The My Couch Doesn’t Have The Guts To Talk To Me Or Any Blueberries Complaint Thread.



  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,976
    edited December 1969

    ShareCG has a dumpster, IIRC.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Skiriki said:
    ShareCG has a dumpster, IIRC.

    I found a nice pile of debris and rubbish on Rendo.. buying now.

    Trash, the thing you never remember... :red: :red: I should know better, too! :down: I've critiqued "too sterile scenes". :-S

    I'll install the trash when I install my 50s cars, once this render is done! :)

    Whoever thought I'd be buying trash... :lol:

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Blech - trash installed, new Daz content installed, now installing fonts.. lots of fonts.

    Guess next, I'll back up my fonts dir AND all my runtimes. :-S

    Render still going, so no using new content until it finishes.. in about an hour or so.

    A good time to eat some spicy breakfast sausage! :)

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited December 1969

    I just bought the Dance pose set for Aslan Court but I don't have Michael 3. Guess I'll turn genesis into a basic male and have him dance with Victoria 5. lol

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    Blech - trash installed, new Daz content installed, now installing fonts.. lots of fonts.

    Guess next, I'll back up my fonts dir AND all my runtimes. :-S

    Render still going, so no using new content until it finishes.. in about an hour or so.

    A good time to eat some spicy breakfast sausage! :)

    turn fonts into 3d objects...

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


    I woke up today with the most annoying urge to create music, after four months of being dead to it. And 2 weeks ago I deleted all my music software to make room for more 3D stuff. :blank: So, I plugged in my MIDI keyboard and after 3 minutes of dinking around, my hand cramped and that brought things to a dead standstill.

    But I want to create music anyway, dang this lame body!!

    So, you know.. I'm re-installing Acid Music Studio 8 and all my Acid loops. Even if I can't actually perform anything any more, I can compose with loops! :coolsmile:

    This time, I keep it simple - just loops, my best audio effects, and that's it. No virtual instruments, no fancy software emulations, just loops, some effects, and me! :coolsmile:

    One of my known problems is making my hobbies too complex - so this is a conscious effort to go all minimal. An approach that would serve me well in 3D and writing, I imagine. :-S

    I'd love to play guitar again, but if a few minutes on the keys kills me, there's no way I could jam the jams like I want to. Le sigh.


  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    Blech - trash installed, new Daz content installed, now installing fonts.. lots of fonts.

    Guess next, I'll back up my fonts dir AND all my runtimes. :-S

    Render still going, so no using new content until it finishes.. in about an hour or so.

    A good time to eat some spicy breakfast sausage! :)

    turn fonts into 3d objects...

    I'm going to put the fonts in via Photoshop or Comic Life.. I prefer postworking for fonts as it's easy to play with layers and positioning.

    If I were making a flying logo, I'd definitely check that out! :coolsmile:

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    Blech - trash installed, new Daz content installed, now installing fonts.. lots of fonts.

    Guess next, I'll back up my fonts dir AND all my runtimes. :-S

    Render still going, so no using new content until it finishes.. in about an hour or so.

    A good time to eat some spicy breakfast sausage! :)

    turn fonts into 3d objects...

    I'm going to put the fonts in via Photoshop or Comic Life.. I prefer postworking for fonts as it's easy to play with layers and positioning.

    If I were making a flying logo, I'd definitely check that out! :coolsmile:

    can find some free old cars here if you want, they're for poser but work in DAZ Studio

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    Rareth said:
    Blech - trash installed, new Daz content installed, now installing fonts.. lots of fonts.

    Guess next, I'll back up my fonts dir AND all my runtimes. :-S

    Render still going, so no using new content until it finishes.. in about an hour or so.

    A good time to eat some spicy breakfast sausage! :)

    turn fonts into 3d objects...

    I'm going to put the fonts in via Photoshop or Comic Life.. I prefer postworking for fonts as it's easy to play with layers and positioning.

