problems with Morph++

petvinpetvin Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in New Users

Hi all :-)
My name is Peter and I live in Denmark so English is not my native language, but I will do my best to write so that you can understand me . I have used DAZ 4 pro for about two month now, and I am very happy for it. But I have some trouble with 4K morph injections as well as with the M4 morph injections. When I try to merge a file in Morph++ for M4 or K4, they will simply not load. The power Loader comes up in a split second and then ... nothing. The M4 or 4K stays the same. I know it must be me that is doing something wrong, or have misunderstood something. I just can´t figure out what. I have W 7 64 bit and I have used the install path: c:\Users\Peter\My documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library for both M4 and K4
The Content Directory Manager shows the same path in both the Studio formats and Poser Formats.
Thanks :-)
All the best


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    When you INJECT a morph file into M4 it does not change the shape of M4. It ADD's a DIAL to the character that can be found in your Parameters Tab or in your Shaping Tab. You must then use the DIAL to change the shape of M4.

    Morphs once Added to the Figure MUST be Changed by you for them to work. They do it that way so you can add as much or as little of that shape as you wish. This gives you full control and the benefit of making different characters by just changing what you wish as much as you wish.

  • petvinpetvin Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi Jaderils
    Thanks a lot for your quick answers :-)
    Now I understand . I Have just being trying it. This is real cool. Thanks again :-)
    I have some other questions if that´s is OK.
    Is it possible to fade the light up and down when using the Animate2?
    And also, I would like M4 and K4 to get dirty in their face and on their arm and their clothes to be torn. Can I do that in DAZ 4 or is it in Hexagon I have to do it? I know absolutely nothing about Hexagon.
    All the best

  • petvinpetvin Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi Jaderail, again
    Sorry for spelling your name wrong before. :red:

    All the best

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    I do not Animate so I can not help you with that question about animated lights. The dirt and rips in clothing can be done in DS4. Are you any good at using a 2D paint program? Do you have a program like Photoshop? If you are you can add the DIRT and RIP's to your items and people yourself. I will wait to hear if you use a 2D art program. It will be a POST all by itself to explain what you need to do.

    If you would like to add the Dirt and Rips by using bought from the store things I can point you to the items you would need to buy. Grime-Inizer for DAZ Studio Rag-Erator for DAZ Studio

    I will check for your answer as I check the forums for new things added. See you soon.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • petvinpetvin Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    HI Jaderail
    Thank you very much for your answer and links. This is just what I need. Thank you so much :-) :-)
    I have Paint net, but I am not god at it at all. To be honest, I have never been near 2d or 3d before I downloaded DAZ. So all this is very new to me. As an experiment I was trying to make some blood slowly appear on a shirt in an animation I made in Animate2, using Paint net the other day, but that went all wrong. I think I know how to do it picture after picture - and I am sure there is an easier way - but in the end it all looked very strange. So yes I am very new to all this.
    It´s very kind of you to be willing to write a post about how to add dirt and rips in an 2D program. But I am afraid there would be so much I would not understand, cause it´s all so new to me, that I maybe would end up being a pain in the ass. So for now I will buy the two programs you showed me, and then later when I have being using Paint Net some more or maybe buy Photoshop, and start studying it for real, I can begin doing it that way - and if it is ok with you when that time comes, ask you some relevant questions when I need help.
    Thanks again :-)
    All the best

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Before spending a lot of money on Photoshop, you should take a look at GIMP, it is a Photoshop clone, and it will do a lot of things that PS does. It is completely free under the GNU Public Licence.

  • petvinpetvin Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi JimmC_2009 :-)
    Thanks for your suggestion :-) I have looked at it and I think it looks good. And as I understand you can also do animation stuff with it. It looks much better than Paint Net I downloaded a couple of days ago. So I will download it tonight, and see what happens.
    Thanks again!!
    All the best

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    I forgot to tell you to check this link, Animation Forum for an answer to your animated light question. Just ask the people about what you want to do. You should get the help you need in that forum. I'm gald I was able to help, just ask your render or DAZ questions in this Forum when you have them. If I can help I will, and others will also help if they can. This is a very friendly place and we all try to help the best we can.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • petvinpetvin Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi Jaderail :-)
    Thanks a lot. :-) Yes I will definitely visit the Animation Forum and I will certainly be back here for more questions, cause I am really being hooked on DAZ. It is an amassing program. The funny thing is that I just almost by accident one night, stumbled over DAZ and said to myself that there was no harm in just downloading it, I could always uninstall it again the day after. But that will never happen!! I never thought it would fascinate me like it does.
    Btw. I have bought the two program you showed me, and they are really good. I tried on one of the 4K and the little guy looked like he had slept in a pigsty. Poor guy :-)
    Yes this forum seems to be a very friendly place, and I hope I one day when I get more familiar with DAZ can return the friendliness by helping others in the same way.
    All the best

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