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LOL! it's in eeny weeny teeny tiny writing and we just never notice it?
The interesting, if slightly unbelievable, thing is that the folder of downloads holds almost the same quantity of data as I have waiting to download, but I still have almost everything from 2010 and before waiting to download. I know files have grown larger, but ten years matching two and a bit seems excessive.
Bigger screens, faster processors, more ram, makes for HUGE jpgs for textures. I remember when 1000x1000 was considered large and now we don't blink at 4096.. And the extra maps now besides diffuse and bump...not to mention the figures being split into several themselves. And the polycounts are much higher as well. It's amazing we can still import stuff into Bryce.
But plain text is still plain text. Thankfully there are some things that never change.
Oh, I found a new use for DIM. Since I don't use Smart Content and tend to go to Explorer when I want to browse that leaves searching for a specific product in the maze of stuff in My Library.
Since I normally keep DIM open, I just call it up and use search, then right-click on the product name and select 'Show Installed Files' and there ya go.
Just wanting to check whether others are getting this problem...
Since updating DIM this morning, the updated products which show in the top portion of the ready to download tab simply will not complete the download - they get to 99%, then "download failed". Tried numerous times, same result. Previously, when a download failed, I could click on the the message and it would resume from where it left off - but not with these products.
The other products give no problem - I have a whole slew of stuff waiting to download because I'm busy with a totally fresh install of all things Daz to my new machine using DIM and get to it as and when I have time.
This is really strange, so I'd like to know whether anyone else is experiencing it :)(
I don't think I've had any updates since I installed this new version so I couldn't say.
I noticed one file in the log that had a network error and had only a partial download. I also noticed that it started again on its own and completed it. I didn't even know about it. So you don't have to do anything.
In your case since it's only updates, perhaps there's something corrupt there. Anything of interest in the log?
I've run into this on a couple of updates, when they were not set up properly in the store. Check the file sizes - anything smaller than 1 KB is a sure sign of an improperly set up product. The ones I ran into showed 223 Bytes, for some reason.
Report the items to sales support via zendesk if that is what you've got.
Thanks for responding - no, its not the files size, that looks good. Tried again this morning and was pleasantly surprised to find "Resume" against the entries, but when I did, they start back from zero and again fail to download.
There three files which are giving me problems are shown in the attached pic - I imagine everyone using Studio or Carrara would have been offered them ?
There is a log somewhere?
If you can tell me were to find it, I'll take a look before opening a support ticket.
Click the Settings ger in the upper right corner and there will be a "Show Log" button on the bottom left.
Thank you - got it :)
This is an extract from a typical entry for a failed download - I am sure this will mean something to you
WARNING: Error renaming temporary file "E:/DIM_Downloads/{9ea8c51a-3917-2f7b-e65b-1e7dbd9a6fe4}.part"
WARNING: Network Error while downloading to file "E:/DIM_Downloads/{18aeb6ab-8325-4f79-fe25-df326703d764}.part": Operation canceled
EDIT: Just tried again with the Mil Horse Texture Pack - again 99% then fail. Took a good look at the log for this try and found that DIM seems to think I'm running Windows Vista, when I'm actually running Windows 7 - don't know whether that would have any relevance
I'd close DIM, delete the partial files, then run DIM again. Something may be preventing the rename process (locked for some reason or other) or it may have become corrupted in some way. Hopefully this will force DIM to start the download from the beginning.
Thanks for the tip - but sadly it din't work. Got exactly the same result as before - there must be something wrong with the files, so I'll open a support ticket.
Thank you for the help, though :)
Installed Advanced Ambient Light, then realized it went to the wrong folder, so clicked Uninstall. DIM is apparently now stuck saying "Uninstalling... 100%", it's been several minutes now.
I'll just leave it sitting there until I'm done watching some SNL, then I guess a force quit if it's still stuck.
Edit: After killing and restarting DIM I see Advanced Ambient Light is again Ready to Install.
DIM, CMS not installed
Strange. I use DIM to install and all the files went to their proper locations. Seriously. The ones that were to go in the Studio program folder did--they did NOT go into the users appdata area as some have reported.
Some files went to the wrong place because I had the wrong target selected in DIM. This was my mistake and not the problem I'm reporting.
The point of my post is that DIM hang during uninstall. Sorry if my wording was unclear.
Some files went to the wrong place because I had the wrong target selected in DIM. This was my mistake and not the problem I'm reporting.
The point of my post is that DIM hang during uninstall. Sorry if my wording was unclear.
I'm sorry, I was the one unclear. It wasn't you (though I quoted you). Several people have mentioned that DIM installed those files in the wrong place. You were just the closest mention. I saw later in another thread the suggestion that it may have been a permissions thing (whether the DIM had administrative rights to install into Program Files).
