Need lightning bolts (free) or tutorial to make such
Posts: 793
I have got some lightning bolts at Sketchup Warehouse but those I have download and tested, all appear with block around it - not only lightning bolt alone.
Do anyone know where I can get a lightning bolt to use in Bryce, or a tutorial to make one's own?
can do with bare big upsidedown glowing Bryce trees like I do with Carrara trees I guess
_can You just draw one_??
If it has a box around it, you might have to engage transparency in the MatLab.
_look at this one shareCG_Texture/Horizontal-Lightning
I make picture objects of lightning bolts and set them up 100% ambience as well as diffuse so they glow, use the same images as a trans map and attach a radial light to the top of the plane
Chohole, many thanks for your tips. And thanks to all commenting, this is much appreciated.
Chohole: good tips and very nice looking Skull Cove.
Wendy's suggestion to use a tree generator is an excellent idea. It has to have good randomness in axis varation to get nice curvy looking branches that can appear as lighting. Last night I quickly produced about 40 lighting bolts of different types in ngPlant. It has excellent branch capabilities which make excellent lightning once the tree is turned upside down. When I get home later after my 12 hour shift I'll finish them up and ship them to you. All the best Launok!
Indeed, trees can be used for a lot like grass and boulders - even trees and plants. Cropped from a three year old render, the backdrop is an HDRI and on the dark mountain are trees with ambient that make it look like the lights in two villages.
Horo: great trick!
Apologies on the tardiness of these bolts I've been busier than expected with personal stuff but I hope to have them all finished up by this weekend. All the best!
Hi Rashad, thank you for making these lightning bolts. You can take your time ... I look forward to them when they are ready. I appreciate this!