Changing Sub-components and controllers
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Is there a way to change the sub-components and controller in the parameter settings of a morph? Please someone help me out. Ive searched but came up with no answers.
Can you explain exactly what you mean please?
What figure are you using, is it Genesis? What morph do you want to change, and how do you want to change it? I am assuming that you are using DAZ Studio, is that correct?
Not in Parameter Settings, that's what the Property Editor pane is for (though it can take an age to open for Genesis).
Oh, thanx, so how do I add sub-components and controllers once in the editor? sorry if Im asking something simple.
Either find the thing you want to be controlled in the left hand list and drag it onto the sub-component listing from the controller on the right or vice versa. You can then select which property the link getss aved with (usually the one you created, but if you are linking two pre-existing properties you will have to pick one of them and then resave it as an asset - assuming you want to use the link on all figures in future).
Thx. Problem resolved :)