Star trek Artist

edited December 1969 in The Commons


I am looking for someone who can make star trek sets and models simular to this style and format of these models

I am willing to pay a per model fee or keep you supplied in cash as you work for results for your time.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    Please remember that the rights to Star Trek are not in the public domain but belong to Paramount and others - as such it is not OK to pay for or be paid for Star Trek artwork or models, unless the rights holder has licensed them (and fan art is allowed only because they allow it).

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    Are you planning to use these models for your own personal use or in Second Life?

  • edited December 1969

    My own personal use for a personal project which Might be released publicly later for everyone's enjoyment once I have completed the project. But mainly right now for my own personal fun. and my offer to pay an artist is not based on trying to profit from trek as I will not be profiting but to compensate someone for their software investment, time and talent and investment all around which is immense in making models.

  • PDSmithPDSmith Posts: 712
    edited December 1969

    Most of those sets have been built and are available for free.

    Please check out the freebie list the Poser and DAZ Studio users have been compiling for the last few years.

  • edited December 1969

    I already have all of those and need a lot more

  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,200
    edited December 1969

    jamesreg said:
    I already have all of those and need a lot more

    Well this Star Trek thread has one of the most extensive freebies list I have ever seen, if it isn't there I would have to say it doesn't exist or in cases like Wertz, whose stuff has mysteiously vaproized it is no longer available. What exactly are you looking for? You might try asking this over on the Star Trek thread where the others might be able to help you as well.

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