Genesis 2 Female

edited December 1969 in The Commons

Ok I was thinking of trying the Genesis 2 Female. Which I think is V6 ( if I am wrong please let me know). So I found the V6 starter bundle at daz and was about to purchase it when I found in the Notes part in red lettering.

"Please install the provided Genesis 2 Female Starter Essentials."

Ok this is confusing since I have not yet even purchased the product. I could not find any product even called Genesis 2 Female Starter Essentials. So now I don't know if I want to try and purchase it at all until I can solve this little mystery. So any help would be appreciated.

I currently have Daz 4.6 Pro and just recently updated it.

Thanks Ringo


  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321
    edited December 1969

    Genesis 2 comes free with DAZ Studio. Go to your product library and find the file Genesis 2 Starter Essentials and install it.

  • edited December 1969

    Thanks for the quick response. Will do so now.

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