    If I were making a flying logo, I'd definitely check that out! :coolsmile:

    can find some free old cars here if you want, they're for poser but work in DAZ Studio

    Thanks - I'll check that out!!!! :coolsmile:

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    I've used the Pontiac (after a fresh pain job) in a scene or two...

    1024 x 768 - 430K
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    I've used the Pontiac (after a fresh pain job) in a scene or two...

    That's a nice Pontiac! Cool render, too! :coolsmile:

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    I've used the Pontiac (after a fresh pain job) in a scene or two...

    That's a nice Pontiac! Cool render, too! :coolsmile:

    None of the cars are set to a particular scale that I can tell, so you'll be tweaking them to make them fit the scene

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited December 1969

    i bought some stuff for Genesis 2. i mean, i put them in the shopping cart but i forgot to check out. lol. i was busy looking at some artwork on Renderosity that I forgot all about my shopping session on

    i'll buy some skins for Genesis 2 later. oh yeah, i might need some hair too. or i can just parent some of V4's hair to Genesis 2.

    ok, i gotta go eat lunch now. will download some cars that i bought too after if finish eating lunch. or i guess i can download the cars while i'm eating lunch. i just bought car the ranger a few days ago.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Dang it's hot outside!!! :bug: :bug: 94f, 39% humidity! :blank:

    The compy was busy so I decided I wanted some dark beer for the weekend.. walked up to the microbrew mart, and by the time I got home with my two six packs (Shiner Black Lager and Obsidian Stout) my t-shirt was dripping! :gulp: The beer was fine, though. :)

    I removed the fog fromt he scene since it ws taking so long.. will add later once I learn how to colorize it. :coolsmile:

    All minimalist-ready audio software installed.. ready to compose! :coolsmile:

    ICFPL WIP #3, now with more junque!

    640 x 512 - 241K
  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,976
    edited December 1969

    That's better!

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    Dang it's hot outside!!! :bug: :bug: 94f, 39% humidity! :blank:

    The compy was busy so I decided I wanted some dark beer for the weekend.. walked up to the microbrew mart, and by the time I got home with my two six packs (Shiner Black Lager and Obsidian Stout) my t-shirt was dripping! :gulp: The beer was fine, though. :)

    I removed the fog fromt he scene since it ws taking so long.. will add later once I learn how to colorize it. :coolsmile:

    All minimalist-ready audio software installed.. ready to compose! :coolsmile:

    ICFPL WIP #3, now with more junque!

    Looking better and better....

    say are you going to give some color to the beastie's eyes and brain?

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Skiriki said:
    That's better!

    Yeah - thanks again for the critique! It really DID look way too clean, now it looks more like the last drive-in I was at. ;-P

    Now it's trying to get an eerie green fog under the FGM.. yargh.. should be some work.. :-S

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited December 1969

    ugg.. forum is acting up again. the image above reminded me to buy cheerleader for genesis 2 female(s)

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    Dang it's hot outside!!! :bug: :bug: 94f, 39% humidity! :blank:

    The compy was busy so I decided I wanted some dark beer for the weekend.. walked up to the microbrew mart, and by the time I got home with my two six packs (Shiner Black Lager and Obsidian Stout) my t-shirt was dripping! :gulp: The beer was fine, though. :)

    I removed the fog fromt he scene since it ws taking so long.. will add later once I learn how to colorize it. :coolsmile:

    All minimalist-ready audio software installed.. ready to compose! :coolsmile:

    ICFPL WIP #3, now with more junque!

    Looking better and better....

    say are you going to give some color to the beastie's eyes and brain?

    That'll be the "beauty pass". Right now, I'm going to fight some VFX for eerie fog.. not sure of the best way right now.

