How to select TriAx Weight Mapped?
Hi, im trying to save a new character preset (for to import to another scenes created by me in 4.6 DAZ). But when all is ready this says "please select Triax Weight Mapped". Well, how to select triax weight mapped in order for to import my character to another scenes?
Thanks, bite, domo, gracias, mercy :)
It means the type of preset you are saving requires that the selected figure in the scene be a TriAx rigged figure. Your figure presumably isn't, it's a legacy Poser figure such as Victoria 4 and therefore can't have that kind of preset saved for it. Try using the File>Save as>Deprecated menu to save an old script-based preset instead.
How do you then apply that saved preset?
How have you tried applying it? Select the figure it was saved for in the Scene pane, double click on the Preset, and it should run I think.
Have you looked in the log to see if there are any erros, Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File?