Bryce Tutorials

Bryce documentation
Tutorial list in New users forum
Hi-Res Terrains
Cannyon Terrains
Additional Sunlight (not relevant for Bryce 7.1)
Abstract Panoramics
Coloured Light Rings
Flexible Pipes
Halos around Stars
Abstract Voids
Facetted Mirror Sphere
Panoramic Caverns
Crazy Paving
Global Illumination
Materials for CEL-Shading
Good looking Trees
Render > 4000 Pixels
Video Tutorials
Beginner Videos
Bryce - Getting Started
Bryce 7 Setting Up a Simple Scene
Intermediate Videos
Bryce Include-Exclude to reduce render times feature
Bryce 7 Pro - Modify Volumetric Clouds
Bryce Texture & Material Effects Part 1
Bryce Texture & Material Effects Part 2
Bryce 7 Create a City Scape
Bryce Create Textures on a City Scape
Bryce Specularity Special Effects Tutorial
Bryce Lighting and Skys Part 1
Bryce Lighting and Skys Part 2
Bryce HDRI & TA part 1
Bryce HDRI & True Ambience
Bryce 7 Render Options-Premium Effects
Bryce Render Options and Soft Shadows
Bryce Create Terrains Using DTE
Bryce Create Checkered Tiles
Bryce 7 Anti Aliasing Overview
Bryce 7 Lighting Discussed Part 1
Bryce 7 Lighting Discussed Part 2
Making a Glowing Light
Terrain Editor Techniques Part 1 of 3
Terrain Editor Techniques Part 2 of 3
Terrain Editor Techniques Part 3 of 3
1-a Bryce 7 Slope Filter 1 of 2
1-a-2 Bryce 7 Slope Filter 2 of 2
1-b Bryce 7 Altitude Filter
1-c-1 Bryce 7 Clip and Smooth Clip Filters 1of 2
1-c-2 Bryce 7 Clip and Smooth Clip Filters 2 of 2
1-d-1 Bryce 7 Sin and Saw Filters 1 of 2
1-d-2 Bryce 7 Sin and Saw Filters 2 of 2
1-e Bryce 7 Quantise Filter Overview
1-f Bryce 7 Absolute, Gauss and Power Filters
1-g Bryce 7 Orientate and Snow Puddle Filters
1-h Bryce 7 Curvature Filter Overview
1-i Bryce 7 Color Components
1-j Bryce 7 Blend Modes
2-a Bryce 7 Sine Noise Function-Intro
2-b Bryce 7 Noise Function Overview
2-c Bryce 7 Square Noise Function
2-d Bryce 7 Random Discreet & Continuous Noise Function
2-e Bryce 7 Vortex Noise Function
2-f Bryce 7 Distance Origin and Squared
2-g Bryce 7 Phase Function
Bryce 7 Simple material Project 1
Bryce 7 Simple material Project 2
Bryce 7 Simple material Project 3
Bryce 7 In Depth Metal Material Tutorial
Bryce 7 - Lighting a Landscape
Bryce 7 - Lighting a Still Life
Bryce IBL Light from Inside
Bryce 7 Use Sky for HDRI
Bryce 7 Using IBL Part 1 of 2
Bryce 7 Using IBL Part 2 of 2
Bryce Specularity & IBL Tutorial
Bryce 7 Using Image Based Lighting IBL part 1 of 3
Bryce 7 Using Image Based Lighting IBL part 2 of 3
Bryce 7 Using Image Based Lighting IBL part 3 of 3
Advanced Videos
Shadow Capture Technique Part 1 of 2
Shadow Capture Technique Part 2 of 2
Bryce 7 Volumetric Cloud Tutorial 1
Bryce 7 Volumetic Cloud Tutorial 2
Bryce 7 - Roads onto a Terrain
Bryce 7 - Foam Around an Island
Bryce 7 - Working on DTE Generated Terrains
Veteran Videos
Bryce Making Volumetric Clouds
As the place to find links to both video as well as written tutorials (some of which have already been mentioned above) along with a comprehensive link list to the content available for Bryce on this site. Now I accept, under normal circumstances such a list would be redundant but since there have been some "technical difficulties" of late. I suggest that it is in both the Bryce PA's interest as well as DAZ's interest and in the interest of promoting the use of Bryce for such a list to be available to Bryce users somewhere on this forum. If the moderators do not agree with this sentiment, I will not be offended if this post is deleted.
I think the tutorials list in teh New User forum should be replicated in full in the Bryce forum too.
There are some good links for non-video tutorials which may be useful and not everyone might visit the New User forum when looking for tutorials (might not be a new user but might find some of them useful!:) )
That is a very good point, but I was avoiding moving it over until it was checked through and dead links taken out. It is sadly in need of updating.
