How do I set a pose when animating?
I'm trying to animate a seated conversation between figures. I want the figures to maintain their seated pose but when I add an aniblock that I made which animates slight movement to the head when the character speaks the pose of the figures goes haywire. The figures turn upside down or disappear all over the place. How to I keep them in a seated pose?
The animation help thread in this forum is hopeless - nearly all the links don't work now.
Post edited by Superdog on
My guess is you saved the Translate X Y Z and other none needed Rotation settings in your AniBlock. Basically a AniBlock is nothing more that a RANGE of pose files, if the information is in the Poses it gets applied. Just like a POSE file that MOVES your figure from where you want it to another location, AniBlocks can hold and cause that same action IF they are saved that way.
I saved the aniblock with the pose originally. Everything seemed to work ok but when I add the same aniblock later on in the time line Genesis goes into a completely random position. I've resaved the aniblock with the set pose a number of times but the same problem keeps occurring.
Is there a tutorial or guide I can refer to that explains how to use poses and aniblocks together?
Does this mean I have to go through every parameter of the aniblock and delete Trans XYZ keyframes? I thought I had already done this when I removed all keyframes except those that moved genesis's head. In fact the aniblock is a commercial one I adapted so why would it have trans XYZ information in it?
What I'm trying to create is an animation of a seated conversation where, every time a character speaks, their head moves slightly as if they were speaking. I plan to build up the animation by adding blinking, swallowing and breathing aniblocks for each character. What I don't want is for genesis to fly around the scene everytime I add an aniblock in the timeline. I was under the naive impression that the whole animate with aniblocks system made this easy.
From your own post your not using AniMate and AniBlocks only. Your mixing Pose files on the DS timeline with AniBlocks on the AniMate Scrubber Bar. Try this, convert the Seated Pose file to a Animate AniBlock. OR Burn your AniMate to the DS Timeline and Then only Use Keymate to add the Details on the Timeline with KeyMate. The AniMate and the DS Timelines are independent until one is Burned to the other.
Do you mean save the pose of each figure as an aniblock and then add the other aniblocks to sub-tracks? If so, thanks, I'll try that.
Yes, That is my normal method. Remember the TIME on your Pose AniBlock the figure needs to Stay seated until another AinBlock is added behind the seated pose. Sort of a FIX pose if you get my meaning for the Seated AniBlock.
Does that mean I need the seated pose aniblock to run through the whole conversation timeline from beginning to end to fix the figure in that pose throughout? If the conversation last 5 minutes then the seated pose aniblock needs to be 5 minutes long?
Yes, that Or have NO changes in it. Like the Genesis Feet Fix AniBlock. Nothing happens except the fix. SEE?
In this case the POSE is all that's in the AniBlock you make.
Ok thanks! I'll have to somehow delete the pose files I've used and replace them with the aniblock poses. Maybe I can do that in Keymate?
Never Tried that, I think you can just delete that one Key Frame. I'm still learning all the In's and Outs of KeyMate.
there are weird known rotation issues while using several aniblocks
they never have been repaired by gofigure
its a pity
I've been testing AniMate2 and lots of the Aniblocks for a couple of weeks now, many loaded and subtracks as well. I think the issue hits when/If your running out of Ram. Keeping your Scenes in Smaller clips should be a practice. I do Camera swapping like TV shows and Movies to break my work into smaller chunks. I've not had any odd behavior so far.
In case Keymate doesn't help how can I find and delete any pose data on the timeline so that I can just use the aniblocks? I think maybe that's what's interfering with the aniblocks. Maybe I need a clean slate or at least the figures to be in the correct pose right at the beginning of the time line. I'm also not sure how to save their initial pose to an aniblock.
Sorry for the Late response. I only work on-line evenings and Nights my time.
The DAZ Studio Timeline can be cleared in the Parameters mini menu, the Four line thing in the corner of the Tab. Under Clear Animation you will find 6 different options. Note: This only clears the stored Data on the timeline, it does not reset the number of frames. It does depending on the option force a Animate file to LOOK clear but to fix that just Right click on the Animate Interface and do Send to DS Timeline. Than your Animate work will work again. OR it does for me.
Only AniMate2 or the Demo of AniMate2, the version in DS that times out after 30 days, can create AniBlocks from the DS Timeline. That too is a Right Click Option on a clear space on the AniMate interface or Tab.
i work with animate 2
if you y-rotate maybe a null in the aniblock to 90 there suddenly is appearing a z-Rotation
to 180 and a x-Rotation to 180
These override the y-Rotation
thats what i mean with weird Rotation issues
it schouldn't work like that
the pity is you can only change something on the timeline
you have no Chance repairing the aniblocks
at least i would like to have some documentation on this
the gofigure Website and Forum are dead
Are you LOCKING the rotation in X and Z before you apply the Y rotation? I have seen this, I do know it does happens, camera movements are very bad with sudden rotation action. You should be able to either Lock them or if that still unwanted rotation still happens open your AniBolck in Key frame Mode in Animate2 then go into the graph editor and zero the rotations out in X and Z. I've not tried this because...
I guess I'm lucky, I have some GoFigure AniBlocks from the older versions for rotate that do not cause errors. If I have some free time later this night I'll open those and check how the key frames are set up in them.
sorry but locking a Rotation axes does nothing in this case
and i thought graphmate only works with the timeline not the aniblock
the camerarotationissue is just the same flaw of coding
nice to have this discussion though
where's gofigure ?
They list Backwards but Here...
Image #1: Animate2, Genesis Loaded, MS-Lycan AniBlocks selected, Slow Walk on Spot added to Timeline.
Image #2: Arrows left to Right, Slow Walk selected, Key Frame Edit opened, Animate Graph Editor appears on AniMate2 interface.
Image #3: Arrows left to Right, Hip node of Genesis expanded and X rotation active, Graph of rot_force_x Key Frames, Graph Editor open.
In the rot_force_x Key frames, Select ALL with bounding Box, set VALUE to Zero. No more X rotation in the WALK block.
And Here is the GoFigure Site with all the links to the information they provide. GoFigure3D
hmmm....jade i apreciate your Patience
the dead gofigure site says Rotation axes are linked to each other when deleting or creating them
they Show this behavior when one Rotation goes near 90 then all the others are overwritten and get crazy
and i dont want to repair that all the time through graph Editor which is not very Handy to use for my opinion
i do not think this is all new but didnt found a thread on this
perhaps this is an issue for the Animation Forum
Hmm... If it's a known Issue I'm sure I'll run into it before long then. I did not know the Link had gone DEAD I just grabbed it from my bookmarks. I'm deep into AniMate2 as my main tool and so far not hit any issues I was not able to edit away. I do use KeyMate and GraphMate and many of MCasuals Script files that are DS4 ready or usable in DS4. I guess hoping things keep on working in my hodge podge of files is a pipe dream but until it all falls apart I plan to keep on playing.
Also, if my tips are not 100% spot on, they still might be useful to New Users just getting started.
your link is fine !
i didnt say the link is dead