k64 Cargo Hold on sale blah blah Commercial

AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078
edited October 2013 in The Commons

Space the finale frontier..... no that's not right. Anyway I hope you like the new set.


1137 x 756 - 804K
1137 x 756 - 697K
756 x 1137 - 501K
Post edited by AntMan on


  • AlbiejeeAlbiejee Posts: 153
    edited December 1969

    I recognized that one at first sight...strait to checkout

    "But you can't take the sky from me"

  • jerriecanjerriecan Posts: 470
    edited December 1969

    Albiejee said:
    I recognized that one at first sight...strait to checkout

    "But you can't take the sky from me"

    As did I... my burning question is, will more follow suit? Have to start counting my pennies... :) Thanks so much!

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099
    edited October 2013

    Went to the cart faster than a you are thrown out from a bar in Unification day ;-)

    Will you make more parts of the 03-K64, Firefly?

    Post edited by Totte on
  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078
    edited December 1969

    Lets see how this goes. The Med-bay and cock pit are pretty cool. : )

  • RiggswolfeRiggswolfe Posts: 906
    edited December 1969

    I too recognized it and bought it based primarily on that. I'd love to see the medbay/lounge area, crew quarters and cockpit. Also, I hope to someday see more Vertical Living stuff out of you.

  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078
    edited December 1969

    I want to do that too. The Vertical sets are fun and when there's no where else to go we will be going up. I'm interested if anyone has plans to do a River Tam render, posts are welcome.

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851
    edited December 1969

    I want to do that too. The Vertical sets are fun and when there's no where else to go we will be going up. I'm interested if anyone has plans to do a River Tam render, posts are welcome.

    When we have all the pieces, someone needs to animate the continuous traveling shot that introduces the cast in "Serenity", flying through the entire ship from bridge to stern ...

    "This is the captain. We are having a slight problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some turbulence ... and then explode."

  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078
    edited December 1969

    Are there More morph than than the one for River? If so and someone has links feel free to post even if they are for sale somewhere else.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited October 2013

    There are four-ish Summer Glau characters that I know of, but some are more 'Terminator', and none are really up to snuff, unfortunately. :(

    This one specifically named River Tam is decent, but without texture it's a crapshoot to getting the look right. (I don't have FaceShop; with it you can probably get very close.) There are two others on sharecg that are basically the same (as each other) plus some expressions, but they're...not really right. There's one on CP but it looks slightly off; too bulky and probably aimed at the Terminator SG.

    I can't even find a single Cap'n Tightpants, decent or no... :(

    By the way, I love the look of the cargo hold! Can't get it just yet, sadly enough, but I'm glad you did it. :)

    -- Morgan

    Post edited by CypherFOX on
  • VanguardVanguard Posts: 486
    edited October 2013

    A very nice set, recognized it at first glance as well.
    Inara's shuttle would be an instant buy for me as well... so many pillows :P

    Post edited by Vanguard on
  • JabbaJabba Posts: 1,460
    edited December 1969

    Alright then, somebody better post something, LOL
    ...didn't have time to paint the face, so a morph dial-up job has to do for the noo

    1500 x 1500 - 415K
  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078
    edited December 1969

    Very cool. Volume lights make the overhead light so much more dramatic. Nice touch.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099
    edited December 1969

    Something like this AntFarm?
    Did this one for the PC anniversary contest

    1200 x 960 - 145K
  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078
    edited December 1969

    There we go, it's like getting the band back together. Love Jayne's hat.

  • KickAir 8PKickAir 8P Posts: 1,865
    edited December 1969

    There we go, it's like getting the band back together. Love Jayne's hat.

    WANT Jayne's hat! Where's that from?!?

    Oh, and the set was a slam-dunk for me too, no question. Has anybody filled it with cows yet?

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099
    edited December 1969

    There we go, it's like getting the band back together. Love Jayne's hat.

    WANT Jayne's hat! Where's that from?!?

  • AlbiejeeAlbiejee Posts: 153
    edited December 1969

    Are there More morph than than the one for River? If so and someone has links feel free to post even if they are for sale somewhere else.

    Once I get my Daz Pa Store started the Firefly crew are near the top of my list of characters going into it. Coming soon...not Daz soon but Albiejee soon... unfortunately probably a lot longer than Daz soon. As a hobby I'm not getting a lot of time for it.

  • KickAir 8PKickAir 8P Posts: 1,865
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    There we go, it's like getting the band back together. Love Jayne's hat.

    WANT Jayne's hat! Where's that from?!?

    Thanks! “A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything.” :cheese:
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099
    edited December 1969

    Totte said:
    There we go, it's like getting the band back together. Love Jayne's hat.

    WANT Jayne's hat! Where's that from?!?

    Thanks! “A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything.” :cheese:

    It's just a mighty fine hat!

  • DestinysGardenDestinysGarden Posts: 2,550
    edited December 1969

    Awesome set AntMan. It zoomed thorugh my cart quicker than a flash fire.
    Now where did I put those cows?

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099
    edited December 1969

    No River in this one, but two other not in the last one.

    You forgot to say please...

    1200 x 960 - 135K
  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078
    edited December 1969

    I know there were no robots in the series but if there had been....

    756 x 1137 - 736K
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099
    edited December 1969

    The cattle run!

    1200 x 960 - 194K
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