DIY Furniture Set

Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
edited September 2013 in Freebies

The DIY Furniture Set was inspired by a certain Swedish company that decided to drop one of their catalogs at my door step.
After looking through the pages and realizing that, in a 3d world, 1 simple primitive could create a ton of different objects with just some scaling, I decided to find out what I can do with just a few primitives.
I should note that not ALL of the objects are "simple" primitives. Handles, Trims, Shelves and a few other things I might be forgetting were done in a modelling program.
Not all the items in pic are included.

More Images and download link below

Expansion Set on ShareCG
Expansion Set on DeviantArt

1900 x 1509 - 1020K
1280 x 853 - 654K
Post edited by Hellish-Abaddon on


  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    lols Ikea?

    Nice furniture by the way :) wel ldone

  • Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
    edited August 2013

    Carola O said:
    lols Ikea?

    Nice furniture by the way :) wel ldone

    shh, the beautiful blonde people will hear you!
    and Thanks

    edit- omygod, you're one of them! :)

    Post edited by Hellish-Abaddon on
  • Aave NainenAave Nainen Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    The clean modern lines are definitely a hallmark lol but they aren't the only ones that make this type of furniture........they'd probably like the idea of 3d art inspired by their stuff :)

  • Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    The clean modern lines are definitely a hallmark lol but they aren't the only ones that make this type of furniture........they'd probably like the idea of 3d art inspired by their stuff :)

    They might like it, but I highly doubt they will ever see it lol

  • WandWWandW Posts: 2,837
    edited December 1969

    Carola O said:
    lols Ikea?

    Nice furniture by the way :) wel ldone

    shh, the beautiful blonde people will hear you!
    and Thanks

    edit- omygod, you're one of them! :)

    I believe Oskarsson worked for Ikea...

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Yay, they're done!

    Are you by chance working on a Poser set? If not, no biggie, I can work on converting them on my end.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    Carola O said:
    lols Ikea?

    Nice furniture by the way :) wel ldone

    shh, the beautiful blonde people will hear you!
    and Thanks

    edit- omygod, you're one of them! :)

    Not blond, not beautiful.. but I am swedish aye *winks*

    (and thankfully not working at Ikea, I would die from the stress levels there ;P)

  • TobiasGTobiasG Posts: 447
    edited December 1969

    That's a pretty cool idea. Thank you (and dl'ed).

  • Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    Yay, they're done!

    Are you by chance working on a Poser set? If not, no biggie, I can work on converting them on my end.

    I've never used or owned poser so I have no idea how to go about converting for poser. I could upload .obj, but you'd have to convert anyway, right?

  • Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Carola O said:
    Carola O said:
    lols Ikea?

    Nice furniture by the way :) wel ldone

    shh, the beautiful blonde people will hear you!
    and Thanks

    edit- omygod, you're one of them! :)

    Not blond, not beautiful.. but I am swedish aye *winks*

    (and thankfully not working at Ikea, I would die from the stress levels there ;P)

    Everyone's beautiful, but you're not blonde? You just shattered my whole image of Sweden lol

  • Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    TobiasG said:
    That's a pretty cool idea. Thank you (and dl'ed).

    Np, have fun :)

  • Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    AN EXPANSION!!! lol
    Because I'm bored and needed some sorta project in my spare time (besides drinking) I decided my little DIY Kit needed more stuffs ;)
    So, that's what I've been working on.
    IKEA also thought that I needed more "inspiration" so they sent me another catalog lol
    Here's a quick render of 2 of the new "assembled" objects with some of the new parts in the expansion
    (There is one new part in the image that you'll never find lol)
    The couch and the TV are not included.
    I also plan on fixing some of the props that run away while scaling ;)
    It would probably look a lot better if I had wooden floors, but you get the idea. Also, one of my lights seems to have run off to the left which is why the coffee table thing is all weird lol
    I'll post more updates soon...

