Growing Up for Genesis1 - Now Available



  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    Zev0 said:
    Nice to see it in the store -Before I check out I wondered if there is going to be a bundle.

    Bundle will only be released much later, but there is a reason for that which I cannot speak about unfortunately.

    OK thanks but that leaves me in a bit of a quandary

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 1969

    Cool, no worries:)

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451
    edited December 1969

    :) A 3rd Growing up set, maybe for millennium horse 2, or a multiple genesis animal figure and the growing up will allow us kittens, puppies, and piglets? :ohh:

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    Zev0 said:
    Nice to see it in the store -Before I check out I wondered if there is going to be a bundle.

    Bundle will only be released much later, but there is a reason for that which I cannot speak about unfortunately.
    You could tell us, but then you'd have to kill us all, and the logistics of that would be way too complicated. :)

  • HaslorHaslor Posts: 408
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for revisiting this product idea and making it a reality.
    Again you have make an excellent sent of morphs.
    Again thanks


  • CyberDogCyberDog Posts: 232
    edited December 1969

    In my cart. Now off to play.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 1969

    Lol thanks for the comments guys. They always cheer me up:) Feel free to post some renders so I can see how users are using this set.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    My first with the Genesis version. This is an older teen with a bit more Youth morph dialed in.

    618 x 800 - 406K
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 1969

    Nice character Barbult. That actually came out great. The features look very convincing:)

  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,231
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    My first with the Genesis version. This is an older teen with a bit more Youth morph dialed in.

    Sweet :) He has a Chord Overstreet vibe, at least to me ;-)

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    My first with the Genesis version. This is an older teen with a bit more Youth morph dialed in.

    Sweet :) He has a Chord Overstreet vibe, at least to me ;-)
    Yes, that is what I thought, too! I even made the mouth larger, once I saw that resemblance :lol:

  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,231
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    barbult said:
    My first with the Genesis version. This is an older teen with a bit more Youth morph dialed in.

    Sweet :) He has a Chord Overstreet vibe, at least to me ;-)

    Yes, that is what I thought, too! I even made the mouth larger, once I saw that resemblance :lol:

    :cheese: "Trouty Mouth" :lol:

    My wife and I were original Gleeks who stopped following the show when it jumped the shark. Even so "The Quarterback" was heartbreaking :-S

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    barbult said:
    My first with the Genesis version. This is an older teen with a bit more Youth morph dialed in.

    Sweet :) He has a Chord Overstreet vibe, at least to me ;-)

    Yes, that is what I thought, too! I even made the mouth larger, once I saw that resemblance :lol:

    :cheese: "Trouty Mouth" :lol:

    My wife and I were original Gleeks who stopped following the show when it jumped the shark. Even so "The Quarterback" was heartbreaking :-S
    Yes, it lost its sweet innocence and the humor became cruder and more suggestive. Its getting harder and harder to see those actors as high school kids, or first year graduates. Puck (Mark Salling) looks about 30. Oh, no wonder, I looked him up - he's 31!. Well, we'd better get back on topic. Let's not hijack Zev0's product thread. :red:

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 1969

    Lol Hijack away...You guys are talking about the render so in a way its related lol:) I don't mind discussions:)

  • CyberDogCyberDog Posts: 232
    edited December 1969

    Posted this in another forum. I was eager to play with the new package but could not think of what I wanted to render. Of course a lack of ideas is no reason not to play.

    500 x 500 - 40K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    CyberDog said:
    Posted this in another forum. I was eager to play with the new package but could not think of what I wanted to render. Of course a lack of ideas is no reason not to play.

    Nice one! That could easily be a believable elementary school kid playing cops and robbers.
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited October 2013

    I'm struggling with this one. I cannot get her face to look 5 years old. I have the youth morph on 100% (I used the 5 year old preset). I have Shape Adjust Female 100%. I have 20% Basic Female Head. I have a few nose morphs and Chin Wide 50%. I don't have any other character or head morphs. Every time I tried to add some V5 or Julie head, etc. it just looked even older to me. I tried several skins, being sure I didn't use any makeup settings. Any suggestions to get really young looking girls?
    Edit: Also, how do I get rid of those little breasts? I haven't added any body morphs from V5 or Basic Female, etc.
    Pulling Weeds

    618 x 800 - 514K
    Post edited by barbult on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited October 2013

