Genesis Towels by Sickleyield and Marieah WIP [Commercial}

We know quite a few of you have been asking for these, so Sickelyield and I are currently working on a set of towels for Genesis.
Included will be:
Waist Towel
Chest Towel
Neck Towel
Head Towel
Morphing Prop Towel
Rubber Duckie
I'm doing a load of different toweling textures in shader form that load in white and to which you can easily add your own diffuse colors to. These towels are mapped with loads of material zones, so there should be lots of versatility. I'm still working on it, but these two images show some of the different toweling textures put together with green and peach diffuse colors.
I'll also include some MAT poses for beach towels with fringing and some batik-type textures to allow them to be used as sarongs.
Also, if you put the chest, waist and head towels together, it makes a nice female African outfit, so I'll include some textures for this too.
We really hope you like these. I'll post more images as I get the textures done.

So there will be towels for guys and towels for gals? That is cool.
What is a neck towel?
Just like real towels, there are not boys towels and girls towels. And this is Genesis. Any towel will work for anyone. But a female would be more likely to wear a chest towel, as pictured, and a male a waist towel.
I'll post any image of the neck towel when I've textured it. But it's a small towel that a man might might sling around neck while shaving, or a woman might use while applying a hair or face treatment.
Just like real towels, there are not boys towels and girls towels. And this is Genesis. Any towel will work for anyone. But a female would be more likely to wear a chest towel, as pictured, and a male a waist towel.
I'll post any image of the neck towel when I've textured it. But it's a small towel that a man might might sling around neck while shaving, or a woman might use while applying a hair or face treatment.
I knew towels do not come in boy or girl, but I was referring to the way they hang on the body. Chest towel for women and waist towel for men. That is all I meant. Sorry.
This looks cool.
Awesome! Exactly what I need!
Would it be possible to request that the towels handle being able to split apart for walking, raising legs inbetween the towel (like for shaving or similar activities--or kicking perverts in the head! :lol:)?
Again, thanks a ton!
Alexa :)
There are optional JCMs and extra movement morphs for just that. I personally hate it when I buy a split-fronted item whose front won't split. :D I'll do a couple of demo renders on the rigging as soon as I've got preliminary textures from Marieah.
When?! :ahhh: In the DAZ store? :cheese: I prefer DAZ over Renderosity.
Alexa :smirk:
When?! :ahhh: In the DAZ store? :cheese: I prefer DAZ over Renderosity.
Alexa :smirk:
That's our plan!
Here's the Neck Towel, as promised. I haven't done any beach towels textures yet as I'm having too much fun making lots of different towelling shaders for you.
Whenever I have purchased sets there are only "Bath Towels, Hand Towels and Wash Cloths". I've never heard of a neck towel, but it could be considered a hand towel and it would be nice if you also had wash cloths for a complete set.
A Neck Towel is not a particular kind of towel, but a way of wearing a smaller towel on the body. It's done all the time and is probably the most common usage of a towel in real life. Waist towels and chest towels are not different kinds of towels either, but different ways of using the same towel that require separate figures in Daz Studio. I'm sorry if this wasn' t clear.
You can easily resize the morphing Prop Towel to make a washcloth if you wish. This is more a towel/clothing set than bath set. It has the prop towel included to give you all the versatility you need.
We haven't shown the prop towel here yet, but it's totally awesome with tons of morphs to fold it, roll it, wrinkle it or hang it in all kinds of ways.
Rubber Duckie!!!
See, I am reading the whole text!
Will the towels have textures or shaders?
The towel set, while interesting, probably won't be useful to me. I can see possible uses for towel fabric shaders though that might make me buy this.
Hey, can we also get "a towel in a heap" morph too? 'Cause that would be useful as well (imagine all those towels tossed to the floor).
There are tons of morphs for the prop towel. I'll do some renders of them soon. A few of them have the towel thrown on the floor as well as hanging, folded or rolled.
I wanted to see whether the towels would make a tribal outfit when put together and textured with Totally Bazaar and I think they do. I'm including some batik shaders so the towels can be used as sarongs, and I may include a few African fabrics as well. I like the idea that this is more than a towel set.
Excuse the black spot on the render. It wouldn't finish - stuck and 99 per cent - and I got sick of waiting for it.
*checks 'will buy' for this one*
The Wad and Wrinkle 2 morphs on the prop towel, plus the rubber ducky.
Hmm...this may prove to be interesting.
I was going to do a combination, but I'm increasingly inclined towards making them all shaders. There will be a few, like the trims for the beach towels, that contain transparency and are precisely placed so will probably only be useful with this set. But all the rest are universal. Because of the way they are mapped, I haven't need to use texture maps at all.
There are tons of morphs for the prop towel. I'll do some renders of them soon. A few of them have the towel thrown on the floor as well as hanging, folded or rolled.
I wanted to see whether the towels would make a tribal outfit when put together and textured with Totally Bazaar and I think they do. I'm including some batik shaders so the towels can be used as sarongs, and I may include a few African fabrics as well. I like the idea that this is more than a towel set.
Excuse the black spot on the render. It wouldn't finish - stuck and 99 per cent - and I got sick of waiting for it.
They layer? Or did you have to use Sickleyeild's new clipping suit to clear poke-through? (In either case it looks great!)
They layer. There's an extra morph in the chest towel just for that.
Everyone should buy the Super Clip Fixer anyway, though, just in case. ;D
WOW... totally missed this since I'm now in the habit of going to the Commercial forum for new for sale items.. glad I'm bored and going through the Commons today or I wouldn't have known this was in the works until after it hit the store..... :-)
Greetings, updated version of Aiko 3's Towel Set and V4's less cool towel set? Nice!
The only drawback is that it was the one clothing project I was tempted to try building, since nobody else seemed to be meeting the Genesis need for drying. And that's not much of a drawback, 'cause I don't think I'll ever have the time to learn to model. :-/
I'm looking forward to it!
-- Morgan
Not quite. It's a completely new towel set that is better than either of them because there is much more in it and more morphs as well.
It's not based on either of those sets, but on what we thought a towel set should include.
Thanks for the info on the shaders Marieah. I'll keep my eye out for this one.
I'm assuming that one of the prop morphs is hanging over a rod? draped over a basic chair would be another potentially useful one.
Although really I probably ought to learn to deal with dynamics, and expect to use the shaders.
Not quite. It's a completely new towel set that is better than either of them because there is much more in it and more morphs as well.
It's not based on either of those sets, but on what we thought a towel set should include.
Yes, a thousand apologies, I didn't mean to imply it was 'just updating' those, but that it was in that vein. (The search sample picture for the Aiko towel set, for example, is a good reference of 'neck towel' for the people who were curious.)
I'm definitely looking forward to it.
And the rubber ducky. :) You just know that duck is going to end up looming over a Stonemason city, casting an ominous shadow...his booming quack leaving residents quaking in their boots.
-- Morgan
Current prop towel morph list:
I thought about the draped over a chair one, but I couldn't figure a way to do it that would fit a good enough variety of different chairs.
NICE! :)
I'm including one super fluffy Shader Mixer option that you can color with your own diffuse.
Actually, I think one of the big advantages of your products is the large amount of custom / movement morphs they tend to have. It's such a big plus, yet unfortunately, a lot of today's clothing comes with only 'fit' morphs.
Now that looks very cool. That shader alone will get you a sale.