Mr. Hyde Export

QuietrobQuietrob Posts: 361
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Mr. Hyde is Genesis. Made for DAZ.

I don't see any Dson Poser Export Files listed.

Can I export him to Poser?

Thank You.


  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    You will either need to make your own Poser Companion Files using DS 4.5 or 4.6 or go the Dimension 3D's website and download his DSON script for Poser.

    The script will open dsf and duf files in Poser without the need for Poser Companion Files.

  • QuietrobQuietrob Posts: 361
    edited December 1969

    icprncss said:
    You will either need to make your own Poser Companion Files using DS 4.5 or 4.6 or go the Dimension 3D's website and download his DSON script for Poser.

    The script will open dsf and duf files in Poser without the need for Poser Companion Files.

    Thank you. I went and got the script. Found the DSF for MrHyde but nothing happened. Nothing was exported so I must still be doing something wrong or have something in the wrong place. He certainly loads well in DAZ studio 4.6 but right now he is just taking up space when I can tell he wants to fight!

    Research regarding importing him properly is a bit slow and not as easy to follow as I had hoped.. I'm not sure if it's because he is a DSF file instead of a DUF file. (Geez DAZ. did you really have to change the format?)

    Still, we learn by doing and maybe I can get some new clues on getting him and those incredible textures working in my poor Poser 9.

    I am using Poser 9. Latest updates applied.
    I have all of the Genesis Starter files.
    I believe I have all of the companion files installed.
    I have DAZ 4.6 installed and working.

    Thanks for you help! D3D is just a godsend as are you.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Hyde will load in Poser, it just takes a while. The script converts the DSF to DUF temporarily, loads it to Poser and then puts the file back into it's original format. Now, the problem with Hyde, is that his mats are in *.dsa so you cannot load those within Poser with the importer. You'll need to open Hyde in DS, apply the mats and then resave them out as *.duf.

  • QuietrobQuietrob Posts: 361
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    Hyde will load in Poser, it just takes a while. The script converts the DSF to DUF temporarily, loads it to Poser and then puts the file back into it's original format. Now, the problem with Hyde, is that his mats are in *.dsa so you cannot load those within Poser with the importer. You'll need to open Hyde in DS, apply the mats and then resave them out as *.duf.

    Everything is as you said. I gave loaded him up, gave him the textures while in DAZ 4.6 and then I ended up exporting Hyde as a CR2 and he ended up in my Poser 9 runtime.

    Now his cool textures didn't seem to transfer over and Poser kept asking for missing M4Jeremy textures but in the end I simply copied the SMAY directory over to Poser, told poser to stop looking for missing Textures and his skin mapped properly.

    Also Once loaded into the scene I didn't notice any slow down in my posing, rendering or anything else.

    I gave him a friend to look at the size difference while wondering what kind of boots or shoes would fit him.

    My understanding is that Genesis is all about textures but I'm not sure how to get that look in the product page render. Perhaps its the lighting. Anyway, Hyde is alive and well in my runtime. No clothing for him which will be problematic but there are few problems that can't be over come.

    1056 x 824 - 409K
  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited September 2013

    The look from the promo render is all displacement maps. They're separate mats you apply once applying any one of the main mats- they're in the same folder with _veins appended to it. Each version is the same color as the mat it goes with. If you didn't apply those as well, that would explain why you don't have them in the Poser render.

    The mats/displacement mats are located within Library > People > Genesis > Materials > Smay > MrHyde. He tends to separate his character shape from the mats rather than having the mats as a subfolder.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • QuietrobQuietrob Posts: 361
    edited December 1969

    Which means I have to fire up DAZ again. Load the character and this time go into the Materials folder, apply the materials to the figure and then export as a cr2 again. I suppose it wouldn't be as simple as renaming the DSA file to a MC6 file could it?

    1272 x 824 - 410K
  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited September 2013

    Heh, unfortunately it's not that simple. To be honest, the EASIEST thing to do, is to load up Hyde, load whatever materials you want, and save a materials preset in *.duf format. Then you can just use the same loader script and load the duf without having to re-export a CR2 over and over. Just load the duf to the current CR2. Once you have the mats loaded in Poser, save it as a poser mat. Now you'll have your CR2 with separate poser mats and avoid the importer altogether.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • QuietrobQuietrob Posts: 361
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    Heh, unfortunately it's not that simple. To be honest, the EASIEST thing to do, is to load up Hyde, load whatever materials you want, and save a materials preset in *.duf format. Then you can just use the same loader script and load the duf without having to re-export a CR2 over and over. Just load the duf to the current CR2. Once you have the mats loaded in Poser, save it as a poser mat. Now you'll have your CR2 with separate poser mats and avoid the importer altogether.