    I'd love to make the eyes glow, I have some glow shaders, maybe I'll experiment! :vampire:

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,316
    edited December 1969

    Do you guys even have anymore Drive-Ins? We only have 1 left

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ugg.. forum is acting up again. the image above reminded me to buy cheerleader for genesis 2 female(s)

    The cheerleader outfit is nice - works well with G2F/Girl 6. I have the extra textures too, but haven't used them yet. :)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited August 2013

    s5 Dr Who arrived :) dvd cover is one of those nifty 3d illusion shimmer jobs.

    found this intriguing s/w

    complaint !s
    my buppy's treats didn't arrive. 2 separate packages. 2 tracking #s.
    one says it was delivered yesterday. it's not here
    other track# says out for delivery. mail truck came and went, no delivery.
    thats 60 bucks of dog treats gone who knows where, can't hold the vendor responsible when the office track/confirm says delivered.
    my poor bubby.
    we haz chicken nuggies in the freezer, hmm, would he rather have those for snacks? i don't have a microwave.
    yeah, screw packaged dog treats, my buppy is having homemade from now on. and frostypaws. and the milkbone bickies. we call 'em bickies.

    i ordered full spectrum light bulbs from amazon, they sent me light bulbs but not the full spectrum. not even the same price.

    my pc dues are on the monthly, due for 25th, but they charged it on the 21st :long:

    i want to go to Target, but Saturday bus stops running early.

    my dayjob asked me to come in Monday for the audit prep. i said i was feeling too run down. doh, i threw away an extra day of pay next week to stay home and animate. waz wrong with me?

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    Do you guys even have anymore Drive-Ins? We only have 1 left

    There was one in Austin 5 years ago when I moved here.. I think it closed. :down:

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,316
    edited December 1969

    Ours isn't going anywhere soon. They just updated everything to digital. They were running a bunch of sales last year to help pay for the update. We try to go at least once a year. The kids and dog love it. We either take my truck and put down the tailgate and sit in the bed or we take lawn chairs and sit on them.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited August 2013

    grumble. my tv is my monitor. wanna watch dr.who, but wanna work at the same time. didn't think this through - >.<
    hmm <.> ... <.> lacks the drama of >.<</p>

    this looks too good to be true?

    all the looney tunes character voices were the same guy. and he did it without s/w.
    Tas, "rawrrgrwllrrrawrrr"

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    Ours isn't going anywhere soon. They just updated everything to digital. They were running a bunch of sales last year to help pay for the update. We try to go at least once a year. The kids and dog love it. We either take my truck and put down the tailgate and sit in the bed or we take lawn chairs and sit on them.

    Wow, nice! That's totally cool! :coolsmile:

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    This is what happens to Nosey Cheerleaders....

    1024 x 768 - 242K
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited August 2013

    grumble. my tv is my monitor. wanna watch dr.who, but wanna work at the same time. didn't think this through - >.<
    hmm <.> ... <.> lacks the drama of >.<</p>

    this looks too good to be true?

    all the looney tunes character voices were the same guy. and he did it without s/w.
    Tas, "rawrrgrwllrrrawrrr"

    The voice morphing stuff works.. mosty. They made hardware to do it, it was kind of effective.

    Varies per voice, always try first.

    BTW, it took 6 tries to post this. CloudFart sucks dead armadillos. :blank:

    Post edited by Woolyloach on
  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    grumble. my tv is my monitor. wanna watch dr.who, but wanna work at the same time. didn't think this through - >.<
    hmm <.> ... <.> lacks the drama of >.<</p>

    this looks too good to be true?

    all the looney tunes character voices were the same guy. and he did it without s/w.
    Tas, "rawrrgrwllrrrawrrr"

    it works, as long as you use it to morph a person's voice and try to use it to make text to speech voices sound better (I've tried doesn't make them sound any better)

    it was designed to work with Gamers and the voice chats (teamspeak Ventrilo) they use to assist in roleplaying so gamers could sound more like they imagine their characters sounding.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    This is what happens to Nosey Cheerleaders....

    That kind of thing seems to be a job hazard for cheerleaders...! :ahhh:

This discussion has been closed.