The Hackers got to my XP Complaint Thread

DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
edited November 2013 in The Commons


M F M said:
DanaTA said:
...I just got several security updates for XP two nights ago. They are still finding holes. In April, they stop looking. But you can be sure the hackers won't stop looking.

Hackers will only keep looking while the "critical mass" of machines online is there - random wiki page tells me that "Windows XP market share is now down to ~33% of systems, having been overtaken by Win7 machines in August 2012". Hackers don't have infinite time (or resources, or luck) - they're looking to affect the widest range of machines they can in the shortest time (before somebody else finds the exploit, or MS or the application writers plug the problem).

Older systems generally don't warrant as much attention as newer systems (how many virus scares have you seen for OpenVMS?) - the largest set of active systems is the one you want to spend your time poking and prodding on (especially if it involves new tools, new services, new drivers/applets etc). With everybody being dragged kicking and screaming into the 64-bit era (minus those who can't afford it of course), WinXP will start getting ignored in favour of the current status quo (Win7/Win8/Linux). Let's put it this way - would you prefer to spend your time analysing and investigating all these wonderful new flaws in "cloud" based systems (Adobe) and automatic updaters (it takes just one of those auto-updater servers to be compromised, and then you've got arbitrary code operating in your machine) and background services, or would you prefer to continue spending effort on "old" systems that are dying away?

A few final thoughts - if after 12 years holes are still being found, how many of those holes are in "already patched" components? how many of these "holes" are manufactured by AV companies to scare people into buying their products (or to prove that 'their' product is better than the others)? what hope does this give for a brand new shiny OS, if after over a decade they still didn't get it right?

Sorry, statistics can be deceiving. 33% is still one third of systems. How many computers do you think are out there? Just in the US, never mind other countries. 33% of one thousand computers isn't bad...just 330 computers. But there are millions of systems out there. And actually, a statistic I read just earlier today says there are 42% of systems still on XP. So, the number varies depending on who is doing the research. If there were 1 million users of computers, that would be 330,000 computers to hack. If they could get personal info, passwords, financial data, from that many computers...well, let's just say it this way...if they got $10 for each system hacked...that would be $3.3 Million. That seems to be enough motive to keep hacking XP. And I guarantee that there are a lot more than one million boxes in this country alone. In fact, there are over 300 Million! So, one third of that is 100 Million. A dollar from each one and I'd be very happy and set for life. :coolcheese:

Any system that has millions upon millions of lines of code will have vulnerabilities. It's inevitable. No piece of complex software is exempt, especially not an OS. Any OS.


822 x 677 - 109K
Post edited by Jaderail on


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    On the topic of snakes, anything larger than a Ball Python I'd be uncomfortable being close to. From a distance cool, but not up close. Ball/Royal pythons seem to be the best choice since they're 1: Cute, 2: Very easily tamed, 3: Highly friendly - especially for reptiles, 4: cuuuute, 5: pretty close to harmless - except for to pet mice ;)

    I always wanted to get one, but there's no way I could care for one when there's no easy method of acquiring food for it where I live :(

    The size of that thing in the hand indicates that it's not harmless, it could easily strangle someone. The friendliest of pets can turn in an instant, and often do. I can't count how many times I've heard someone on the news say, "It was very friendly, never bothered anyone...until now." Pit bulls, pythons, tigers. Especially when it comes to creatures that really belong in the wild, and in a different geological area, the friendly thing can go away in a heartbeat.


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited October 2013

    DanaT feel free to CHANGE the Name of the thread, its yours this time.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    Wow, I was the first poster on page 101 and I didn't even realize it! I think the title is fine.


  • M F MM F M Posts: 1,388
    edited October 2013

    Congrats on post#1 (^_^)/.

    Amusing to see that Australia and Canada have no computer use ;-) (gotta love statistics X). "If they could get personal info, passwords, financial data, from that many computers…" I think we have a different idea of "hacking". You're referring to identity theft and monetary gain - I was thinking of botnets, unlicensed software, and reformatting your HD.


    'nuff said.

    Post edited by M F M on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    DanaT feel free to CHANGE the Name of the thread, its yours this time.

    Oops, cross posted. I'm amazed. When I had an idea for a title, I couldn't get that first post on page 101. I think this title is fine, though, since it is in line with the content of my post.

    I bet this will never happen again. Especially not if I try! :lol:


  • M F MM F M Posts: 1,388
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    Jaderail said:
    DanaT feel free to CHANGE the Name of the thread, its yours this time.

    Oops, cross posted. I'm amazed. When I had an idea for a title, I couldn't get that first post on page 101. I think this title is fine, though, since it is in line with the content of my post.

    I bet this will never happen again. Especially not if I try! :lol:
    Weellllll, we'll just have to make sure to get into an indepth discussion at the end of this thread too ;-).

