December 2018 New User 3D Art Challenge - Free Render Month: Wrap it up!



  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656


    day bird,Whoohoo thanks:) I just watched a tutorial on this but these links put everything into a persepctive view. These will help greatly and I am also learning lighting as well because I think my lighting is not so good in the ones posted. But it is better then my first one I made as you can see.

    Yeah, that damned light..I struggle with it since I tried DAZ. *gg*

    The light her is not that bad, maybe you should expand the light angle to erase the dark area above her and lower the emission on her clothes a little, or is it a sort of reflection?

    Did you use a pohto as background? 

    In the beginning I tried to put those photos on a primitive plane and rendered it with the scene, but that never looks good.

    You get a better result when you go in DAZ in  your render setting --> environment and there set the  DRAW DOME to  OFF.

    Then render the scene and make sure to save it as PNG or TIFF. So you can open the Saved picture in GIMP or Photoshop and implement the background picture. 

    But don't be worry about your skills, you do much things better than I.

    I like this composition too and the platform looks amazing, the rest comes with the time. The longer you work with DAZ, the more you learn and master.

  • Ah I totally didn't know that setting for dome gotta write that down,I write down everything whether told on here or tutorial. The background is a hdri preset I think for the sky and moon the platform is prop..Yeah being my first one I didnt know about lights I just went and did it lol. I recently got Paintshop pro 2019 being I did not have a paint program. So I am learning that very slowly, very slowly,very very very. I shouldnt have a problem using it for daz like others do with the other programs right? Yea I really like daz and after tinkering around with it I realize now I understand things "for the most part" people show or say in tutorials and on forums.  I will learn and master this:) then onto hexagon, then maybe unreal but I won't press my luck at this point lol.Always liked art but can't draw well or at least some what. Unlike my great grandmother using a pen name who actually did archie,zip and circus comics way back in the 30's that talent did not come to me. Well I am glad you like my work that gives hope and come on now I am sure you got some better stuff eh? Don't cut yourself short. Check out Shannon Maer if you haven't already on you tube I just watched some of his tutorials and I am going to use some of that for my next one as well.

  • NovbreNovbre Posts: 83


    I like the first version of Uncertain Elf more too.  As daybird asked...what's the focus?  The sword or the woman or both.  The second version didn't' clear that up, it just added another element to the questions.  What's the focus?  The woman, the sword, the shield or all three lol?  So my comments are going to be about the first version, though most will apply to either...

    1) The girl's eyes.  If the focus is both the girl and the sword one way to tie them together would be to have her eyes pointed at the sword.

    2) The pose. Again, if the focus is both the girl and the sword, then there are a couple of things that can be tweaked with the pose to help tie them together.  The easiest would be to rotate her body so it's facing the sword more.  It doesn't have to be pointed dead straight with it, but at the moment it looks like she's about to walk to the right of it towards something further on we can't see.  Also, moving the staff to her other hand or to back suggests she's about to reach for it (yes she could be left-handed, and as a fellow southpaw it looks normal to me...but the vast majority of viewers are going to be right handed so seeing sword and an empty LEFT hand doesn't usually translate into the impression she may reach for it.  God, I hope that makes sense lol!)  If the intent IS to give the impression she MAY reach for it, already having a weapon in hand detracts from that.  Another way (and there are hundreds of ways to do this) to imply that she is going to reach for, or touch the sword would be to have her right arm doing just that.  It could be anywhere from her arm being barely raised from her side (implies hesitation or awe), to her fingers just a breath away from actually touching it which will give off a building expectation or drama to the scene.

    Obviously, if the focus isn't supposed to be both the girl and the sword, disregard all of the above lol!


    ~ Novbre




  • NovbreNovbre Posts: 83

    Ment to post this after I got home from work, but here's version D. I changed the pose of the guy in the elevator, tweeked the positioning of his backpack so that his ear wasn't poking into it, and gave him a pair of droids as backup.


