Modifying the vertices of a geometry from a binary file
I write a program which animates a node in Daz Studio.
When I want to transfer this animation to Daz Studio, the speed for this transfer is very slow in script.
I just started to write a plugin which allows to accelerate this communication by using binary files and the SDK.
My script calls a plugin function which executes this update.
My problem is I do not find a way to perfectly update the vertices in the SDK.
The vertices are correctly updated but the normals stay the same by using directly a DzVertexMesh class and without using a DzGeometry class.
In script it is possible to call the "setVertex" function of a geometry, In the SDK, I did not find the method.
Why I start this thread here : because my base program is a script, because my thread in the SDK forum has no reply since one week and I think the script forum seems more reactive and because I think programming competencies are in the two forums.
Thank you by advance.
It will avoid dupliation of effort if you keep the discussion in your original thread
Hello Richard,
you are fully right but I started this thread because I didn't receive replies in the SDK forum.
Rob proposed me 2 solutions and I found another one.
I explained this solution in the SDK forum.
I hope the solutions provided by Rob and my solution could be helpful to SDK developers.
Sorry for the useless time I asked you