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited October 2013

    DanaTA said:
    Rezca said:
    On the topic of snakes, anything larger than a Ball Python I'd be uncomfortable being close to. From a distance cool, but not up close. Ball/Royal pythons seem to be the best choice since they're 1: Cute, 2: Very easily tamed, 3: Highly friendly - especially for reptiles, 4: cuuuute, 5: pretty close to harmless - except for to pet mice ;)

    I always wanted to get one, but there's no way I could care for one when there's no easy method of acquiring food for it where I live :(

    The size of that thing in the hand indicates that it's not harmless, it could easily strangle someone. The friendliest of pets can turn in an instant, and often do. I can't count how many times I've heard someone on the news say, "It was very friendly, never bothered anyone...until now." Pit bulls, pythons, tigers. Especially when it comes to creatures that really belong in the wild, and in a different geological area, the friendly thing can go away in a heartbeat.


    Well since he's had it it's only bitten him once (as a baby) and has never squeezed him or anyone else at all - even total strangers. Yes, I know reptiles are very prone to suddenly deciding "I don't want to be friendly anymore", but still.

    Kelen (the owner of Squeasar) is a VERY responsible and knowlidgable snake-owner. I don't think I've met anyone (who isn't a professional) who knows more about caring for and handling snakes than he does ^^

    But yeah... I know that pets of all kinds can "turn mean" very quickly...
    Mmmh, the part you mentioned about the news would probably get my friend ranting about irresponsible snake owners and stuff ^^;

    Oooh new thread? :O

    Post edited by Rezca on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    M F M said:
    Congrats on post#1 (^_^)/.

    Amusing to see that Australia has no computer use ;-).


    'nuff said.

    Only two that were found! If their share in the OS market goes up, they become more attractive to the hackers. That's how it's been all along, and I think even you alluded to that fact.

    Because nobody seems to go for the goat meat stew at the buffet doesn't mean it's not tasty. (I actually had that once and it was indeed tasty)

    Firefox was the subject of people who bashed IE for it's security flaws. It lasted a long time. But as it got more popular, hackers started looking at it. Now there are security updates for it all the time. I stand by my earlier complex software is immune or exempt.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    M F M said:
    Congrats on post#1 (^_^)/.

    Amusing to see that Australia and Canada have no computer use ;-)

    Well, I don't think it was saying they have no computer use...this was only the Top 10 countries with the most PCs in use. They were probably just out of the running...though I could be wrong, maybe they have better things to do.

    Nah! They were probably 11 and 12. :lol:


  • M F MM F M Posts: 1,388
    edited October 2013

    DanaTA said:
    M F M said:
    Congrats on post#1 (^_^)/.

    Amusing to see that Australia has no computer use ;-).


    'nuff said.

    Only two that were found! If their share in the OS market goes up, they become more attractive to the hackers. That's how it's been all along, and I think even you alluded to that fact.

    Because nobody seems to go for the goat meat stew at the buffet doesn't mean it's not tasty. (I actually had that once and it was indeed tasty)

    Firefox was the subject of people who bashed IE for it's security flaws. It lasted a long time. But as it got more popular, hackers started looking at it. Now there are security updates for it all the time. I stand by my earlier complex software is immune or exempt.
    mmmm... goat curry at the local Nepalese restaurant :9. Oh, and I agree 100% with your statement regarding the challenges of creating "secure" complex software. Heck, even creating _functional_ (and documented...) complex software is a challenge... >_<.</p>

    Post edited by M F M on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    M F M said:
    DanaTA said:
    Jaderail said:
    DanaT feel free to CHANGE the Name of the thread, its yours this time.

    Oops, cross posted. I'm amazed. When I had an idea for a title, I couldn't get that first post on page 101. I think this title is fine, though, since it is in line with the content of my post.

    I bet this will never happen again. Especially not if I try! :lol:

    Weellllll, we'll just have to make sure to get into an indepth discussion at the end of this thread too ;-).

    That might work. Hehe.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    M F M said:
    DanaTA said:
    M F M said:
    Congrats on post#1 (^_^)/.

    Amusing to see that Australia has no computer use ;-).


    'nuff said.

    Only two that were found! If their share in the OS market goes up, they become more attractive to the hackers. That's how it's been all along, and I think even you alluded to that fact.

    Because nobody seems to go for the goat meat stew at the buffet doesn't mean it's not tasty. (I actually had that once and it was indeed tasty)

    Firefox was the subject of people who bashed IE for it's security flaws. It lasted a long time. But as it got more popular, hackers started looking at it. Now there are security updates for it all the time. I stand by my earlier complex software is immune or exempt.

    mmmm... goat curry at the local Nepalese restaurant :9. Oh, and I agree 100% with your statement regarding the challenges of creating "secure" complex software. Heck, even creating _functional_ (and documented...) complex software is a challenge... >_<.</div>

    I'm a programmer, and you've got that right!


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    When I had that goat meat stew it was at an Indian buffet, in Cambridge MA. I don't know that they called it stew, but that's what it was. The meat reminded me of lamb...which I haven't had in a long time.


