Concerns about the PA Sale Setup



  • Mr Gneiss GuyMr Gneiss Guy Posts: 462
    edited December 1969

    Barubary said:
    Seriously, everyone? DAZ have consistently reduced the 'value' of their sales for over two years now. March Madness and the PC sale were both big disappointments in the previous years. What made you think the PA sale would get a pass?

    So I'm not disappointed, this was kind of to be expected.

    I will be disappointed, though, if this sale turns out to be anything but a giant wave of content for Genesis 2 Female.

    You're not disappointed, or not surprised? I'm not surprised but I am a bit disappointed.

    This was the once a year, get what you've been waiting for sale. For some of this stuff I'll probably have to wait a bit longer. There are a few vendors I've got my eyes on 3 things, but the odds that that situation will line up often enough for me to spend the kind of money I have spent in the past is unlikely. I doubt this new model will be the success that DAZ probably hopes it will be.

  • MegonNoelMegonNoel Posts: 377
    edited December 1969

    icprncss said:
    Ippotamus said:
    DanaTA said:
    Up to 50%? It used to be 50%, period.

    Yes, 2011 ... those were the days ... ... ...
    Now everyone quiet and act like your happy and saving money ... it's a festival!


    Where's the Funnel Cake wagon?

    It's right over there -->
    But you have to buy three. :bug:

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited November 2013

    edited and removed by user

    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • Mr Gneiss GuyMr Gneiss Guy Posts: 462
    edited December 1969

    MegonNoel said:
    icprncss said:
    Ippotamus said:
    DanaTA said:
    Up to 50%? It used to be 50%, period.

    Yes, 2011 ... those were the days ... ... ...
    Now everyone quiet and act like your happy and saving money ... it's a festival!


    Where's the Funnel Cake wagon?

    It's right over there -->
    But you have to buy three. :bug:

    Can I mix in a Corn Dog and an Elephant Ear to make 3? :wow:

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said: one major complaint is it's early again this year (didn't this usually happen in like, November?) and it collides with the release of Carrara 8.5.

    Yes, the PC Anniversary sale was in October, followed by the PA sale in November, followed by Christmas goodies in December, followed by withdrawal symptoms in January.


  • Saba TaruSaba Taru Posts: 170
    edited December 1969

    I wasn't going to post. I really wasn't. I do my best to vote with my wallet, but this time I'm a bit angry (which I recognize isn't a good time to post, but...). And then I thought, "Well, why the heck not?"

    I AM disappointed. And I DO feel betrayed.

    And I also feel this sale set up is designed to punish those of us that have been faithful customers for a number of years that already HAVE what we want from the PAs back catalog / store. Every year I've been here (since January of 2007), the PA sale has been a straight 50% off, and it's one of those sales I've always looked forward to. None of this "must buy three to get the max discount" crap in past sales (although I do remember other shenanigans with other sales). Now it's just like a regular intro sale, especially if you're one of the ones (like me) that hasn't bought into the whole Gen2Female figure.

    I didn't think DAZ could surprise me any more. I willfully admit I was wrong in that department. I am hugely, massively disappointed if this is how the entire sale is going to be. And I don't mind saying that outside of certain PAs, I won't be spending what I usually do on the sale this month.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    ...So...maybe DAZ is forcing me to be more rational with my spending?

    I can assure you that that is not DAZ3D's intent!


  •[email protected] Posts: 282
    edited December 1969

    I'll put my 2 pennies in just to add another voice. At 50% off, I most likely would have thrown the Stonemason item into a cart. At 30%, it's just like every other day, I'll review my options and decide no matter which way I do it, the lone item for 30% or 3 items at 50%, it'll still be more then I want to spend in one day and will pass it by. There are maybe 2-3 vendors that have 3 items in my wishlist, I'll be back on those days.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    MegonNoel said:
    icprncss said:
    Ippotamus said:
    DanaTA said:
    Up to 50%? It used to be 50%, period.

    Yes, 2011 ... those were the days ... ... ...
    Now everyone quiet and act like your happy and saving money ... it's a festival!


    Where's the Funnel Cake wagon?

    It's right over there -->
    But you have to buy three. :bug:

    :lol: :lol: :-P


  • StorypilotStorypilot Posts: 1,676
    edited December 1969

    Ameesa said:
    I'll put my 2 pennies in just to add another voice. At 50% off, I most likely would have thrown the Stonemason item into a cart. At 30%, it's just like every other day, I'll review my options and decide no matter which way I do it, the lone item for 30% or 3 items at 50%, it'll still be more then I want to spend in one day and will pass it by. There are maybe 2-3 vendors that have 3 items in my wishlist, I'll be back on those days.