    I like the angle!  Now the little guy has most of the attention, even with the added droids.  Did you use depth of field?  His eyes and sword seem overly blurred, but it could be just the way the glow rendered.  It just looks like the point that is in perfect focus is the right side droids belly lol.  I haven't worked with glowing things really, so I'm not sure how they render.

    Overall I really like this version!




  • NovbreNovbre Posts: 83
    edited December 2018

    Tigeranne's pose from last month inspired me to try something similar!

    I haven't figured out a background yet, still playing with a couple of ideas.

    *Rant on* 

    I am NOT happy with dForce at the moment.  I splurged for G8M dForce outfit by a vendor I adore, and I am downright cranky about its simulation.  I'm sure anyone who'd done more than a couple dForce renders has run across a situation where the outfit explodes at some point during the simulation.  I get it all the time, and it's the main reason I shelled out money for a real honest to god dForce outfit.  So imagine my surprise when an outfit MADE for dForce did the same exact thing.  Surprise isn't the word, other words were used, and none of them can be used in this forum.  Not. Happy.   So the rest of the month will be spent trying to figure out how to get a dForce garment to do its job.  *grumbles

    *Rant off*

    Post edited by Novbre on
  • no noseno nose Posts: 310

    Well I messed around with DOF (for the first time) and fixed the pose, not sure what else can be done to improve it.

    december challange 1 (b).jpg
    500 x 500 - 101K
  • Novbre yes you all raise some very good points thankyou. I just learned with a tutorial how to focus eyes on an object or stare directly at camera direction I see already a huge difference on a simply one I am working on:). BIG DIFFERENCE lol.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Welcome to our newly on board participants, those are all off to a great start.

    And thanks a lot to daybird and Novbre for some really good thoughts and comments for the others, please keep doing so, less work for me :D. No for real there is nothing that need to be added on what you said.

    For @Novbre and the dforce trouble, I admit I'm not much a user of dforce. I had the exploding of things a lot with older clothes. Often its the setting of self collision that causes trouble, so try switching that. For in-depth knowlege of dforce I like to point you to this thread:

    It is very well organized into topics with links to the respective pages insode the thread. And if the problem persists after you've looket into that, the people around there will surely find a way to help you.


  • NovbreNovbre Posts: 83

    Ah I totally didn't know that setting for dome gotta write that down,I write down everything whether told on here or tutorial. The background is a hdri preset I think for the sky and moon the platform is prop..Yeah being my first one I didnt know about lights I just went and did it lol. I recently got Paintshop pro 2019 being I did not have a paint program. So I am learning that very slowly, very slowly,very very very. I shouldnt have a problem using it for daz like others do with the other programs right? Yea I really like daz and after tinkering around with it I realize now I understand things "for the most part" people show or say in tutorials and on forums.  I will learn and master this:) then onto hexagon, then maybe unreal but I won't press my luck at this point lol.Always liked art but can't draw well or at least some what. Unlike my great grandmother using a pen name who actually did archie,zip and circus comics way back in the 30's that talent did not come to me. Well I am glad you like my work that gives hope and come on now I am sure you got some better stuff eh? Don't cut yourself short. Check out Shannon Maer if you haven't already on you tube I just watched some of his tutorials and I am going to use some of that for my next one as well.

    Apparently I'm going to be as chatty as daybird this month lol!

    1) If you are interested in getting into HDRI check out  They have tons of really great .hdr files like this one I found while looking for a .hdr file to compare to your moon background.


    2) Paintshop is a wonderful program to use alone side Daz.   I used it for year and years.  In fact, it's only been in the last 2 years that I've switched over 100% to Photoshop.  Paintshop will do 99% of everything you would want a paint program to do while using Daz.  The only thing it may fall short on is working with .hdr images themselves.  It doesn't work with them natively, you have to play around and tinker some things to be able to open and edit them in Paintshop.  That is the only reason I switched to Photoshop full time.  I work almost exclusively with .hdr lighting and backgrounds so it was worth it to me to switch to photoshop.  If you KNOW you are going to be delving deep into .hdr, I would recommend photoshop, but if that isn't going to be a huge focus of your work, then PaintShop is absolutely a good program to learn.