OK - found an answer for those who may be having problems downloading updates.
It comes down to consumer behaviour - the system is geared to those of you in the North, with your super-fast, super-efficient, super-cheap internet connections. DIM is made for download, install, discard.
We in the wilds of Africa don't work that way - with our slow, inefficient and expensive connections, once we have wrestled a large download out of the crocodile-infested waters of the internet, we don't discard - we keep!
Turns out the DIM download destination is not the place to keep them - the updates obviously don't have a unique identity and DIM, instead of detecting that there is already a download of the same name there, goes ahead and when it comes to unpacking the temporary file, instead of saying "WTF - that shouldn't be there", it throws a hissy-fit and gives a false "network error" report, sending us all off in the wrong direction looking for solutions.
Fixed this by downloading the updates to a different, clean folder and all went well.
So I'll just archive my downloads to a DVD and leave a nice clean space for DIM to download to :)
Thanks to you guys for your help !
Hey now lol. I'm in the US and keep my downloads. :P Updates go to the same folder. Never had an issue.
I've never used DIM before. I hope someone will answer my DIM-noob question... :)
I tend to use Poser more than DS but I use both. If I start using DIM, can I move around and rename files & folders within the Runtime/Libraries folders after products have been installed (i.e. within materials, for example) without breaking DIM or the CMS? Am I making sense? I like to reorganize things into my own system once I've installed stuff. I'm wondering if with DIM I'd lose that ability.
Now that is interesting...just to be sure I'm understanding downloaded the originals using DIM, kept them in the same download folder, then updated to the same folder?
Can you recall which they were, or if the Gen2Fem essentials was involved?
Now that is interesting...just to be sure I'm understanding downloaded the originals using DIM, kept them in the same download folder, then updated to the same folder?
Can you recall which they were, or if the Gen2Fem essentials was involved?
I haven't had any problems with anything. Gen 4, Genesis, G2F, stand-alone figures, environment, props, buildings, brushes, plugins, shaders, lights, etc.. you name it, I've downloaded it.
I set DIM's download folder to where I wanted it (in my case E:/Documents/Downloads/Daz Install Manager). All of my downloads I've ever done through DIM are still there, all 1822 files worth, and updates go to the same folder. I also install through DIM.
You can set up multiple install paths to organize to some degree. If you move stuff around after they are installed DIM may not be able to remove and replace files when products are updated.
Now that is interesting...just to be sure I'm understanding downloaded the originals using DIM, kept them in the same download folder, then updated to the same folder?
Can you recall which they were, or if the Gen2Fem essentials was involved?
Yup - everything in one download folder (D:\dim-download\ in my case) and updates show up and get stuffed in the same folder. Be aware that if all works correctly you will never have more than one version in the download folder - the most current one. And they will only show as updates in the 'ready to install' tab if you've previously installed the earlier version. So if you've downloaded something but not yet installed it, you will see the update notice on the 'available to download' tab, but once downloaded it will NOT show up as an update on the 'ready to install' tab.
That is exactly what I did - and what's more, everything Daz was a new install on a brand-new machine. It is just too much of a co-incidence that I only had problems with updates, all three files behaved exactly the same - 99% downloaded, then failed - over and over. I downloaded (but not installed) manually, no problem.
Then, when I downloaded to a clean destination, it worked perfectly first time. This can only be due to a clash between old and updated files.
Oh, well, such are the vagaries of software!
Go it sorted, which is what counts - all's well that ends well :)
EDIT- DIM related missing new purchase Genesis M5 issue solved after many more hours. I leave the call for help post just in case others have the same issue.
Turns out the DIM version I installed created a My Daz 3D Libray folder in User/Public, but installed the ACTUAL files into User/Name/My Daz 3D Library. No wonder adding CDM>new My Daz 3D Library directory did nothing. Previous DIM was a schizo robot indeed.
I updated DIM after the last post. I then uninstalled everything DIM installed. DIM then tells me Michael 5 files = new updates. Seems like they fixed some M5 issues. I redownloaded M5 files, then reinstalled all uninstalled files to a fresh new empty drive/folder. Went back to CDM>add new directory. M5 is now added to Smart Content. So the issue is solved.
Meanwhile I am still a bit concerned about the mis-installed User/Name/My Daz 3D Library. It is still sitting there with all the previous files after DIM uninstalled. Should I delete this library manually from Explorer? Will it break things?
Thanks for any advice.
---------- EARLIER POST -----------
My sys = Pro. Very stable and clean Win64. Appreciate any help.
