Sci Fi Ship - What do you use?

whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I finally started a Sci Fi series. Don't know why it took this long.

I'm looking for a ship. I have a lot of interiors - private quarters, engine room, bar, canteen, corridors etc so looking for a ship that I could render above planets and so forth that "looks" big enough to house what I have if that makes sense.

Not like Star Trek though...nothing against that at all but just looking for something that isn't as recognizable.

On a side note, I spent a good bit of the day lighting (trying to) and decking out private crews quarters. I was thinking of doing several different ones and it's amazing how long it took to "customize" just one. It was hard trying to think how to make it unique and what stuff to put in it. And this was for a guy's room. I can't imagine how it will be for a girl's room but will probably find out today. I just like uniqueness so I like to vary everything just like in real life. No one has an apartment that looks like mine. (Thankfully!!! LOL).

It was fun but I spent way more time planning and lighting than I ever did rendering. So I had about 10 hours of playing around and 0 renders to show for it lol.


  • whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Here is a crew's quarters I'm working on. It's a little harder for me to light as the scene is boned but when I go to the surfaces tab most things are together like the florescent lights.

    I would like to light up the "aquarium" also. It's still a work in progress. If you have any suggestions to make each one look more unique I'm all ears. There will be some for guys and gals (late teens to early twenties).

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  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    I pieced this craft together from several fractals I exported to obj files from Incendia.

    The Cow likes it quite a lot!

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  • PorsimoPorsimo Posts: 359
    edited September 2013

    I don't know if you're already aware of these two models I made some years ago. Neither is exactly what you described, though...


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  • whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Very nice and very unique looking!

    I haven't thought about trying to create something myself. While SciFi is my fave genre I haven't did anything in 3d. Go figure. I'm working on my "epic" 3 novel set and have ideas for a 4th yet no renders lol.

    I've even toyed with the idea of creating a trailer but haven't gotten anywhere on that either.

  • whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Porsimo said:
    I don't know if you're already aware of these two models I made some years ago. Neither is exactly what you described, though...


    No I was not aware of these. I usually don't venture outside more than Daz and Rendo. These are nice too. I just am looking for a craft that would look big enough. So really almost any craft of size will do. I have no preconceived ideas on how I want it to look.

    I tried the link and it said not found or whatever. I'll try it in Google Chrome. For whatever reason Internet Explorer does this to me a lot. Just like Forum Archives. I can't view in Explorer but can in Chrome. Go figure.

  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited September 2013

    Bad Faerie's "Steampunk Corridor" set makes for good interiors, if you want an industrial-style look. BF does request credit, but the credit doesn't have to be on the image itself.

    The components are available on ShareCG:

    You can see a couple of the modules in the background of this image (which I did for

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  • whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Thanks. I'll keep that set in mind. It looks pretty good. Right now I'm using a lot of stuff from 3-d-c @ Rendo. It's not that I don't like using Freebies or giving credit, but I'm not very well organized and keeping track of what I'm using or what I'm supposed to do is not very good.

  • PorsimoPorsimo Posts: 359
    edited December 1969

    Porsimo said:
    I don't know if you're already aware of these two models I made some years ago. Neither is exactly what you described, though...


    No I was not aware of these. I usually don't venture outside more than Daz and Rendo. These are nice too. I just am looking for a craft that would look big enough. So really almost any craft of size will do. I have no preconceived ideas on how I want it to look.

    I tried the link and it said not found or whatever. I'll try it in Google Chrome. For whatever reason Internet Explorer does this to me a lot. Just like Forum Archives. I can't view in Explorer but can in Chrome. Go figure.
    Thanks. These are quite small ships, but the cargo carrier has long hull so lots of stuff could fit in... But it's still not a big ship, though.

    The link should work (at least it works on my end), but the cargo carrier is also available at ShareCG and at Renderosity.
    The smaller ship is only available on my site.

  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,582
    edited December 1969

    Davo has a wide variety of ships and pieces to customize them

  • myotherworldmyotherworld Posts: 627
    edited December 1969

    you don't say what sort of ship.
    is it a war ship or one that can put up a fight?
    a cargo ship
    a private yacht?
    can it lane or only stay in orbit?
    you say its got to be big but how big?
    a little more info would help

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531
    edited December 1969

    Although generally I don't have much use for the software I've found that Sketchup is actually not bad at creating greebles.

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  • whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    SoulTaker said:
    you don't say what sort of ship.
    is it a war ship or one that can put up a fight?
    a cargo ship
    a private yacht?
    can it lane or only stay in orbit?
    you say its got to be big but how big?
    a little more info would help

    Well I just know it wouldn't be small. From the gist of the story so far it is a type of science type of ship with at least some military presence onboard. (As you can tell I know nothing of ships other than "look mommie, that's a big one".) I play Albion Prelude and I know there are some really big capital ships - carrying 60 or so fighters but that tells me nothing about the layout or the possibilities. Maybe when the new game comes out in November, I can walk around the ships and see what they have lol. I don't know yet for sure.

    Up above I mentioned it would have to be big enough to hold quarters (I'm doing at least 6 but that's only a small amount the ship would have to have). There's also a medical bay, engine room of course, bar, canteen, entertainment area. I don't know. Fully self contained if it needed to be. It would hold ships also at least smaller vessels to defend itself and to travel to and from the ship.

    I know the Starship Enterprise had a lot of what I am thinking about.

