The My Couch Doesn’t Have The Guts To Talk To Me Or Any Blueberries Complaint Thread.



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,558
    edited December 1969

    I just changed my antivirus from free zone alarm to Clam which is also free.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,256
    edited August 2013

    M F M said:
    Sisca said:
    tjohn said:
    For those keeping score at home, that is 3 people that have watched Monk. :)

    And 2 that bought The Girl pro bundle.

    ..make it 3.. :red: :red:

    ... and four (,_,)...

    I don't feel so alone now! :coolsmile:

    ...most likely will get the base figure.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,227
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said: to instruments, only owned a Violin, Guitar, Clarinet, and Recorder.

    However, performed on various pianos including a 1928 Steinway D model (with ivory keys), Bösendorfer Imperial 290 (with 96 keys), Challis and Hubbard Harpsichords, Hammond B-3 (with Leslie cabinet), Moller and Barton Cinema Organs, and numerous classical pipe organs from single keyboard positif to to an actual hand pumped organ (pipe not reed) from the late 1800s, to the massive 5 Keyboard 10,000+ pipe EM Skinner instrument at Riverside Cathedral. If I owned all those, I'd need the government warehouse seen at the end of a certain film to store them all.

    Still, I want that Virtual Organ workstation I posted a pic of a while back

    A True Story:
    I own four lovely hand-crafted violins.
    I can't play the violin.

    (I realize that isn't a very compelling story, but it is true) :)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,256
    edited August 2013

    ...wasn't very good at the clarinet myself. Never even considered trying brass instruments as I just didn't have the breath volume.

    Lately though I feel the same with CG software (both 2D & 3D). I have no less than fourteen different applications and primarily use four of them

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited August 2013

    Morning. Cold and gloomy grey sky outside my window :)

    204 x 175 - 18K
    Post edited by ps1borg on
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...wasn't very good at the clarinet myself. Never even considered trying brass instruments as I just didn't have the breath volume.

    Lately though I feel the same with CG software (both 2D & 3D). I have no less than fourteen different applications and primarily use four of them

    I'm a lightweight.. :red: All I have is (in order of frequency of use):

    - DS 4.6
    - Carrara 8
    - Bryce 7 Pro
    - Hexagon

    I keep thinking of Lightwave, but not until I have a Core i7 system. I could skip it if DS had particle effects...

    Another night installing, eating, having beer, and rendering! Gril 6 drop coming before I go to bed! :coolsmile:

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Morning. Cold and gloomy grey sky outside my window :)

    Good morning! :coolsmile: Sounds like a nice day for a cuppa. :)

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,227
    edited December 1969

    T-H-U-R-S-D-A-Y night!
    T-H-U-R-S-D-A-Y night!

    That's all I got, sorry. :red:

  • SiscaSisca Posts: 875
    edited August 2013

    tjohn said:
    T-H-U-R-S-D-A-Y night!
    T-H-U-R-S-D-A-Y night!

    That's all I got, sorry. :red:

    Just doesn't have the same ring as
    S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night though does it.

    As the late great T-Bone Walker said...
    Thursday's oh so sad.

    Post edited by Sisca on
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    First test render of Girl 6 produced a nasty crash after I added an IDL light from Predtron - one that worked in other scenes. :blank: :blank:

    This is not auspicious. :blank:

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,256
    edited December 1969 you have any other lights in the scene.

    For setup purposes I do a simple work light set using a couple Distant Lights and then when I add the main light set, I often forget to turn them off before I start the render process.

    Don't have the Predatron IDL set so I don't know how involved it is.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said: you have any other lights in the scene.

    For setup purposes I do a simple work light set using a couple Distant Lights and then when I add the main light set, I often forget to turn them off before I start the render process.

    Don't have the Predatron IDL set so I don't know how involved it is.

    It was the only light in the scene. Of note: the occlusion-based version just rendered fine. :blank:

    Is a puzzlement. Will re-test.

    640 x 512 - 111K
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,227
    edited December 1969

    Sisca said:
    tjohn said:
    T-H-U-R-S-D-A-Y night!
    T-H-U-R-S-D-A-Y night!

    That's all I got, sorry. :red:

    Just doesn't have the same ring as
    S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night though does it.

    As the late great T-Bone Walker said...
    Thursday's oh so sad.
    Luckily though, the eagle flies on Friday. :)

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,227
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said: you have any other lights in the scene.

    For setup purposes I do a simple work light set using a couple Distant Lights and then when I add the main light set, I often forget to turn them off before I start the render process.

    Don't have the Predatron IDL set so I don't know how involved it is.

    It was the only light in the scene. Of note: the occlusion-based version just rendered fine. :blank:

    Is a puzzlement. Will re-test.

