Trying to get morphed mesh vertices values
Hi. I'm trying to get mesh vertices values via script, but looks like morphs aren't applied to vertices values, i.e. using script like that one I get same values no matter if I morph object or scale it. Object is imported .obj file, attached to Genesis 8 Female body via transfer utility, and all morphs are applied to that body (but I've tried to scale object itself - no luck).
Also vertex values are not adequate to even bounding box (which is updating, btw):
obj= Scene.findNodeByLabel( "my_sword")mesh= obj.getObject().getCurrentShape().getGeometry()print(obj.getObject().getBoundingBox()); var X=[1000,-1000],Y=[1000,-1000],Z=[1000,-1000];for (i= 0; i<mesh.getNumVertices(); i+= 1) { f= mesh.getVertex(i); if (f.x<X[0])X[0]= f.x; if (f.x>X[1])X[1]= f.x; if (f.y<Y[0])Y[0]= f.y; if (f.y>Y[1])Y[1]= f.y; if (f.z<Z[0])Z[0]= f.z; if (f.z>Z[1])Z[1]= f.z;}print(X,Y,Z);
My expectation was that X[1]-X[0] would be same as bbox[0][1]-bbox[0][0], because of extreme values of vertex positions. But no, bbox is correct and gives higher values than vertex positions! And it works ok with scale and morphs. I want same for vertices.
EDIT: looks like if I don't use Transfer Utility, initial values are same for bbox and extreme values of vertex coordinates. But no update on scale or morph anyway.
I believe object.shape.getGeometry() returns the UNmodified/UNtransformed mesh. If you want the modified mesh, I think you want to be using object.getCachedGeom() instead.