    I have heard from others that GIMP (which is free) is every bit as powerful as photoshop.  I don't have much personal experience with it as I didn't like the UI much, but I have been told that's a common complaint from people who are more familiar with Photoshop and then give GIMP a try.   That being said..."FREE" is hard to argue with lol


    ~ Novbre

  • NovbreNovbre Posts: 83

    @no nose

    Are you using any lights in your scene?  Or are you using just the work lights created by the camera?

    Because of the way the scene is created, we don't have the characters expression to help build the drama/emotion/impact, so all of that has to be created in other ways.  Based on the scene you have the only ways I can think to do that is with lighting and the characters pose.  The pose you have works, though maybe moving his right arm out in similar but not exact way his left arm is might add a bit more tension to his pose.  So really, the only way I can think of to add more drama to the scene would be with lighting.  LOL sadly, lighting is my weak spot so I don't have a lot of specifics I could add.  The ship in the background is dark and unlit, and I kinda like it that way.  It makes it menacing!  But there could be a fire off behind the camera that could cast firelight across the back of the character which would add both more color AND add to the drama.  A spotlight could do the same, pointed in such a way that it looks like it's a spotlight on a helicopter coming in behind the camera to investigate the ship.  I wish I were better at lighting so I could be useful!


    ~ Novbre

  • Novbre, Ah yes I just looked at that website you wrote about very nice,,will grab some stuff from that for sure.I do not know much about hdr as of yet just read some stuff on it and used a few things, however it seems they do need to be manipulated many times from what I see. Glad to hear Paintshop is good wasn't to sure being it is the first time using any shop of any sort lol. So I am watching as many tutorials as I can find on it before I use it even. I got it because the price was right on sale and I almost had a heart attack when I saw the price of photshop. My main goal once I learn Daz better is to of course better the pictures and posibly add some reflection to eyes, and do some clothing things, among other stuff. Also I will be learning Hexagon as well, one of my other goals is to make cloths,props and stuff. I would probably need a paint program for that as well I think?. But I am not getting to far ahead of myself yet. I have heard of Gimp and may try that as well once I get a feel for what I am really doing with all of this and these programs.Oh and yes free is very hard to argue with lol. Here is the one I was working on earlier while learning lights and using this new light set I got. I think I love this light set it looks better then what was let me know what you think.Its just a simple backdrop with some stuff,but I am trying to make sure I understand and get good with the lights.

    I'm Listening.png
    1619 x 1241 - 2M
  • NovbreNovbre Posts: 83

    The lighting is really good in that one!

    Is it a .hdr light set?

  • CarlCGCarlCG Posts: 114
    Novbre said:

    Ah I totally didn't know that setting for dome gotta write that down,I write down everything whether told on here or tutorial. The background is a hdri preset I think for the sky and moon the platform is prop..Yeah being my first one I didnt know about lights I just went and did it lol. I recently got Paintshop pro 2019 being I did not have a paint program. So I am learning that very slowly, very slowly,very very very. I shouldnt have a problem using it for daz like others do with the other programs right? Yea I really like daz and after tinkering around with it I realize now I understand things "for the most part" people show or say in tutorials and on forums.  I will learn and master this:) then onto hexagon, then maybe unreal but I won't press my luck at this point lol.Always liked art but can't draw well or at least some what. Unlike my great grandmother using a pen name who actually did archie,zip and circus comics way back in the 30's that talent did not come to me. Well I am glad you like my work that gives hope and come on now I am sure you got some better stuff eh? Don't cut yourself short. Check out Shannon Maer if you haven't already on you tube I just watched some of his tutorials and I am going to use some of that for my next one as well.

