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My first thought... its a fantasy outfit.
To be honest Matty.. that isn't a fantasy outfit.. I am appealled that people call that kind of outfits a fantasy one. But that is again, just my opinion. Though one who do read a lot of fantasy, and also play several fanatsy games.. I do know there is those things like chainmail bikinis and such that is classified as fantasy, and I do have my own opinion about tose as well. But this outfit.. is not anyway near fantasy.... well, atleast not the Eddings/moon/WoW kind of fantasy.. and I honestly don't see anything like this in Royo's and Vallejo's art.. so no, it's not that kind of fantasy atleast
This might be a bit harsh, but that is actualyl how I feel about it being called fantasy ^^
Edit - just wanted to go in and let you know that I didn't meant to sound like I jumped on you Matty, that wasn't my meaning. It is the name of the outfit itself that kinda make me cringe :)
Would that work? I'd expect the bottom of the rigid piece to be pulled out and down by the tension of the straps, so there would still be a gap. Though rigging straps that went straight from the front of the breasts to the waist so they looked right when posed would be very tricky. What she needs is a partial flatten morph applied to the breasts, if that can be done without distortion, to show the compression.
My thoughts exactly. Though I had already previously purchased all Pro Bundles. It seems that Michael 5 and Vicky 5 pro bundles have a few things in there that I didn't get with my Pro bundles. So I am now spending the time to see if there is anything worthwhile to just take one of those instead.
But hey...I called it in an earlier post elsewhere in the forums. I said the Fantasy Fighter would end up being a Booby prize! LOL
First impression to be honest, made laugh.
Do not want to sound disrespectful (it is still a gift ;-) ), but seriously putting this product and quality as an alternative for the 5th generation bundles?
looks at week 3 and happy that i've never bought David 5 (the only one from the 5th generation i do not own).
I'd agree with Matty, it is a fantasy outfit - a male fantasy outfit. This plays to the male gaze. Like a lot of things in the store.
Actually.... there is a wrestling unitard in the backlog of outfits I'm waiting to finish.
I was in a play a few years ago called Trafford Tanzi, I played a character called Dean Rebel. The entire play takes place in a wrestling ring and we trained for 6 months with professional wrestlers. Since I was already trained in judo I picked up wrestling pretty quick. I did accidentally dislocate two ribs though. Very painful.
I thought that you could make a transmap for the Supersuit to create that same look.
Well, the outfit did serve to start the day out with a good laugh. Quickly followed by the thought of how ridiculous and pathetic it was. I didn't find the mini dress cute either despite the name.
If DAZ had been really serious about attracting new members by showing what great new things they can get as the occasional perk, they would have skipped the pro bundles and the other two worthless outfits and texture sets and just gone with ranger outfit shown on the C8.5 box.
quoted for truth.
I find the naming of this item quite misleading, which wouldn't matter so much if the name hadn't been all to go on so far. If you wanted to get us to invest in week 2 tier 2, why not go all the way and name it 'Genesis 2 Female Bodysuit Pro Pack'?
Personally, I don't mind skimpy outfits at all. I like them. But for low quality items I have far less tolerance. And this is one of the worst outfits I have seen so far for Genesis 2 Female. Even the textures look kinda bad.
I'd agree with Matty, it is a fantasy outfit - a male fantasy outfit. This plays to the male gaze. Like a lot of things in the store.
Not quite what I meant with fantasy.. but yes, in That sense.. it is a male fantasy one.. playing/tickling the senses etc.. but it certainly isn't a ranger/warrior/scout/nobleman kind of clothing. Which is what I think when the word fantasy is in a clothing.. specially since this is supposed to be a family friendly site :)
Again, my opinion which might differe from others of course *smiles warmly*
Wasn't what I had hoped it would be.
Not the sort of Fantasy I was hoping for. I was hoping for a decent set of Pauldrons, maybe bracers, and perhaps a cool weapon. Granted, that might have been the extent of the outfit, but it was still something I could have used. Maybe not something I'd have paid for, but worth picking up as a freebie.
This... is strictly Male Fantasy. And the little zipper by the crotch moves it, for me, from eye-rolling to actively offensive.
I understand that some people are unhappy with the item, and both good-humoured commentary and constructive criticism are fine, but please refrain from attacking the product or the creator.
i was hoping it would be a kewl space ship to go with the GIS sets.
Mine was, "Oh, THAT kind of fantasy...!" And then: "I'm sure glad I hadn't bought S5 Pro!"
Disclaimer: though the outfit looks great, for those who want that kind of thing. :)
Maybe the Mosquito from week 3 will be? Considering the name, I'm hoping it's Firefly-inspired. :)
Maybe the Mosquito from week 3 will be? Considering the name, I'm hoping it's Firefly-inspired. :)
Judging by the fact that you could choose some PRO packs which are worth a fair bit of money OR this tiny skimpy whatever the heck it is outfit (which is a major slap for those of us who already have the PRO packs)...I'm guessing the Mosquito for week 3's item will be actual mosquito bite. Or possibly a mosquito bite outfit.....either way, it's gonna sting again.