    1920 x 1200 - 670K
  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531
    edited December 1969

    Why do I have 5 extra C-bolts but I'm short 2 B-screws? I can't make heads or tails out of this.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited September 2013

    LOVE the expansion and first set both. In the Expansion, I need that couch, can we see it from other views please? Floating or not will be fine... giggle. EDIT I over looked the Couch not included part, the image grabbed me WAY before I read the post. Man...

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
    edited September 2013

    Jaderail said:
    LOVE the expansion and first set both. In the Expansion, I need that couch, can we see it from other views please? Floating or not will be fine... giggle. EDIT I over looked the Couch not included part, the image grabbed me WAY before I read the post. Man...

    In the image I'm using supersuit leather and fabric shaders ;)

    I was planning on making a couch (trying anyway) until I found that one. No sense in trying to make something that is already available for free and probably better than I can do lol

    Edit- I should mention that even though the link say MAX models, some (couch included) do come in .obj and the surfaces are set up already ;) I imported the couch at 10% scale cause the first time it was ginormous!

    Post edited by Hellish-Abaddon on
  • Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Another update...
    The black backboard is a supersuit shader, which is not included, but I highly recommend. I don't even remember the last time I made textures for an object thanks to the supersuit shaders.
    The only new props in this image are the handles on the drawers and the mattress (which was a lot simpler to make than I thought) and of course, every piece can be ripped away and separated :)

    1091 x 892 - 335K
  • Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Probably the last update until I upload, the only things NOT included in the image are the boxes (obj freebie) flowers (freebie from somewhere) the clock (purchased, too lazy to check from who) and the sky dome (again, too lazy)
    Shaders used in the image are from the design tool box and one of the leathers from supersuit.

    Everything else you see was made using the DIY props and the soon to be released Expansion. With the expansion there will be a total of 12 "assembled" pieces (7 added) and 21 props, maybe more (7 added)

    They will also be shown in better renders when I upload lol

    1920 x 1400 - 991K
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,987
    edited December 1969

    I have a question,all of your wonderful stuff has "non-commercial" for usage rights you don't want them used in renders if the renders are sold??? I just want to make sure.

  • Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    carrie58 said:
    I have a question,all of your wonderful stuff has "non-commercial" for usage rights you don't want them used in renders if the renders are sold??? I just want to make sure.

    As of this very moment, you cannot use it in renders that you plan on selling...I will be updating the read me when I upload the Expansion, so if you are working on a render that you plan on selling, please continue ;)
    My other stuff at ShareCG will more than likely not get that update, though I may consider it should someone pm me about it...

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,987
    edited December 1969

    carrie58 said:
    I have a question,all of your wonderful stuff has "non-commercial" for usage rights you don't want them used in renders if the renders are sold??? I just want to make sure.

    As of this very moment, you cannot use it in renders that you plan on selling...I will be updating the read me when I upload the Expansion, so if you are working on a render that you plan on selling, please continue ;)
    My other stuff at ShareCG will more than likely not get that update, though I may consider it should someone pm me about it...

    Thank you for answering and no I don't have a render in process that I'm planning on selling , but I have learned to not download the non-commercial stuff just in case.When I first started with DS I had a field day grabbing all the freebies that I found (Virtual Packrat) then I learned about usage rights ........felt like it took forever to go through everything so that I don't accidently put something in a render I shouldn't ............all that being said your DIY furniture is so good and I really want to download it .......

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you muchly for the Pst. And I can match your set up as I have the items used in your render. TY TYVM.

  • Hellish-AbaddonHellish-Abaddon Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Expansion set is finally released. Should have been released a week ago, but real life is a ***** sometimes lol
    6 new "assembled" models and 7 props to DIY (I know I said 7 assembled, but yeah)

    Because some of the assembled models use props from the previous set, both sets are included.
    Just copy and paste the library over your library and overwrite everything.
    The readme has also been updated to allow for commercial renders so have fun :)
    Image and links have been added to the first post, if you want a better view of the models, click the sharecg link.


    A copy of Ik*a's cheapest and best selling item, I made this freebie long ago

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966

    Thank You!yes

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