    Apparently I'm going to be as chatty as daybird this month lol!

    1) If you are interested in getting into HDRI check out  They have tons of really great .hdr files like this one I found while looking for a .hdr file to compare to your moon background.


    2) Paintshop is a wonderful program to use alone side Daz.   I used it for year and years.  In fact, it's only been in the last 2 years that I've switched over 100% to Photoshop.  Paintshop will do 99% of everything you would want a paint program to do while using Daz.  The only thing it may fall short on is working with .hdr images themselves.  It doesn't work with them natively, you have to play around and tinker some things to be able to open and edit them in Paintshop.  That is the only reason I switched to Photoshop full time.  I work almost exclusively with .hdr lighting and backgrounds so it was worth it to me to switch to photoshop.  If you KNOW you are going to be delving deep into .hdr, I would recommend photoshop, but if that isn't going to be a huge focus of your work, then PaintShop is absolutely a good program to learn.

    I have heard from others that GIMP (which is free) is every bit as powerful as photoshop.  I don't have much personal experience with it as I didn't like the UI much, but I have been told that's a common complaint from people who are more familiar with Photoshop and then give GIMP a try.   That being said..."FREE" is hard to argue with lol


    ~ Novbre

    I'm in the similar boat as VirtualReality42, and just getting familiarized with alternative photo/paint programs since I wasn't interested in paying the subscription fee for photoshop. I can understand the need for someone more involved/experienced like you though. I tried GIMP and also really didn't like the UI and the overall workflow i guess...felt like it takes me an afternoon to draw a simple square lol. I bought Affinity Photo on sale for $30 which is supposed to be similar to photoshop and can handle HDR files and everything else. It also let's you use some of the same plugins and any brushes, etc. made for photoshop that you want. I also stumbled on Pixabay not long ago, I think from Linwelly (or someone) mentioning it on these threads, and it's loaded with high quality images. Thanks for your and other people's helpful advice on this forum.

  • virtualreality42virtualreality42 Posts: 51
    edited December 2018

    Novbre, Nope its not hdr light set that is what I was using before this one, it is Boss lights I think I am in love with it lol. It comes with a pdf to get you situated about learning lights and how to use it along with learning how to tweak. First time I used it today and it gave better results then I was expeceting being I am new at this. It was a very hard decision but glad I chose this,it has shaved off some of my brain boggling I was having with lights.:) But still more learning to come it aint over yet lol.

    Post edited by virtualreality42 on
  • Nice stuff guys!
    Sometimes I wish I could get into the DUD stuff too but alas, Im a tech jock rarely venturing out of hex.

    Is there one of these "show off" things for us "prop" builders?

  • NovbreNovbre Posts: 83


    I wish there was too, so I would know where to go to find people who can make me stuff lol!!!

  • NovbreNovbre Posts: 83
    edited December 2018

    The background came together!


    Winter Fae

    Post edited by Novbre on
  • Novbre said:

    Ment to post this after I got home from work, but here's version D. I changed the pose of the guy in the elevator, tweeked the positioning of his backpack so that his ear wasn't poking into it, and gave him a pair of droids as backup.


    I like the angle!  Now the little guy has most of the attention, even with the added droids.  Did you use depth of field?  His eyes and sword seem overly blurred, but it could be just the way the glow rendered.  It just looks like the point that is in perfect focus is the right side droids belly lol.  I haven't worked with glowing things really, so I'm not sure how they render.

    Overall I really like this version!





    Yes I did use DoF on it, but I also used the bloom filter under the render settings (both of them from back in version C) so that might be what your seeing with the eyes. Also his right eye is covered by a cyberlens with the glass set to be like privacy glass so that's affecting things as well.


    I'm glad to read that you like it though. 

  • Novbre. Wow! thats hdri background? That looks dam good!.