I bought Daz and Genesis starters + some products a year earlier. No problem. Everything is where they should be.
I also learned that content always get installed to C:\Users\MyName\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library. Nothing will break if I don't touch anything inside My Library.
A month ago I use DIM to install Michael 5 + other newly purchased official products. To play safe I obediently installed DIM with its own default content install path. Then use DIM to install my new purchases. Problems start.
Most products show up in Daz format. Michael 5 appears only in Content Library > Products > M. No icon, just labels. M5 simply refuse to show up under the usual
- My Library > People > Genesis > Characters
- Smart Content > Figures > People > Male
- Categories > Figures > People > Male
I scoured the net and Daz forums, CDM add directory, reset, reimport, etc. No avail.
On further check, DIM claims Michael5 and his related files are installed into C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library. No such folder exist there however. Also, from installation video I understood it should be C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library.
It seems I have a install path corruption issue.
In Window Explorer I found My Daz 3D Library under C:\Users\MyName\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library. Yes M5 files are there indeed.
My questions now:
1. Should I manually move My DAZ 3D Library from C:\Users\MyName\Documents and drop it into C:/Users/Public/Document? (then from Content Library Pane, and CDM add directory)
2. Should I leave My DAZ 3D Library in Users/MyName/Documents, and CDM add directory?
3. Should I reinstall DIM and ensure this time it sticks to the right directory then CDM/add directory? I just upgraded DIM to latest a moment ago btw.
It seems Daz wants everything in the future to go into Users/Public for easier upgrade, am I right?
Thanks in advance.
So I am in a bit of a pickle.
I just installed OSX Mavericks on a new Hard Drive as a clean install. I have decided to not bother migrating my account and data over from my original drive so that I can have clean installs of everything else as well.
Can anyone tell me what is the best way to go about re-installing everything for DAZ? My original setup using DIM, had everything installed on an external drive. So all of my DAZ content is hooked up what we will call Backup HDD 1.
Do you mean that the external HDD has the installed content, or the zips that were downloaded before installing?
If the external has the zips and you want to install fresh, just go to Settings > Downloads in DIM on the new system and set the external drive location as the place to download, and DIM will see that they've already been downloaded and are ready to install.
If the external has the installed content, and you still have access to the old installation, DIM keeps a record of everything it installed in C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles. Copy those files to the same location on the new computer, and DIM will know those files have been installed. Make sure the new computer always assigns the same drive letter to the external as the old one did.
If the external has the installed content and you don't have access to the old instalation, I would suggest having DIM install everything again to that same location. Then, go to the Settings > Installation tab and right-click on the content location, and choose Fix Installed File Registry.
The reason for this is that DIM keeps track of how many times it installs a file, so that if multiple products use the same file and you uninstall one of them, it leaves the file in place unless you uninstall all of them. Since you already had these files installed from the previous computer, DIM thinks they were already there, so it won't uninstall them. Fix Installed File Registry forces DIM to run through the manifests of what it installed and correct those tallies so that it will uninstall the files if you uninstall something.
Note: Running Fix Installed File Registry will leave a bunch of error messages in the log -- that's because some products ignore the selected install location (software, plugins, Bryce and Carrara content, Photoshop brushes, etc.), and Fix Installed File Registry doesn't know about that feature. You can ignore those error messages.
ETA: Sorry, the path I listed is for Windows, obviously, but the Mac path will be similar.
So I guess I had things partially correct.
It appears that in my original system setup, and my original DIM settings, I had everything download to Backup HDD 2/DAZ/DIM. I have over 2000 items and my primary drive is a small SSD so I didn't want all the install files taking up space. So once I fixes this path in DIM to point to that folder, it updated that I didn't have anything left to download and things were now showing as Ready to Install.
I wasn't sure where DAZ stored the info of these being installed, so I just went ahead and selected all and now it is re-installing everything at Backup HDD 1/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library.
I am just letting it do it's thing at this point. I will let you guys know if there are any further hiccups.
I think DIM is an excellent program and does what it does efficiently and well. There is only one thing about DIM that I find annoying and I don't know if anything can be done about it.
If I click the Circular arrow button on top to refresh, or if I click the green 'download and install with DIM' button on the 'Your Order was Successful' page, AND the connection between DIM and the DAZ site has been broken (please explain what that means) then DIM puts you in offline mode WHICH TAKES TIME and you have to wait for that to complete before you can log in again to finish what you wanted to do in the first place.
I am really impressed with DIM, though I have more to learn.
I have been exploring and reading on it, but I do need some help now.
What is the default download location for an item?
Also if I want to install items to an external HD, in this case F:/DAZ Content, how do I go about telling DIM to do that?