Bryce 7 question

I have just downloaded the free Bryce 7. Where can I find the correct serial number.
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I have just downloaded the free Bryce 7. Where can I find the correct serial number.
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I had the same problem (also with Hexagon). And, the Help-Request system is currently down. So, I had to call on the phone yesterday afternoon. Someone answered right away (usually I get voice-mail). Here's the answer I got:
They have a problem with the free downloads for Bryce and Hexagon. You are supposed to get a zip file containing the install executable AND a readme containing your activation code/serial number. The free Daz-Pro downloads a zip file as it is supposed to. They asked for my e-mail address, and said they would e-mail me the activation codes.
So far, I haven't yet recieved that e-mail. (I worry that the e-mail address is perhaps written down wrong, so I've posted a topic in the help forum. That's for users, but maybe Daz staff reads it.)
The People at Daz have been informed of the problem. THey do not tend to visit the forums, so it is not much point in addressing any queries to them there.
THere is a thread in the Commons Which gives details as to how to contact Support for the timebeing, until the support system is up and running again.
As I said, Daz3D are aware of the problem and are working on it.
Also please de remember that the support guys have been a bit overun with emails etc, so do allow them time to get round to your query,
Is the free version of Bryce 7 offered, the pro version? If not what is the difference. It is unclear if it is the pro version pictured, or just version 7. I am not even sure that they have 2 different versions of Bryce 7.
It is Bryce 7 Pro that is the version that is currently on offer at 100% discount.
Bryce & is the same, whichever version you download, However if you do not enter a pro serial number then you will not get the Pro features, they are disabled on the standard version.
THere is a wee problem at the moment obtaining the Serial numbers, but it is noted on the "TO DO" list, and should be sorted out pretty quickly.
I have merged your query with the other thread on this issue, to keep the conversation all in one place.
This may be a stupid question, but here goes: Will the serial number for each person's download of the free software be different? I am hesitant to bring this up, but If the serial numbers are in fact the same, why couldn't those who had already taken advantage of this offer post the serials for others? Or would that be against policy? That idea is actually useless if everyone was having the same issue with the serial numbers. :red: :red:
Because at the moment we don't know what the serial number is that was supposed to be in the readme that no one received.
I didn't mean to be pushy about wanting to get the serial number. I was just trying to offer a possible solution. I apologize if I came across that way. I know Daz is doing what they can. Thanks for all you're doing.
That's OK. As soon as we get a response from Daz3D we will share it.
Have downloaded Zips or Daz installers? If the latter then try "My Account > My Serials".
No that doesn't work any more, because now the free offer software is delivered via a direct download link, so they don't check out through the store. Hence why they are having a problem with a serial number.
THis was supposed to be included in the readme, but the readme is now included in the download..
Downloaded the Bryce 7 Pro from the DAZ 3D Products page on 5-26-2012. It mentions "free for a limited time". After trying to send email to daz3d dot com, received an email back from google dot com / support (mail delivery subsystem) advised me that the group may not exist or I may not have permission to post messages to the group. Being a little frustrated at not being able to open program for lack of serial numbers I tried calling the 800 number listed under Help - Contact Us, closed on weekends was the response.
What fun!
Received confirmation on starting account by email with DAZ 3D. That is how I got to here on the Forum.
Accessed the Forums Here, followed the Topic and seen that others were in the same fix. SO
THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO DO do for Serial Code- Go to DAZ 3D main page, go to the Help submenu, click on Software Registration, look down to Bryce 7 PLE Serial Code , type that number in the bottom box, I used my name in the top box. Once I did that the program opened. I immediately was able to pull down menus. Closed program and was able to reopen again without having to retype serial code.
Happy Rendering, now I get to see what Bryce is all about.
Would like to know where do I find the readme docs for Bryce 7 Pro is, all the Docs that came with the download are for Bryce 6.3, except the Integration Guide, which is for Bryce 5.5 to DAZ|Studio integration. All files are dated/modified as 8/15/2011.
Also the docs will help you with most everything that is included in B7, will certainly get you started and well on the way. The most popular book on Bryce, one which is still recommended by many (including me) as being the best book ever written about Bryce is titled "Real World Bryce 4" and people are still buying it.
Please note that the Bryce 7 PLE serial code will only unlock basic features, you need the B7 pro serial to unlock all the additional features which are available in the full version.
Thank You for the info. Will be going after the "Real World Bryce 4" book.
Happy Rendering!
Is the Bryce7Pro for free promotion ending 05/30/2012 ?
If yes, what about the B7pro serial number when the promo ends ?
ty and regards
I have not heard anything about the offer ending, so can't help you there, but will enquire for you.
I will get the information about the serial number posted, just as soon as I receive an update. I am not certain if the Daz3D office is open today, because I gather that it is a hoiliday of some sort in America.
Thanks to everyone who responded. I really appreciate it.
Bryce 7 Pro serial number can be found in this thread. THe first Post.