Parameters tab (and others) vanished

My parametrs, lights and other tabs from the right hand lower group have vanished,the only tab left is "surfaces".

I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling Studio. Changed panels to city limits- city light, Holywood boulevard etc and none make them reappear.

I’ve reset to defaults on the preferences tab and still nothing.

I've looked under my desk as well - just can't get them back

Its probably self-inflicted but how do I get the tabs back?


  • Reloading the Interface should have replaced the panes. Are they in the Add Pane list if you light-click in a blank area next to the tab for an existing pane? Are they listed in Window>Panes(Tabs)?

  • None of the missing panes (Light, parameters etc) appear in the blank area add tab - and not in the Windw-panes sub-menus either.

    Is there likely to be a preference file hidden somewhere that I cxan delete and return to origional spec do you think?

  • If you go to Help>About Installed Plug-ins is Interface Components checked and showing a green plug icon? If it's unchecked, check it, click Accept, and restart DS. If it's checked but not green what is the text in the lower section of the dialogue when it is selected, as in my screenshot?

    Interface Pane plug-in.JPG
    635 x 556 - 56K
  • Interface Components is highlighted green, and the information data is identical to yours, as above.

    Just for my benefit I closed that plugin down, restarted Daz and re-enabled and again restarted, still no joy.

  • Update - after doing the above, I went back to right clicking near the pane, and the parameters. lights etc have come back as loadable options in the add pane tab.

    I've no idea how, but the problem seems to be solved

    Thank you so much for your help. I hope this may help others if they are ever faced with the same problem, obviously Daz is unusable in the state it was in.

  • I just had the same exact problem!  I am grateful that I found this post!  In my case the posing, shaping, camera, and light tabs were missing. I went to Help > About Installed Plug-install and noticed the Interface Components was yellow not green.  Checked it and then restarted DAZ3D and the tabs appeared again!

    Thank you Richard Haseltine!

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