Resourse kit

For Genesis...or any model at that.
A resource kit being like...base mesh clothes (pants, shirt, skirt, dress, ect)
I'm surprised one hasn't already been made by Daz themselves.
But the thought sort of came of me, as I'm sort of a 1-team dev team trying to make a game. I think it would be a good tool to use
And also, having rules stuck to it, saying something like "Need major changes to sell"
So...guess I would just convert the Gen4 over to Genesis?
There is a Genesis mesh already in there.
Oh, so don't see it...must be blind
thanks for the link
There's also this
It already has starter meshes split into different types of clothing. For either package, Joe's or Jan's, you can redistribute your fully rigged clothing made with them either commercially or non-commercially, but you man not redistribute them as is.