    Interestingly, the zero pose works well as a Cheerleader pose. :)

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,227
    edited December 1969

    Oddly, I seem to have started preceding my comments with adverbs...

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,227
    edited December 1969
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    I have an old violin style bass guitar...the brand name of which I've forgotten yet again! It's really nice, though. I learned on that and later got (and still have) a Music Man Sabre II bass, with active circuitry, Peavy Mark IV bass amp (nice dual channel setup, with a pedal that lets you switch between the channels and also mix them) with EQ. You can set up a really deep deep sound in one channel, and a trebly funky sound in the other, and switch or mix them. Big folded horn cabinet with an 18" speaker in it. A Guild F80 acoustic guitar, really nice fat sound. A Gibson SG Custom, walnut with gold hardware, three full humbucking pickups, double sided pick guard. Serial number on that is pretty old. Gibson didn't keep good records back then, but they say it was built between 1965 and 1969. A G&L Legacy Special with blade pickups. This is a nice Strat style guitar. G&L was Leo Fender's last company. A Mesa Boogie Rocket 44 guitar amp, really nice sound. I also have a Germeinhardt solid silver flute. I picked that up in the early 70s. My friend, a virtuoso, showed me the proper fingering and how to blow into it. I taught myself Jethro Tull's Bouret from the Stand-Up album, BS&T's Sometimes in Winter and Variations on a Theme. Right now I'd probably pass out if I tried to play it! I also have a trumpet. I got a little out of that, played a little of When The Saints Come Marching. but it was difficult to play because of my partial denture. For many years I got the urge to try something new every now and then. I started on drums. I knew enough of each instrument that once, at a church I attended, there was a vocal group that sang to backup tapes (the music without any vocals). There was an Andre Crouch song they wanted to do, but couldn't find the backup for it anywhere. I knew the song, and the sound man for the church had a 4 track recorder. So I went in on a couple of Saturdays and laid down all the tracks...guitar, bass, piano, violins on the Roland, drums. They loved it, and it was a lot of fun to do.

    Gotta go do vacation stuff now.


    Dang, some nice gear there! :coolsmile: I used to love layering tracks, in the days before DAWS... somehow the computer took all the fun out of the process. :down:


    That was the only time I did the multi-track by myself thing. The Christian band I had did go into the studio once. The keyboardist and the sound man both took a course at Normandy Sound Studios, and as part of the course they could each take in a band and have so much recording time and so much mastering time. They combined their time and we did one of my originals. Came out pretty good. I had an idea for three part harmonies on the guitars (we had three guitarists at that point, the keyboardist was actually a guitarist) but with a twist, two would follow, one would be counterpoint. The guitarist who had training at Juliard said he didn't think it would work, but I told him that I could hear it in my head and I knew it would work. It did, and it sounded great. I was on bass, that's my main instrument in a band. I've only jammed with a friend with the six string electric. Before we got a drummer, we did all acoustic work with that band, and I played my Guild then. But when we got the drummer, I switched to bass.

    I didn't really have "all the fun" very much, so I don't know if digital would really make that much difference to me, I'd just love to try it again. Maybe some day.


  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    Oddly, I seem to have started preceding my comments with adverbs...

    Strange, that is. Weirdly, it seems to me to be weird.

    Channeling Yoda, you are. :blank:

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    Sisca said:
    tjohn said:
    DanaTA said:
    DanaTA said:
    tjohn said:
    Render drop.
    "Young Love"

    Nice image. But I fear the young Goth will be disappointed. I don't think cheerleaders normally hang with Goths. Different crowd. Of course, I may be wrong. But, you know...I'm not. 'Cause it's a jungle out there.


    I guess nobody got my reference. Has anyone ever watched Monk?


    I never did, but my brother is a fan. I've never heard anyone else mention the show. So that's least 2 people, counting you. :)

    I love Monk and I'm disappointed that I didn't catch the reference until you pointed it out. I thought it sounded familiar though so maybe that's something.

    I found it in the Xfinity OnDemand line-up and checked out the first episode and was hooked. It took Diane one or two more episodes to get hooked. We're into the 4th season already! I like this OnDemand thingie...I've gotten to see several shows that I haven't had a chance to see first run...or even knew they existed. I'm also going through Alias. And Warehouse 13 and Eureka.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said: to instruments, only owned a Violin, Guitar, Clarinet, and Recorder.

    However, performed on various pianos including a 1928 Steinway D model (with ivory keys), Bösendorfer Imperial 290 (with 96 keys), Challis and Hubbard Harpsichords, Hammond B-3 (with Leslie cabinet), Moller and Barton Cinema Organs, and numerous classical pipe organs from single keyboard positif to to an actual hand pumped organ (pipe not reed) from the late 1800s, to the massive 5 Keyboard 10,000+ pipe EM Skinner instrument at Riverside Cathedral. If I owned all those, I'd need the government warehouse seen at the end of a certain film to store them all.