I haven't forgotten that I promised to do that, I'll do it tonight, RL has been interfering again. ;)
No worries Ian, not rush. It's really nice of you to offer. RL has a habit of sneaking up on us all sometimes.
Hiya, its done, I have created a quoted reply to the original post (obviously as i couldn't edit the original!) with the amendments that I came across, it wasn't too bad really, I have as suggested not checked the video links.
Be well :)
Thanks Ian, that is really really helpful
No problem, I enjoy helping out where I can.
The Robin Woods one is actually linked to in the thread in the new users forum that Ian has linked to.
Modelling boolean objects in Bryce (or any 3D application) is fun and easy if you know the basics.You can create unique abstract objects, background castles, alien stuff, or even domino pieces ,'s all about creativity,imagination and..patience :-) - Bryce 5.5 - Bryce 7.1 Pro (requires login to download or Opera+Acrobat installed to View PDF in Opera browser; or any browser with view PDF plug-in ) - Bryce 5 - Bryce 5 - Bryce 5 - Bryce 5 - Bryce 5.5 - Bryce 5.5 - Bryce 5 - Bryce 7.0 Pro
EDIT:adding more links in progress...keep an eye on this post if you need more boolean tutorials.Some links may be outdated from Bryce 5 but the Boolean rules remains the same..
Also feel free to play with the default boolean objects from Bryce database to see how boolean operation is working.(Create>click on arrow to open Objects window, select the 3rd named "Boolean" with boolean objects).
Video tutorials for Bryce 7.1 Pro. "New" as of the 27th July 2012
Bryce desert landscape - part 1 - a 15 minute tutorial in two parts by David Brinnen
Bryce desert landscape - part 2 - a 15 minute tutorial in two parts by David Brinnen
Bryce still life project - "capsules" - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce lake in a landscape - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce shoreline - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce DTE > terrain skyscraper - part 1 - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce DTE > terrain skyscraper - part 2 - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce Depth of Field effect - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce Depth of Field effect - for less powerful computers - a video tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 'Nuts and Bolts' - using Pan V and Pan H - a video tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce Abstract 360 HDRI Specular effect - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce lighthouse "light beam" effect - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce red hot metal effect - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - HDRI lighting project - red dragon in a white box - part 1 - a video tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - HDRI lighting project - red dragon in a white box - part 2 - a video tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce (TA) True Ambiance still life render of a red dragon - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute material project - leatherette - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute material project - red pearlescent paint - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 20 minute lighting project - upgrading lighting - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce grass terrains - a 25 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce light gel underwater effect - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - object cubic and spherical mapping - a 30 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - radial lights - a 30 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute material project - rainbow texture - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute material project - using the rainbow texture and scene converter - by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - TA optimised radial lights - a 40 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Getting a Little Green Man from DAZ Studio to Bryce - a 10 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Rainbow Vicky effect - a 10 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Streaming light or "God rays" effect - a 25 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - TA optimised radial lights advanced - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 25 minute lighting project - upgrading advanced lighting - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - TA RGB response - a 15 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 20 scene lighting project - Using IBL with boost light and TA gels - by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute scene - TA hue saturation shift trick - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 20 minute scene lighting project - the Xyzrgb Stanford Dragon - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute scene project - turn your Xyzrgb dragon scene into a Vicky scene - by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute project - put a label on a jar - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 20 minute experiment - TA generated caustics - a video by David Brinnen
Bryce 20 minute scene lighting project - TA caustics effect - a tutorial by David Brinnen
8 minute Wings3D project - two part box - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 30 minute project - using Spherical Mapper to remap from HDRI backdrop onto 2D surfaces - a video by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute project - rendering a simple grey scene - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 15 minute scene - underwater city effect - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute scene - underwater city effect - made even more underwatery - by David Brinnen
Bryce 25 minute lighting project - advanced underwater effects - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - material lab channels - an overview by David Brinnen
Using Photoshop or HDRShop to use Masks - Appendix to "making and using masks" - by Horo Wernli
Bryce 15 minute material project - optical illusion moving spots - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - masking and using masks - a 20 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute skylab project - basic sunset effect - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 25 minute skylab project - adding volume clouds to basic sunset effect - by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute skylab project - sunset effect, with clouds and put in a scene - by David Brinnen
Bryce 15 minute lighting project - low pressure sodium lights on a foggy night - by David Brinnen
Bryce 25 minute scene project - wings3D to render to postworks - a video by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute project - Wings3D text to Bryce - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 25 minute scene - anisotropic reflection in a landscape - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 15 minute scene - using the Spherical Mapper to reduce render time - by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute animation project - Kaleidoscope effect - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute problem - how to prevent your boat from getting waterlogged? - by David Brinnen