    If you have G&B movement you can remove the breasts with the morphs in that package. Alternatively, try dialling a breast morph in the negative values and see what that does. It should counter the breast appearing on certain shapes. For the face, that depends on what type of look you are trying to achieve. The easy cheat is to increase the eye size, but it all comes down to your blending skills of morph usage. There is no set formula for that unfortunately. But that is part of the fun, trying to find that sweet combo that just gives you that look you want:)

    But overall I think that image looks great:) Maybe try and blend in a little aiko5 in the head, or one of the toon shapes to increase that young appearance if that is what you are after. Also remember that different hair usage can also dramatically change the overall appearance.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited October 2013

    ...just got it.

    ...ohh now the fun begins.

    As to flattening the breasts if you have GenX and the Steph4 NPMs those might come in handy. Granted, one handy morph that G2F has for this is "Breasts Gone".

    I wonder if Die Trying's 182 morphs or RAMWolff's custom morphs might not help (both free). Have to play with that tonight.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited October 2013

    Yes, Think there are one or two in the die trying package that can help, but the breast shape morphs in the evolution morphs work fine as well.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    A "little" Halloween Humor. :)

    Junior: Hey Pop, since it's Halloween what d'ya say we go Trick or Treatin'?
    The Monster: Mmmmm...candy...good...
    Junior: Best Dad ever!

    Halloween is coming...

    This is RawArt's Victorian Monster that I tweaked out to make him more Karloff-esque.
    Junior is your 5 year old preset. If he seems a bit large, remember the Monster is relatively 7 feet tall. :)

    1066 x 1200 - 415K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    A "little" Halloween Humor. :)

    Junior: Hey Pop, since it's Halloween what d'ya say we go Trick or Treatin'?
    The Monster: Mmmmm...candy...good...
    Junior: Best Dad ever!

    Halloween is coming...

    This is RawArt's Victorian Monster that I tweaked out to make him more Karloff-esque.
    Junior is your 5 year old preset. If he seems a bit large, remember the Monster is relatively 7 feet tall. :)

    Charming and seasonal. I haven't tried any unusual morphs yet, but I want to try Muck
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 1969

    That will be interesting. I must warn you I have no idea how fantasy shapes will react as these morphs were mainly designed for normal male and female figures lol.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    Zev0, I'm still working on my girl, but I see that we need kids' teeth. It would be great if the Growing Up product had a teeth morph, you know, with a combination of baby teeth and big front teeth, as the permanent ones come in. I'm looking for stuff like that. I couldn't tell from the Dental Plan promos whether that could do that or not. But a tooth morph in Growing Up would be ideal. I didn't see one.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited October 2013

    Dental plan has you covered in that department. You can adjust the scaling of each tooth, and combine them with group morphs. Thing is with teeth they vary too much from kid to kid , so I decided its best to just leave it alone. Also if I added it in this version, then buyers of the GF2 version would want for that one as well, and would be a real pain to re-package everything lol.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    barbult said:
    Zev0, I'm still working on my girl, but I see that we need kids' teeth. It would be great if the Growing Up product had a teeth morph, you know, with a combination of baby teeth and big front teeth, as the permanent ones come in. I'm looking for stuff like that. I couldn't tell from the Dental Plan promos whether that could do that or not. But a tooth morph in Growing Up would be ideal. I didn't see one.

    If you don't mind a suggestion, the hairstyle seems more Teen appropriate. Maybe something more like
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    tjohn, I appreciate the hair suggestion. I'll try a different one.
    Zev0, I'll have to save up for Dental plan, or find another way.

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598
    edited December 1969

    Only just found the official thread...thank you so much for doing this!

    For those looking for family poses there are some good ones over at HiveWire recently released for gen4 and Dawn but would also work with genesis called Caught in the Moment.

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited October 2013

    barbult said:
    tjohn, I appreciate the hair suggestion. I'll try a different one.
    Zev0, I'll have to save up for Dental plan, or find another way.

    Don't know your situation, barbult, but if you complete Tier 2 of Week 3, Zev's Store will be 44% Off when the Rewards unlock on the 24th, and the Dental Plan will be old enough to qualify, which will lower the price to $9.49.
    I hope you don't mind me saying that, Zev. :red:
    Post edited by TJohn on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited December 1969

    Lol not at all:)

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