InaneGlory's PA Day Sale (today) and Photo Studio - Point and Shoot



  • ScraverXScraverX Posts: 152
    edited December 1969

    Looks good namf

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191
    edited December 1969

    Looks good namf

    Thanks -

    This is one of those instances where the only originality was my choice of the pieces and the camera angle; the only tweak I made to anything was rotating the figure left about 40 degrees after posing. But I really like the way the lighting and shadows work. :-)

    I'd really like to get the skirt to follow the leg better but so far my experiments aren't working out too well.

  • ScraverXScraverX Posts: 152
    edited December 1969

    namffuak said:
    Looks good namf

    Thanks -

    This is one of those instances where the only originality was my choice of the pieces and the camera angle; the only tweak I made to anything was rotating the figure left about 40 degrees after posing. But I really like the way the lighting and shadows work. :-)

    I'd really like to get the skirt to follow the leg better but so far my experiments aren't working out too well.

    I've had limited success with DForms, but have to admit I haven't played with them much.

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