    I did just as you said, using the script from D3D which grabbed the DUF files and then as far as I can tell did nothing with them. However, a closer look at SMAY's textures files had some interesting stuff. I assumed *_V.jpg meant vein and used those as displacement maps. I believe I met with success and can use Hyde with the same terrifying look as in the Promo's! I want to thank Vaskania who stayed late up and helped me out with post after post and a lot of patience. Iceprincess, a cold name for a warm person! Thank you as well! And Smay for being so organized that I was able to accomplish my goals and learned a lot about DAZ, DSON and texture maps in the process.

    Here is the end product, rendered in Poser 9.

    1272 x 824 - 466K
  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Aww you're welcome. :) He's looking good! Glad you got him working. :D

  • zaintczaintc Posts: 282
    edited September 2013

    I see this post is current, 2 questions: Dson, what is that and how is it used, lastly anyone have info on how to export in detail a daz genisis character into Autodesk (anyone of the platforms) and/or a game engine (Unity 4 or UDK) BTW: I dont understand why there is this marriage between daz 3d and iclone, I sense a merge (hmmm)

    Oh yeah,
    This may seem silly, I cant find how to add my avatar icon, any thoughts?

    Post edited by zaintc on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    edited December 1969

    zaintc said:
    I see this post is current, 2 questions: Dson, what is that and how is it used, lastly anyone have info on how to export in detail a daz genisis character into Autodesk (anyone of the platforms) and/or a game engine (Unity 4 or UDK) BTW: I dont understand why there is this marriage between daz 3d and iclone, I sense a merge (hmmm)

    Oh yeah,
    This may seem silly, I cant find how to add my avatar icon, any thoughts?

    You will need one of these first

  • zaintczaintc Posts: 282
    edited September 2013

    ok forget game engine, lets start with Autodesk: maya, etc
    I cant upload my own image as a avatar?

    Post edited by zaintc on
  • QuietrobQuietrob Posts: 361
    edited December 1969

    zaintc said:
    ok forget game engine, lets start with Autodesk: maya, etc
    I cant upload my own image as a avatar?

    If you made it, I don't see why not? I'm not a mod but I can't imagine anything short of using a copyrighted image as your Avatar would be a problem.

    DSON is a plugin/script that allows you to use the stunning new technology of Genesis from DAZ3D in Smith Micro's Poser. Rather remarkable and greatly appreciated by the 3D model community that uses such figures. Both sides benefits and so do we.

  • QuietrobQuietrob Posts: 361
    edited December 1969

    zaintc said:

    Oh yeah,
    This may seem silly, I cant find how to add my avatar icon, any thoughts?

    Not a silly question at all.

    Go to near top of this Page. Click on Control Panel. Upload your avatar according to the rules. As long as you are in the Forum you have access to your Control Panel and your public profile.

  • zaintczaintc Posts: 282
    edited September 2013

    thank you for the avatar answer, yet I am somewhat confused about the link between daz and poser unless your using them for still photo's

    I was hoping I could find insight into exporting my Daz3d figures into a 3rd party program such as Autodesk or Maxon, etc, fbx is the format of choice yet the way the items leave daz isnt the way they enter other programs

    Post edited by zaintc on
  • zaintczaintc Posts: 282
    edited December 1969

    [quote author=DSON is a plugin/script that allows you to use the stunning new technology of Genesis from DAZ3D in Smith Micro's Poser. Rather remarkable and greatly appreciated by the 3D model community that uses such figures. Both sides benefits and so do we.

    I heard a lot of lovely words but not what it does, is there a link definning the use of this, does it apply to animation or just crrating still shots

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited September 2013

    It has nothing to do with either. Daz Scene Object Notation, DSON, is the new file structure for Daz Studio (*.duf), and the DSON Importer is what allows you to use *.duf content in Poser.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • zaintczaintc Posts: 282
    edited December 1969

    All this would be helpful:
    t has nothing to do with either. Daz Scene Object Notation, DSON, is the new file structure for Daz Studio (*.duf), and the DSON Importer is what allows you to use *.duf content in Poser.