  • NovbreNovbre Posts: 83
    edited December 2018

    It's the Frozen World - Icy Lake and Iray HDRI set.  My daughter bought for me for my birthday and I thought she was crazy lol...miles and miles of pink?  What the heck could I do with that?!?  I'm really happy I decided to give it a try.  Aako is the artist/vendor, and I will definately be watching for more stuff from him/her!


    ~ Novbre

    Post edited by Novbre on
  • Version E of my main project hot out of the Iray oven. Some tweeks to the head of the guy in the elevator mostly, but also disabled the DoF for now. Also I changed the bloom settings to those that came with the blades used in the second render posted with the main.

    1072 x 804 - 1M
    496 x 804 - 586K
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    Version E of my main project hot out of the Iray oven. Some tweeks to the head of the guy in the elevator mostly, but also disabled the DoF for now. Also I changed the bloom settings to those that came with the blades used in the second render posted with the main.

    I think. there is to much empty space in your first pic.

    The second has some nice contrast between the dark protagonist and bright backlight, but I would change the position of the light sabber, which points up. It's a little distracting, that the weapon is only half visible and cut off through the rim.

  • sueyasueya Posts: 832
    edited December 2018

    This is the first version of my image - Decorating the Christmas tree

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • NovbreNovbre Posts: 83

    Love version E!  With the changes you made to the glow, you can see the details of his face and expression.

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited December 2018

    Daz 4.11, Iray, no postwork so far

    Next try...

    The light is now stronger, but it still looks not natural for me. Especially the fire need some adjustment, I think. sad

    I'm not sure, if the D-former, that i use in the waterplane around her is a good idea.

    Same with the DoF, should it be stronger, weaker or should I turn it completely off?

    daz test3.jpg
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    Post edited by daybird on
  • no noseno nose Posts: 310

    Well after having internet issues (and having to do a reset on my pc, though I was able to save just about all my stuff) I fixed the pose some more and added a spotlight

    december challange 1(c).png
    500 x 500 - 248K
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656


    no nose said:

    Well after having internet issues (and having to do a reset on my pc, though I was able to save just about all my stuff) I fixed the pose some more and added a spotlight

    Bravo, that looks much better than your first entry. yes

    I'm not sure about the light angle. Some houses on the background picture showing a bright side in the direction of the viewer, but the shadow from the man points in the opposite direction.

    What I totally like, is how the bigness of the ship is showing through the city below him. 

    Some emissive point lights over the hull would make it look perfect, but I know that's not so easy to do, as beginner.
    (Is someone here, to show us a simple way to do that? Is it possible to use a Geo shell for that and when yes, how exactly?)

  • I just started in Daz at the beginning of November (although over a decade ago I used Poser and Vue all the time).  I've posted a couple images to other forums but I've been using this one to learn.  The list of topics at the top and the wealth and the examples and feedback have been invaluable.  That being said I wanted to finally join one of the challenges and I hope to be much more active in the coming year with the monthly challenges.  I still have some issues with getting the background lighting to pop for me without ending up very grainy so that's high on my list of 'gotta learns'.  Would love feedback and ideas for how to make it a richer scene.

    The Gift

    The Gift WIP.jpg
    1800 x 1013 - 1M
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    Welcome to the club ari :)

    Cool entry and it fits well in the event motto. laughyes

    Well, I'm a not very experienced by myself, to give great hints about background and light. Especially the light is something I always have trouble with.

    The expression from both is superb and the poses too.

    Only thing that look a little odd, is the feeds of the girl. It seems she is floating over the floor, even if I think, you put her perfekt on the ground. Maybe, if you change the foot position of her right leg it will erase this impression for me.


  • Thank you Daybird.  I definitely see your point about the girl seeming to float.  I had also used PS to cool the lighting a little and the posted image is definitely a lot mistier looking than it did on my screen.  That darn lighting thing...LOL.  I also think I want to increase the Gloss Weight on the tentacles to get them to look a little more wet.

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