Is It Possible to Create A Motion Path In Daz?

Want to create a motion path for a car to travel.  


  • Not as far as I am aware, though it's possible Casual has a script to do it (check his threads in teh freebies forum).

  • No luck there.  

     I ended up going into NX and used a bunch of splines and brigded curves to create a template guide path.  Exported it as a png image and opened it up in sketch up.  From there, I converted it to an obj and imported it into Daz. Scaled it appropriately in the car scene.  Hid the car body revealing just the tires and moved it along the path every 15 frames.  This also let me adjust the angle of the front wheel to mimic steering.  I also measured the spline length in NX to help determine the number of wheel rotations.  The red arrows are pointing at the spline I made.

    Hopefully, someone here can think of or knows of a faster and easier way of doing this. 

    path demo.PNG
    1341 x 1059 - 2M
  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605

    if you keyframe the position of a null node say every 30 frames and your playrange is 300 frames

    then mcjPathTube will create a 300-segments tube that envelops that path/curve

    the tubes are not always perfect but there's mcjTransport which is more complex and does what it takes to not strangle the tube


    i also have the mcjRepeatAction which can be used to repeatedly drop the nodes to the scene ground ( y = 0 )

    i'll let you check the 200 scripts for yourself, and i'm almost sure you'll have fun with them

    the other basic scripts of interest would be mcjParent and mcjMakeTarget, mcjCycleFilter, and the sceneGraf plugin which is a 2D curve viewer/twealer

    here you see on the ground a tube generated by mcjPathTube from the keyframed camera positions




    mechengineer97 said:

    Want to create a motion path for a car to travel.  

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