My first reaction was "I waited for this????? They know I can't use any of the rewards without a computer upgrade, so I guess they don't really want my business any more."
My second reaction was "At least I got a coupon I can use to get a discount on something from Thorne or Stonemason or Moyra or RawArt or 3D Universe or Jack Tomalin or Sickleyield or AprilYSH or outoftouch or JGreenlees ..."
If they were serious about attracting new members, they wouldn't have hidden exactly what the rewards were.
It bugs me that this was even included in the "rewards". Those of us who bought the pro/starter bundles when they were first released, who SUPPORTED the bundles on first release, are thrown this tiny little afterthought as a so-called "reward". They couldn't even come up with something that was the SAME VALUE as the pro/starter bundles for the many many MANY customers who already have the bundles. What a joke. I am SO glad I made the decision NOT to renew my PC membership when it expires next week. It just ain't worth it anymore. Give me rendo's Prime anyday.
I am in the group of having reached tier 2 and have previously purchased all of the Gen 5 Pro Bundles (silly me). My big disappointment was in Fight! for Fantasy Fighter. Silly me - with that name I was hoping for fighting poses that were very usable with the female form. I should have known better since I have been a member for too many years. I do have a fantasy character who might actually wear an outfit like that tho, especially if it looks semi-descent with any of the metal shaders I have. But the gloves in it look nice.
If they were serious about attracting new members, they wouldn't have hidden exactly what the rewards were.
Yeah, huge disappointment. On the other hand, Stonemason's store is 30% off right now, and the coupon stacks. I bought $130 worth of stuff from him.
I thought vampirella when I saw it. It is not quite the look but the red strappy painted on outfit reminds me of her costume.
I might have hoped that the two new items would have been more impressive than they are, but I don't feel cheated. You can try to equate "value" between items, but really, the only value that matters is, was it worth the money when you bought it? I already had all the Pro Bundles available as rewards for that week, but I don't feel cheated, because they seemed like good value when I bought them. It might have been nice for DAZ to at least define what sort of "fantasy" beforehand, but oh well.
First thought....That?!!! 2nd thought.....Go look at the mini dress....3rd and 4th are not allowed according to the TOS. Last thoughts..... I wonder what the megaprizes will be for 3 weeks completion? An unmorphable rock?
Not the sort of Fantasy I was hoping for. I was hoping for a decent set of Pauldrons, maybe bracers, and perhaps a cool weapon. Granted, that might have been the extent of the outfit, but it was still something I could have used. Maybe not something I'd have paid for, but worth picking up as a freebie.
This... is strictly Male Fantasy. And the little zipper by the crotch moves it, for me, from eye-rolling to actively offensive.
And another +1 ...
I had hopeful expectations for what this might be. I thought, maybe, it'd be some form of armour (probably on the skimpy side more than practical), plus a weapon or two. If you've seen my dA gallery you're probably aware that I am not averse to the occassional 'naughty' render, but I have to say when I saw thi sitem I almost choked - mainly, I think, down to how far it was from my expectations (based on comparative pricings of the Pro bundles) and that cling!!!
Yeah, I think we've all experienced a bit of an eyebrow-raising moment today, mainly due to us letting our imaginations run riot with hopeful ideas that raised expectations with one essential flaw...
...we assumed 'fighter' to be the same as 'warrior' and were a bit gutted when no shiny bits of armour were anywhere to be seen. Even mud wrestlers fall under the category of 'fighters', but I don't suppose that would have incentivised as many to buy that extra item to make up the qualifying points.
Well, it's all a learning curve I suppose.
Pretty much my reaction too :roll:
"Fantasy Fighter" I guess I was expecting some sort of "Petipet" type steam theme fighter aircraft... but I guess we already got that.
Not enough respect to physics in this outfit to suit my taste, but I think the mini-dress combo is fantastic and very real. Hope she sits well (ahem, no peeking).
WRT to value comparison - rather than comparing new product FF and Mini-Skirt values to the obsolete Gen5 Pro bundles (sales life-cycle / product saturation, not usability perspective) and consider the devaluation of the "Pro" product bundles from its list price.
About 90% depreciation - Now that's astonishing~! As mesh & tex doesn't rust and maintains adherence to its standard forever.
I will say this, I don't feel overly cheated with this item, but then that's because I wasn't buying items with the intent to collect power up points. I have been buying a lot less of late, and didn't even make tier 1 during the first week, and only tier 1 for week two. So while I'd never have paid for this outfit outright, getting it for free isn't the worst they could have done. But it also makes me feel a lot better about not caring about trying to hit the mega powerup reward, since the precedent has been set for it to be a letdown.