    Yup same for me.

    I'm generally not one to laugh at DAZ's expense, I really do try to be positive, and generally love shopping here, and I wish them all only success. That said, I can't help but chuckle a little that this thread grumbling about the PA sale is 3 pages long already, while the official PA sale thread is basically crickets at this point, and almost half the posts in it are admins and moderators....

    I'd be happy to share some funnel cake with two other people...

  • IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,580
    edited December 1969

    Well, I'll say it this way. When it was a straight 50%, I would grab things impulsively. Might grab one of the new releases, then as the day wore on, the idea of somebody's store being on sale (today only!) would gnaw at me, and then I'd come back and buy something else.

    Now, there's a hurdle to overcome. Things go into my cart, waiting to see if they are joined by other things. I got to three things in the cart earlier, looked at them all in there, decided I was spending too much on the first day, and took them all out. Cart totals over a certain amount trigger enhanced scrutiny, and the impulse buys are gone. So...maybe DAZ is forcing me to be more rational with my spending?

    I remember my first PA sale, 50% off. Period.
    Everyday was exciting, impulsive, fun and terrorizingly expensive.
    $200.00 in the hole and a smile on my face.

    Last time?
    $25.00. No impulse buys. And a bitter yawn of boredom the only thing claiming real estate on my face.

    I guess that math is working out for DAZ somehow.
    Good for them.
    Bad for us.

  • Alisa Uh-LisaAlisa Uh-Lisa Posts: 1,308
    edited December 1969

    I'm generally not one to laugh at DAZ's expense, I really do try to be positive, and generally love shopping here, and I wish them all only success. That said, I can't help but chuckle a little that this thread grumbling about the PA sale is 3 pages long already, while the official PA sale thread is basically crickets at this point, and almost half the posts in it are admins and moderators....

    Yeah, I was finding that amusing, too...

    Saba Taru said:

    I didn't think DAZ could surprise me any more. I willfully admit I was wrong in that department. I am hugely, massively disappointed if this is how the entire sale is going to be. And I don't mind saying that outside of certain PAs, I won't be spending what I usually do on the sale this month.


    I am surprised, Probably shouldn't be but I was expecting that THIS sale they'd keep at the normal 50% off that we've come to expect. As people mentioned, money's tight for a lot of us, and making you have to buy THREE items to get the 50% off you used to be able to get one with will mean a LOT of us will spend little or no money at this sale that used to be one of the highlights of the year.

    Sad, I'm surprised, disappointed and sad.

    I just don't get you guys anymore, honestly I don't. I have wracked my brain to find another example of a company that continually and very publicly " train wrecks " itself for close to two years now, and has taken one of the most loyal and passionate customer bases, and turned us all into whiners and complainers. It so goes against every basic tenant of sales, that for a long time I thought there was some fiendishly brilliant logic behind it. Sadly I've come to realize it is just thrashing in the water. God I miss Dan Farr.

    Me too! And I have no expectation of any "oh, gee, we goofed, so sorry, we'll go back to the flat 50% off that has been the case every single year" because, well, that seems to have disappeared as well along with so much else so many of us loved about Daz for years and years.

    I am afraid to see what they have planned for the PC anniversary month if this is what we get for PA month :(

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    50% of the purchase price, not the discount price. so the 13,37 is the additional discount on top of the original 30% that you were seeing. to bring it up to the 50%

    Hasn't anyone at DAZ noticed yet that this method of (not) clearly showing discounts is only adding to the confusion and general tsuris of the new store?
  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    Huh. I dropped almost $110 on the first day. 'Course $79 of that was Carrara Pro with a coupie (thanks Girl6!), but the rest was vyktohria and Stonemason.

    My wishlist is pretty much pure PA goodness, so...yeah, it pinged pretty strongly. Coulda spent more... Didn't get the new Stonemason set, for example. No renders that need/want it right now. I picked three items from the two artists backlogs, and walked away happy with my 50%. Easy peasy. 'Course it doesn't hurt that I get email notifications of wishlist items on sale...

    -- Morgan

  • IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,580
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    MegonNoel said:
    icprncss said:
    Ippotamus said:
    DanaTA said:
    Up to 50%? It used to be 50%, period.

    Yes, 2011 ... those were the days ... ... ...
    Now everyone quiet and act like your happy and saving money ... it's a festival!


    Where's the Funnel Cake wagon?

    It's right over there -->
    But you have to buy three. :bug:

    :lol: :lol: :-P


    I'll take three and send them to the 'The 7th Annual DAZ 3D Premier Artist Festival' thread.
    Cake can brighten even the saddest of festivals.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    MegonNoel said:
    icprncss said:
    Ippotamus said:
    DanaTA said:
    Up to 50%? It used to be 50%, period.