Bryce undocumented feature - the sea foam Easter egg - by David Brinnen
Bryce 15 minute scene - nice light setup using premium rendering - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 30 minute project - curvature filtering and lighting setups - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute project - glowing light emitter object material - a tutorial by David Brinnen
10 minute Wings3D project - making something to import into Bryce - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute render project - combine two renders with a mask in PSP8 - by David Brinnen
4 minute Wings 3D project - a quick look at Shell Extrude - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 30 minute lighting project - obscure lighting experiment - a video by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute lighting project - how to set up "obscure" lighting - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute lighting project - converting a scene to obscure lighting - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute scene project - lighting's Wings 3D cube - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute scene - obscure glows - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 15 minute scene project - how to set up multiple glowing objects - by David Brinnen
Bryce 15 minute lighting project - specular obscure lighting theory - a video by David Brinnen
Bryce 30 minute project - setting up DS skin textures - initial attempt - by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute project - setting up DS skin textures - continued - by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute project - setting up DS skin textures - continued to cel effect - by David Brinnen
Bryce 20 minute lighting project - another obscure lighting experiment - a video by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - Render option Reflection Correction - a 10 minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 15 minute project - turning the rainbow material into a bright star effect - by David Brinnen
Bryce 20 minute effect project - Exotic use of DOF - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute scene project - random inkblot generator - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - setting up the default launch state - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 20 minute beginners project - simple landscape - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 20 minute project - building a Menger Sponge - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute project - building a Menger Sponge (part 2) - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 20 minute beginners project - simple still life - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 25 minute lighting project - use sky - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute lighting project - use sky appendix - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute lighting project - crepuscular rays - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute effect project - fluorescent electron edge - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "TCB" - obscure lighting - a five minute tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - a useful copy and paste trick - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute material project - grey rock with some cracks - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 25 minutes on landscape lighting basics - working with legacy skies - by David Brinnen
Bryce 20 minute effect project - frost displacement experiment - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 15 minute scene - simple terrain under advanced lighting - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute scene project - abstract space HDRI backdrop - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute scene - recursive abstract HDRI backdrops - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute scene - recursive abstract HDRI backdrops 2 - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - a 5 minute video on obscure AA topics - by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - breaking down lighting, diffuse, ambient, specular and... by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - multi-replicate - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - multi-replicate 2 - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute scene - abstract glowing line effect - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 15 minute lighting project - variations for multi-replicate 2 - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Using the Ivy Generator - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Using the Ivy Generator 2 - using flip normals - wire sculpture effect - by David Brinnen
Bryce 25 minute talk - organisation and object selection - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 15 minute scene - quick and dirty photorealism - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - large address aware - a short video by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute talk - convert to mesh and mesh object export basics - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - Lens Flare - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute scene - Woven Cube - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 25 minute scene - Woven Cube 2 - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts And Bolts" - Rendering Efficiency - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 7.1 Pro Experiments - Obscure Gel Lights - by David Brinnen
Bryce 7.1 Pro Experiments - Lighting Interiors - by David Brinnen
Bryce 7.1 Pro Experiments - Lighting Interiors 2 - by David Brinnen
Bryce 7.1 Pro Experiments - Lighting Interiors 3 - by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - Maximum Ray Depth - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bit of an advert for the EWL and a short tutorial combined - by David Brinnen
Bryce 7.1 Pro Advanced - rendering inside photographs - by David Brinnen
Bryce 7.1 Pro Advanced - converting procedural textures into image maps 1 - by David Brinnen
Bryce 7.1 Pro Advanced - converting procedural textures into image maps 2 - by David Brinnen
Bryce 7.1 Pro Advanced - converting procedural textures into image maps 3 - by David Brinnen
Bryce 7.1 Pro Experiments - Export a tree as a terrain mesh - by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute scene - Grass Tree Recipe - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Thank you David and Cris, just catching up with posts here!!
I finally found the gigantic list the late and unforgotten Wawadave had compiled in the old forums. Probably the most elaborate list I've ever seen. Some links are dead, though.
Oh well done, thanks for finding that.
Someone who is very much not forgotten.
Here's my first Bryce tutorial.
It's really just a simple tip for beginners.
about how to use a photo as a material.
David Brinnen seemed to like it, and suggested that I posted it here.
So here it is.
I hope you enjoy, and that it help people.
Here are five new tutorials by Horo.
