Genesis Male HANDS and WRIST morphs, i wish...with pics...

Hi ...
i appreciate A LOT and i'm super GREATFUL , me too, for all the flexibility that comes with the Genesis product !
Possibly, i would like morphs for wrist and hands for Genesis 1 male !
The actual Genesis 1 male hands are beautiful, but, sometimes, it would be helpfull some that fits specific characters,
here are some pics that shows what i would mean...
Do you like ?
Hands are from Michelangelo Statues, ones of the most famous in the world
and from Perseo of Cellini ...
(if you think that it could be workable to create this hand-morphs,
should i ask you, please, (and deeply thanks) for the compatibility to Daz 4.5, too ?

1478 x 986 - 706K

700 x 360 - 165K

560 x 652 - 234K

310 x 351 - 43K
Post edited by ecoleena on
There is some limitation to the hands I am afraid.
Have been working a lot with handposes lately and some movements just aren't possible.
In all honesty I haven't tried out the hands with the new Gen2 female, so perhaps the upcoming (there's no date yet) Gen2 male has more morphs to it, but that's just a guess.
Hands are an incredible challenge to draw (in 2D) and I expect that recreating them in 3D is even more of a horror for the makers.
thank you for your clarifications !
i got the feeling you're right about the very extreme difficulty about it.
good night !
Have you tried to HAND set up those poses? I'm pretty sure I could darn near match each one by doing the posing myself. The Pose not the great detail just the pose.
I don't think it's the poses their looking for, but more so morphs to create more manlier looking hands. IE the bone structure, wider knuckles, fingertips, etc.
It's true, i was thinking not possible to pose hands in similar way, thank you Jaderail ! It will be a very BIG good step .
On the other hand, i look for
"more so morphs to create more MANLIER looking hands. IE the BONE STRUCTURE,WIDER KNUCKLES, FINGERTIPS, etc."too !
i'm grateful fot your interest !
I like a more defined hand for m5 too. I tend to find the fingers look sausagey. I like this suggestion.
thx Serene !
I'm not joking, i would pay 100 Dollars for this hand-morph .....
This would be a good candidate for the new HD Morphs treatment.
I'm not a Fan of the Genesis Hands. I do admit more detail and shaping options would really be a bonus.
Yes. With HD it is now possible.
hurrah !!! :lol:
I want to thank you all for your taking the time to answer questions !