    Yes, 2011 ... those were the days ... ... ...
    Now everyone quiet and act like your happy and saving money ... it's a festival!


    Where's the Funnel Cake wagon?

    It's right over there -->
    But you have to buy three. :bug:

    Can I mix in a Corn Dog and an Elephant Ear to make 3? :wow:


    Now I want a fair corndog. They always manage to theirs so yummy crispy. Doesn't help much I usually nuke mine- I really do need to get some toaster oven size pans.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,677
    edited December 1969

    I have some stuff I kind of want, but not anything I need. I do like the New Stonemason set, but I don't have a render in mind, so I wishlisted it.

    I intend to buy most of Stonemason's stuff over time, but no rush.

  • IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,580
    edited December 1969

    Day 2 is definitely one of the days this stupid sale hurts my feelings.

    Total instant buy 2 years ago.
    Instead, to the wishlist it goes. :/

    Yeah, I could totally eat 3 corndogs: nature's anti-depressant.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited August 2013

    HU.. Stonemason's store is all wonky... just saying....

    Edit: Nevermind... I just love Magneto.... LOL

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • anikadanikad Posts: 1,919
    edited December 1969

    Rats, it changed just as I was checking out. Oh well, my credit card will be pleased.

  • StorypilotStorypilot Posts: 1,676
    edited December 1969

    now that... that stirred the up the impulses... that could have lasted a little longer.... :)

  • IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,580
    edited December 1969

    So close ... yet so far away.
    5 more minutes and that would have definitely been something.
    I blame Stonemason. His store is obviously too big. I got lost in there. :)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,256
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    Huh. I dropped almost $110 on the first day. 'Course $79 of that was Carrara Pro with a coupie (thanks Girl6!), but the rest was vyktohria and Stonemason.

    My wishlist is pretty much pure PA goodness, so...yeah, it pinged pretty strongly. Coulda spent more... Didn't get the new Stonemason set, for example. No renders that need/want it right now. I picked three items from the two artists backlogs, and walked away happy with my 50%. Easy peasy. 'Course it doesn't hurt that I get email notifications of wishlist items on sale...

    -- Morgan

    ...what really buggers me is that coupons cannot be stacked like vouchers could. This has really killed the buying power of us on the low income end.
  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    I'm going for Vyla. Silver's Devon character @ Rendo was one of the first characters I ever bought and she's been one of my go-to gals since (along with Asobi, another character she worked on *cough*my icon*cough*). I love the characters she's been a part of, and while I don't own many (yet!), Vyla will make a wonderful addition.

  • SassyWenchSassyWench Posts: 602
    edited December 1969

    I just got Vyla and the Pose Pack from yesterday and Marieah's Morphing Tuxedo props and it all combined for the 50% off, so that was a good shopping trip. LOL

    I was really happy to see yesterdays New Releases still being included in 50% sale! This might make things a little bit better and easier. :)

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,677
    edited December 1969

    When do the sales end? I See Stonemason is still 30% off. But he's not listed in today's PA's.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,955
    edited December 1969

    When do the sales end? I See Stonemason is still 30% off. But he's not listed in today's PA's.

    In years past, the PAs store normally was on sale for 2 whole days. You can always add to your cart what you want from Stonemason's store and see if the cart system shows the proper discount before checking out. If so then you're golden.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    experimenting, adding 3 30% things doesn't make it go 50%. i tried adding the 2 new scifi kits to Village courtyard.

  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited August 2013

    MegonNoel said:
    icprncss said:
    Ippotamus said:
    DanaTA said:
    Up to 50%? It used to be 50%, period.

    Yes, 2011 ... those were the days ... ... ...
    Now everyone quiet and act like your happy and saving money ... it's a festival!


    Where's the Funnel Cake wagon?

    It's right over there -->
    But you have to buy three. :bug:

    Can I mix in a Corn Dog and an Elephant Ear to make 3? :wow:

    No, today you can mix corn dogs, cotton candy, and deep-fried pickles.

    Tomorrow, you can mix funnel cakes, tacos, and salt-water taffy.

    And the day after tomorrow, you can mix "fried dough" (the guy who makes "Elephant Ears" has moved to a different fair), cotton candy (again!), and lemonade...

    Post edited by robkelk on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    experimenting, adding 3 30% things doesn't make it go 50%. i tried adding the 2 new scifi kits to Village courtyard.

    Were all 3 items from stores that were featured either today or yesterday ?

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