    Up above I said "gist of it so far". Sometimes I write the story and sometimes I find out what's going to happen as I go along. This one seems to be one of discovery.

    I'll probably figure the story out long before I figure out how to light it lol.

    Thank you for your time and effort.

  • whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Although generally I don't have much use for the software I've found that Sketchup is actually not bad at creating greebles.

    LOL I have no idea what a greeble is for sure but the pic reminded me of the sci fi city building blocks and I know I need some cities somewhere down the line.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531
    edited December 1969

    Although generally I don't have much use for the software I've found that Sketchup is actually not bad at creating greebles.

    LOL I have no idea what a greeble is for sure but the pic reminded me of the sci fi city building blocks and I know I need some cities somewhere down the line.

    A greeble (aka nurnie) is just random shapes that add detail and interest to a surface to make it appear more complex.

  • TheCastellanTheCastellan Posts: 710
    edited December 1969

    3-D-C makes some good stuff on Renderosity, and I think, I might be wrong, though, there are starship construction kits there where you can take various bits and pieces in the kits and fashion your own ships.

  • GreycatGreycat Posts: 334
    edited December 1969

    Would these work? They were made using kits by Simon3D
    Davo also makes kits, he also has interior construction kits found here and at Fusion 3D.

    You might also look at the work done in Bryce by BamBam131 and wblack.

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  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851
    edited December 1969

    You could try the ShipWright random spaceship generator. Type something in the text field at the top of the page and click "Build It" (the text you enter seeds the random number generator).

    The generated ships can be downloaded in VRML format. You can use the free Blender to import the VRML file and convert it to something else, such as OBJ (choose Import from the File menu, and select the last of the options offered - X3D/WRL - then use Export to export it in the format you want).

    The models generated are pretty simple, but they might be good for background images, or as the basis for building something more complex.

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  • whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    3-D-C makes some good stuff on Renderosity, and I think, I might be wrong, though, there are starship construction kits there where you can take various bits and pieces in the kits and fashion your own ships.

    Actually I'm using a lot of 3-D-C sets for the various parts of the ship but was looking for something just for orbital type shots. Of course the ultimate is to have a massive ship that was fully explore-able inside and out but that eats of memory pretty quick. I have most if not all of the "sections" I need. I just need the outside of ships.

  • whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    angusm said:
    You could try the ShipWright random spaceship generator. Type something in the text field at the top of the page and click "Build It" (the text you enter seeds the random number generator).

    The generated ships can be downloaded in VRML format. You can use the free Blender to import the VRML file and convert it to something else, such as OBJ (choose Import from the File menu, and select the last of the options offered - X3D/WRL - then use Export to export it in the format you want).

    The models generated are pretty simple, but they might be good for background images, or as the basis for building something more complex.

    Thanks! I had no clue anything like that existed. It'll give me a new toy to play with.

  • whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Greycat said:
    Would these work? They were made using kits by Simon3D
    Davo also makes kits, he also has interior construction kits found here and at Fusion 3D.

    You might also look at the work done in Bryce by BamBam131 and wblack.

    I did look at Simon-3d's ships. I didn't see a big one that I liked. But I do like a lot of the smaller ones. I have my eye on the Sling Bat one in particular as one of my races leans toward vampiric.

    I didn't think about construction kits as far as the exterior of the ship. I could certainly make it unique in that respect.

    Thank you for the tip!

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851
    edited December 1969

    Speaking of construction sets, Davo's Flight Vehicle Construction Set is now sold by PowerFusion, who sell a bunch of other spaceships and spaceship components.

  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    SoulTaker said:
    you don't say what sort of ship.
    is it a war ship or one that can put up a fight?
    a cargo ship
    a private yacht?
    can it lane or only stay in orbit?
    you say its got to be big but how big?
    a little more info would help

    Well I just know it wouldn't be small. From the gist of the story so far it is a type of science type of ship with at least some military presence onboard. (As you can tell I know nothing of ships other than "look mommie, that's a big one".) I play Albion Prelude and I know there are some really big capital ships - carrying 60 or so fighters but that tells me nothing about the layout or the possibilities. Maybe when the new game comes out in November, I can walk around the ships and see what they have lol. I don't know yet for sure.

    Up above I mentioned it would have to be big enough to hold quarters (I'm doing at least 6 but that's only a small amount the ship would have to have). There's also a medical bay, engine room of course, bar, canteen, entertainment area. I don't know. Fully self contained if it needed to be. It would hold ships also at least smaller vessels to defend itself and to travel to and from the ship.

    So, something no smaller than a Midway-class aircraft carrier - they carried 45-55 aircraft in peacetime, or up to 130 during WWII. That would have room for 60 small craft plus all of the amenities you listed, although it would be a tight fit. Wikipedia says ships in the Midway-class were 968 ft long, 113 ft wide, and had a crew of 4,104.

    Not a small ship, no...

  • DzFireDzFire Posts: 1,473
    edited December 1969

    You might look here:

    These are Davorama's cool items

  • whispers65whispers65 Posts: 952
    edited December 1969

    Lots of good suggestions. I was surfing around last night and ran across the term "generation" ship. That was pretty interesting. I don't see how I missed that before. Lots of possibilities. At any rate I start writing today and will for the next two months. So hopefully I'll decide on a nice ship, figure out lighting (I wish), and get some renders done.

  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited December 1969
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