IBL-Advanced: Backdrop Sharpness, DOF and Saturation - by Horo Wernli
Projecting Light - by Horo Wernli
Tiling Objects - by Horo Wernli
Tiling Pictures (on a single object) - by Horo Wernli
Torus - by Horo Wernli
Thank goodness the word "idiosyncrasies" is seldom used. At some point, time permitting, I will tidy this up into some links. But for the mean time, this link links to Peter's vital threads about instancing.
To test...
Unfortunately, the link to vital instancing information does not work (search results... ), but this one does
( still pretending to be a new member :)
Thanks Graham. Hmn... I wonder why not? I tested it oh... only a few hours ago. But yes it does not work now. I've redone the search and added a new link which now works. I wonder if somehow the searches expire?
Graham, you will continue to masquerade as a new member until you make post number 26, which is when you lose that shiny new status and become just any old member. :coolsmirk:
Another new tutorial by Horo
Why you should consider exporting your renders as HDRI - by Horo Wernli
This I heartily recommend to anyone interested in HDRI. Not just from the perspective of exporting your images but also in terms of getting to grips with the entire concept. This video offers clear insights into HDRI and tone mapping.
does anyone know of tutoriuls for
1) taking a real geographic topography map and importing it into Bryce?
2) created 3d letters / words
2 Bryce 10 minute project - Wings3D text to Bryce - a tutorial by David Brinnen
or use whatever way to convert the files to *.ter format and use 'TerraConv ' application to convert to *.tif
Real topography
(unfortunately without pictures)
2. Do not miss David's tutorial on Wings3D. But for text, Elefont gives better results and it is as easy as writing a text using any font installed - no tutorial needed. And it is also free:
thanks, in the past I would take a topo map, and convert it to gray scale. you can then import it into a terrain.
Understanding HDRI ( Knowledge Base)
What does it mean HDRI ? How it works in Photography or 3D Computer Graphics ? Why is recommended to use .hdr or .exr images as an environment(sky) map on the 3d render scenes ? A great time saving usually wasted on conventional lighting ? ( HDR Tutorial ) - HDR photography tutorial
and more (15 videos playlist) - Secrets of Amazing HDR Photography - HDR Photography with Scott Kelby on Weekly Photo Tips - Basics of HDR Photography
HDR Secrets and tips ( A LEARNING COMMUNITY FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS - Cambridge in Colour ) (This tutorial will explain one of the hottest new trends in Photography. HDR! Learn how to shoot, merge and tone-map photos to extend the dynamic range and produce those painted looking results. Covers photoshop CS3-CS6 )
See also :
High dynamic range imaging
If you got your first free Radiance format .hdr image from web to be used in 3DS Max,Maya, ..etc but it's not working properly in Bryce or to brighty:
Highly recommended , Horo tutorial about the using in Bryce/modifying/exporting a .hdr image , see the link posted above by David Brinnen - post [ # 23 ]
(Thank you David and Horo )
-also open the hdr in HDR Shop and make some adjustments.
If you need .hdr files ready to use in Bryce in IBL
-Visit Horo' website for free .hdr files or see David and Horo' shop content for .hdr packages
-See Bryce installation folders for free .hdr files (you may also use Search in computer for .hdr files)
-See DOSCH HDRI , only the Light Probe (the mirrored ball image) and the Spherical Maps are accepted in Bryce.
(latitude-longitude -ratio 2:1 and the angular maps)
Working with different exposure images or creating the final HDR image in Photoshop (Creating A HDRi For Use In A 3D Package - Photoshop & HDRShop Tutorial) (HDR TUTORIAL IN PHOTOSHOP) - German (Creating a Hybrid HDR in Photoshop CS5 Ext+ the HDR EFFEX PRO plugin)
note : CS6 don't need this plugin anymore due to HDR Pro option
For CS6 users see (Creating a HDR image using HDR Pro option ) - from 5 different exposure images (Photoshop Tutorial - Merging Two Images With Layer Masks) - Creating a HDR image or - Quick HDR Landscape Tutorial in Photoshop - - from only 2 different exposure (rendered) images - how to edit a photograph to be a HDR with vivid colors look
How to make spherical mappings... (forum discussion on blender community)
HDR Software applications list sorted by categories (including plug-ins) - Paid or free
and (the HDR EFFEX PRO photoshop plugin) ( software comparison)
* using a hdri image in IBL while rendering might increase the rendering time for at least 10 times but the result is 10 times more realistic
* if you don't use a .hdr on rendering in IBL Lab you can get great HDR results on the final rendered image using few different exposure renders and merging them in Photoshop (see the merging of 2 or 5 images tutorial links) - after all the final HDR image is a result of "Dodging and Burning" with or without Tone Mapping adjustments.
Amazing animated HDR skies video slideshow
HDR landscapes images slideshow