    If I was using poser. I would like to know if there is a importer for any Autodesk product, etc (I know of a plugin for poser to maya, yet that wont help me)

  • QuietrobQuietrob Posts: 361
    edited September 2013

    zaintc said:
    thank you for the avatar answer, yet I am somewhat confused about the link between daz and poser unless your using them for still photo's

    I was hoping I could find insight into exporting my Daz3d figures into a 3rd party program such as Autodesk or Maxon, etc, fbx is the format of choice yet the way the items leave daz isnt the way they enter other programs

    You are welcome. The use of any software depends upon and knowledge of the artist. I don't care if Autodesk or Vue or anything else you can name.

    As far as exporting your figures into Autodesk using the FBX format. A quick search reveals :
    Price : FREE.

    Poser and DAZ are linked in that both accomplish the same things. Startling Stills and Animation. Anyone that used either Poser or DAZ will recognize several items sold here and used in the intro of a popular music star that will remain unnamed by me. However, I will provide a link.

    Anything else holding you back?

    Post edited by Quietrob on
  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited September 2013

    For Autodesk I believe you'd need to first open the file in Daz Studio and then export it as FBX.
    Here's the FBX plugin for DS:

    Getting it out of FBX is the tricky part. From what I've read, Autodesk is completely fine with you transferring into their file types- it's converting it out of their filetypes that's tricky, unless you can do that with their converter ( ).

    You could also export a plain' ol obj or something, but you'd lose the rigging.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • QuietrobQuietrob Posts: 361
    edited December 1969

    I heard a lot of lovely words but not what it does, is there a link definning the use of this, does it apply to animation or just crrating still shots

    A lot of lovely words?


  • zaintczaintc Posts: 282
    edited December 1969

    Regarding the plugin:

    NOTE : DAZ Studio 4.x users do not need to run the installers for this plugin
    (the plugin is already included in the application installer).
    You will want to make sure you have DAZ Studio or later installed.

    I am aware of that Daz 3D 4.6 has the current plugin to export to multiple platforms. My issue to be exact is
    miscellaneous material issues, eyes and eye brow mishaps. Each program has different ways to deal with that.
    I was hoping some one had this issue before and had notated this information in a link or a video,
    Certain v4 or v5 characters have issues when imported

    Thank you for continued and prompt help with this matter

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited September 2013

    zaintc said:
    Regarding the plugin:

    NOTE : DAZ Studio 4.x users do not need to run the installers for this plugin
    (the plugin is already included in the application installer).
    You will want to make sure you have DAZ Studio or later installed.

    I am aware of that Daz 3D 4.6 has the current plugin to export to multiple platforms. My issue to be exact is
    miscellaneous material issues, eyes and eye brow mishaps. Each program has different ways to deal with that.
    I was hoping some one had this issue before and had notated this information in a link or a video,
    Certain v4 or v5 characters have issues when imported

    Thank you for continued and prompt help with this matter

    You might want to create a thread over in Nuts and Bolts then regarding texture issues on export/import with whatever program(s) you're using. With it dug here in someone else's thread pertaining to exporting a character to Poser, there's a likely chance that your issue won't get seen by many.
    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • zaintczaintc Posts: 282
    edited December 1969

    Quietrob:sorry, you didnt answer the question, it sounded like you were raving about DSON

  • zaintczaintc Posts: 282
    edited December 1969

    You might want to create a thread over in Nuts and Bolts then regarding texture issues on export/import with whatever program(s) you’re using. With it dug here in someone else’s thread pertaining to exporting a character to Poser, there’s a likely chance that your issue won’t get seen by many.

    Thank you for you help, my mistake

  • QuietrobQuietrob Posts: 361
    edited December 1969

    zaintc said:
    Quietrob:sorry, you didnt answer the question, it sounded like you were raving about DSON

    There is no excuse for rudeness.

  • zaintczaintc Posts: 282
    edited December 1969

    quietrob said:
    zaintc said:
    Quietrob:sorry, you didnt answer the question, it sounded like you were raving about DSON

    There is no excuse for rudeness.

    Prob right......

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