  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    wendy♥catz - 16 October 2013 02:09 AM
    not fond of snakes since one killed my cat yesterday,

    So sorry to hear about this, Wendy. I had read that Australia is home to some of the most venomous snakes in the world.
    I lost my cat and dog to age this year. Sympathies and hugs.
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    Goat meat stew? I don't think I've ever had anything other than chicken and beef... Nothing exotic ever... Except for one time I had eel :)

  • M F MM F M Posts: 1,388
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    Goat meat stew? I don't think I've ever had anything other than chicken and beef... Nothing exotic ever... Except for one time I had eel :)

    Eel is a (distant) relative of the dragon family, isn't it? (`.`)>...
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited October 2013

    LOL!! What SOME countries call exotic foods other countries call Staples. I've tried MANY foods in my life and let me say, most if not all is VERY tasty. I simply LOVE Goat, Buffalo, as in water not bison but they GOOD too, Crocodile/Gator and Shark. All I would/will eat whenever offered to me.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    I would like to try some of those food actualyl Jade, also would like to try snake. But I think I would prefer to try snake in the wild, not at a restaurant if that made any sense :) On a related note Jade, how does Buffalo and crocodile/gator taste? *curious*

    Goat is actually really nice IF it is butchered right. We used to have goats and sheeps when I was a kid (amongst other animals including pigs, chickens, a couple of bulls etc etc) Used the goats for both food and milk, but we did once get back the meat from the buthcer and it had been butchered slightly wrong, not even the dogs wanted to eat it that time .) I do still miss warm chocolate made of goatmilk I admit, and still love me some goat cheese :)

    hrm, now I really got a craving for that.. hrm.. guess I know what I will buy when the paycheck comes *laughs*

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    LOL!! What SOME countries call exotic foods other countries call Staples. I've tried MANY foods in my life and let me say, most if not all is VERY tasty. I simply LOVE Goat, Buffalo, as in water not bison but they GOOD too, Crocodile/Gator and Shark. All I would/will eat whenever offered to me.

    Crocodiles, Gators and Sharks, oh my! :)
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    Raccoon, rattlesnake, squirrel, bear, goat, possum, groundhog, mud turtle...if my Grandaddy would clean it, my Granny would cook it; but even she couldn't make possum taste good. :-P

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Shiny new thread haz the shinning drop

    1500 x 915 - 222K
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    Raccoon, rattlesnake, squirrel, bear, goat, possum, groundhog, mud turtle...if my Grandaddy would clean it, my Granny would cook it; but even she couldn't make possum taste good. :-P

    Possums look like they don't taste so good :>)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    wendy♥catz - 16 October 2013 02:09 AM
    not fond of snakes since one killed my cat yesterday,

    So sorry to hear about this, Wendy. I had read that Australia is home to some of the most venomous snakes in the world.
    I lost my cat and dog to age this year. Sympathies and hugs.

    Oh crap, poor kitteh.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    Goat meat stew? I don't think I've ever had anything other than chicken and beef... Nothing exotic ever... Except for one time I had eel :)

    These are crunchy, kinda taste like nuts

    250 x 189 - 12K
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    eek, Nope, I'd die in wilderness, couldn't eat some critter like that! :shut:

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    Goat meat stew? I don't think I've ever had anything other than chicken and beef... Nothing exotic ever... Except for one time I had eel :)

    What about turkey? The locals around choose a day in November to eat a big turkey dinner.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    Tried goat (cooked) when offered some at my local Nepalese restaurant (not on the menu, it was for the staff meal) and liked it. Had shark steak at a Greek restaurant, it was ok but I am not a great lover of fishy stuff (I'd suffer if reborn as a cat ... ;)).
    I'd imagine most meat would be fine, just all the social conditioning would lean people to the "oh no, I could not possibly eat a ...". I freely admit to having some of that conditioning, inasmuch as I would not go out of my way to eat snake (in or out of the wild), but would try donkey or horse.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    Goat meat stew? I don't think I've ever had anything other than chicken and beef... Nothing exotic ever... Except for one time I had eel :)

    What about turkey? The locals around choose a day in November to eat a big turkey dinner.

    when we say dress the turkey, we don't mean in a tuxedo :)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited October 2013

    no Kyoto Kid? maybe pc troubles? he's missing the new girl teenager morphs

    i can't get excited for teenage girls. can't imagine why. lol

    now hungy Firemen calendar hunks, covered in warm chocolate syrup on a bed of brownies. more my demographic :) my glucose just spiked.

    time to put on a pot o coffee. my eye feels better. still extra blurry, big improvement in the hurty. i can't see my eyebrow strays. hoping it's not too scary. hairy eyes. have to keep up with the occasional chin whisker. my hormones must be fluctuating these days.

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    Goat meat stew? I don't think I've ever had anything other than chicken and beef... Nothing exotic ever... Except for one time I had eel :)

    What about turkey? The locals around choose a day in November to eat a big turkey dinner.

    when we say dress the turkey, we don't mean in a tuxedo :)

    Yeah no bow tie for the turkey. Is there a turkey day in your part of the world?

This discussion has been closed.