end, set the whole scene in a starry background: could be the latest design in spaceships...heheee:)
But seriously, I’ve just started doing modelling in Bryce, and between the additional models that are included, along with the metaball thingy, it is quite possible to produce anything in the ‘ware.
OK! here's some more stuff. Some of this I think may have been posted in the old site. I used Hex for part of the govenor assembly for convenience but otherwise just Bryce.
And 1 more.
Well, you certainly have a love for the detail. Awsome work.
That is impressive.
And talking about the Bryster, I would have loved to see him finish the Flying Scotsman.
Thanks to you both. @ chohole, Chris mentioned in a post at rendo just recently that he had to abandon the project due to the memory constraints of the Bryce software, I too would love to have seen it finished. I have the same problem with my Riverboat which I may be able to finish by pulling it apart and converting a lot of the booleaned objects to meshes to gain that little bit more memory. The boiler above is actually part of that project.
Yeah, I saw that post. I lurk at rendo still when I have time, but don't often post, especially when Chris threatened me with the comfi chair when I moved to Wales and thus much closer to him. :roll: He did say I was welcome to pop up there and visit last time Rosie went to visit him, but it is a still a long drive to his place from ours. He is up in North Wales (near Mars) and We are down in South East Wales.
I still think his Crystal Palace model was way cool.
Ahh yes, the crystal palace challenge. That was some great bryce work. I just hope that with my meagre skills I can inspire some of the new brycers as I have been inspired by the likes of "the bryster" and others.
And yes he's still threatening anyone he can with the comfy chair.
@ jamahoney
While going thru some old saves I found a couple of things which are probably my first models worth Putting on to disc. I also found some old renders, now that could be a whole new thread.
You really are a master at the modelling.
My own efforts are pitiable, of course, and I'm having problems with alignment when, say, joining one object to another - e.g. one object is at Bryce x, y and z coordinates, but when adding in another object it ends up at coordinates x1, y1 and z1 (miles away from the first object where I want it to be close to). In the end, I have to go to top view, zoom out several times, find the second object and then move it close to the first object so that I can then join them.
I recall coming across a shortcut Bryce method whereby one can have a second object land directly on the first object's coordinates, but I've read so much lately that finding it has put me off.
But on the whole creation of new objects in Bryce, I wouldn't have a problem doing that as I'm discovering; it really is so simple. I would really like to produce all the objects through Bryce, without having to use another 'ware, and then transfer them over (too much hassle).
I've always found the easiest way to make sure added objects land where you most need/want them, is to make sure you're working at world center... then each newly created element lands in the dead center of what you're making. Then offsetting them to the required amount is a much easier task. :)
Many thanks! I think you hit the nail on the head, as that's what I'm trying to avoid - I don't want the new object to apppear at 0, 0, 0. I tried turning off 'World Centre' (Edit/Preferences) and changing it to the other option 'Create object within view', but it doesn't seem to work.
I'm sure I've put across my point incorrectly, however, what I want to do is, say, in Top View, to shift the whole scene (Spacebar/LMB-click)away from the series of other meshes (e.g. object meshes, terrain meshes...etc.,) I have already created, then go to a blank area in the scene, and then having the new object to appear there when I create it. From there, I then want to be able to work at that blank scene - i.e. add in more objects for, say, joining, rotating, skewing...etc., on to the first.
Hope that doesn't sound confusing, but thank you for your input anyway.
I always work at world centre, anything new added I move forward along the Z axis until it's clear of the main object where I can work on it. I also like to keep my main object one bryce unit (20.48) above the ground plane so that anything new that is loaded can be picked up in side view and relocated from there. I also often wotk without the ground plane and "underground" turned off.
The "Attributes" menu, a pen and paper, "Alt + arrow keys" and top,side ,front view are the best way to bring objects together with precision.
The reason for the one BU unit on Y axis? I always know that my main objects position is X=0 Y=20.48 Z=0.
Hope this helps. And just for the record I'm still very much a learner and always will be.
Great, Kiwi_gg...very handy advice: whilst I'm discovering that creating the objects is a simle procedure, marryying such objects is an awkward process.
I must be doing something wrong; as surely there is an easier method of what I want to achieve. That said, and no effence to the wonderful talent that is the Bryce developers and coders - surely, I'm missing some shortcut key, else, I've'd miss-read previous readings on how to correct.
There is "snap together" would that work.
OK, I see what you mean. :)
Then a work around would be move the parts you've already completed away from world center.
In that case, I'd move them say 10 or 50 clicks along one of the X or Z axis and continue to work at world center, knowing that the completed part can easily be moved back into it's original position by reversing the number of clicks you've moved it.
Another way to do it would be to take the completed section and save it to your library then delete it from the work area. Then when you've completed the next part, go to the library and chose the section you you saved there earlier, this will then be placed right back at world center.
Another way wold be to have more than one instance of Bryce open and use one instance as your work area and the other as your overall scene.
I haven't been able to get "create object within view" to work for years either. It used to in the olden days (bloody hell, I sound like an old man!!!). So as far as I know, Bryce simply isn't capable of doing what you need it to do, you'll have to use work arounds like the ones suggested.
Hope this helps.
@ TheSavage64. Good stuff, in the end tho it all comes down to what you're comfortable with. I have even used 2 comps one with the main object and the other for my work area then transferred between with a portable drive.
Indeed, it's what one is comfortable with and one of the great things about Bryce is that there is always more than one way to skin a cat...
... That's as long as the cat doesn't have a massive poly count and displacement mapped fur, otherwise it'll just crash on import. [insert 'lol' emoticon]... sorry, I've no idea how to do the 'lol' emoticon on this rather poorly designed forum. :)
Tried to skin a cat in Daz Studio yesterday ------ it crashed ----again.
Thanks, Chohole...the 'Snap' options (found from the EDIT buttton/Align Option icon/and then click the small triangle) I find are quite useful for alignment, and I use them all the time. But, sadly, they don't give the option of creating an object in a blank space, away from World Centre.
@TheSavage64 and @Kiwi_gg
Thanks once again, too...very useful suggestions. It's a pity, however, that one can't create an object in a blank area away from World Centre, as it would be extremely useful to do so. Looks like I'll have to put up with the current setup.