    Still, I want that Virtual Organ workstation I posted a pic of a while back

    Very impressive! I'm certainly no master on the keyboards...barely play them at all. And everything I've ever played has been self taught and by ear. I did pick up a violin once. There was a music shop I used to stop in after school (high school) and one day I asked the owner if I could try the violin. He rosined up the bow and said here you go. I didn't play a tune, but I got some notes out of it and it didn't sound like a cat being mauled!


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    Game of Thrones is a kick ass show. I can't wait till the new season comes out. The one thing I have to warn is there is a LOT of nudity and don't route for anyone. They will end up dead.

    monties? :)

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    Oddly, I seem to have started preceding my comments with adverbs...

    Incidentally, I noticed that. ;-P


  • M F MM F M Posts: 1,388
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    Game of Thrones is a kick ass show. I can't wait till the new season comes out. The one thing I have to warn is there is a LOT of nudity and don't route for anyone. They will end up dead.

    monties? :)
    Front, back, sides, male, female AND goats ;-).
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    M F M said:
    Frank0314 said:
    Game of Thrones is a kick ass show. I can't wait till the new season comes out. The one thing I have to warn is there is a LOT of nudity and don't route for anyone. They will end up dead.

    monties? :)

    Front, back, sides, male, female AND goats ;-).

    is there another reason why the show is so popular? :)

    from the pics it looks lotr-ish

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ok, the second time I rendered it, it worked. WTH? :blank: :blank:

    IDL version of the previous occlusion render.. took 3 times as long.

    640 x 512 - 111K
  • decibeldecibel Posts: 66
    edited December 1969

    Why GOT so popular?
    My guess, aside from nudity mentioned above, is for something that may look LOTR-ish it does not have the warm & fuzzy factor.
    It's refreshing to hear characters that speak without buffering their thoughts with social cushions.
    Plus, the unspoken mystery of where is this world and how is it/ why is it different from ours plays like a sore tooth you just can't stop messing with.

    You just can't count on it to play by previous rules.

  • SiscaSisca Posts: 875
    edited August 2013

    Kyoto Kid said: you have any other lights in the scene.

    For setup purposes I do a simple work light set using a couple Distant Lights and then when I add the main light set, I often forget to turn them off before I start the render process.

    Don't have the Predatron IDL set so I don't know how involved it is.

    It was the only light in the scene. Of note: the occlusion-based version just rendered fine. :blank:

    Is a puzzlement. Will re-test.

    Just tested and I run into the same thing. This was rendered using Predatron's Sunset light set and came out fine. Using the IDL version of Sunset and it crashes rendering the hair. I tried applying UberSurface to the hair and turning off Raytracing and Occlusion but it crashed in the same place with IDL.

    I'll have to make sure task manager is up and monitor memory if I try it again just to see if maybe it's running out of memory for some reason. That will have to wait until tomorrow though, time for bed now.

    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    Post edited by Sisca on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    I just noticed the part about blueberries in the thread title. when was that added?


  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Sisca said:
    Kyoto Kid said: you have any other lights in the scene.

    For setup purposes I do a simple work light set using a couple Distant Lights and then when I add the main light set, I often forget to turn them off before I start the render process.

    Don't have the Predatron IDL set so I don't know how involved it is.

    It was the only light in the scene. Of note: the occlusion-based version just rendered fine. :blank:

    Is a puzzlement. Will re-test.

    Just tested and I run into the same thing. This was rendered using Predatron's Sunset light set and came out fine. Using the IDL version of Sunset and it crashes rendering the hair. I tried applying UberSurface to the hair and turning off Raytracing and Occlusion but it crashed in the same place with IDL.

    I'll have to make sure task manager is up and monitor memory if I try it again just to see if maybe it's running out of memory for some reason. That will have to wait until tomorrow though, time for bed now.

    Ok, not just me. I wonder if it's a hair-and-IDL random bug since mine worked the second time.. ut I hadn't applied a material, either! :bug:

    Going to try that next.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited August 2013

    ARGH - fighting the Fillipa (sp?) hair. It's not conforming, so I'm having to play the "Scale -and-render-and-translate-and-render" game to keep Girl 6 from having unsightly bald spots. :bug:

    It's taken 3 bottles of beer to get this far, I swear this is more work than is needed. :blank: Thank heavens for blues or I'd have killed my laptop! :gulp: Occlusion lights render pretty fast even with transparency.

    I really want the Flying Guts Monster to be chasing Girl6 Cheerleader around a drive-in theater. But man, it's work! :bug:

    *sways to Howlin' Wolf* :coolsmile:

    *edit* Occlusion finished, here you go.

    640 x 512 - 119K
    Post edited by Woolyloach on
This discussion has been closed.