Ron Deviney Appreciation Thread

TheWheelManTheWheelMan Posts: 1,014
edited December 1969 in The Commons

With all of the incredible brushes and PNGs that Ron Deviney makes for us that prove so incredibly useful, why don't we have an Appreciation Thread for him? So I'm starting one now. I know that his stuff is usually integrated into a larger design in such a way that they may not stand front and center, yet without them, I can only imagine how many of our artworks would be sorely lacking.

So I'll start off with this one, titled "Jungle Kitty". The rain and steam are what make the image work, and that's directly due to some of Ron's fabulous brushes.

1680 x 1050 - 409K


  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,254
    edited December 1969

    yep.. like Ron's stuff... use them a lot :)

    800 x 613 - 444K
  • JennKJennK Posts: 834
    edited December 1969

    Love Ron's brushes. I don't have them all yet but I am working on it :-)

    900 x 756 - 140K
  • DireBunnyDireBunny Posts: 556
    edited December 1969

    It would be easier for me to count the pictures I've done that didn't use his brushes than it would for those ones where i did.

    It was kinda hard to pick just one picture so i am going with one of my favorites i did.

    1800 x 1800 - 475K
  • KinichKinich Posts: 883
    edited December 1969

    Rons Brushes are a must for much of my postwork, my drawing/painting skills are virtually non-existent so without these tools I'd be truly stuck. So here is an older work but one that would be nothing like this without Rons excellent brushes.

    Not forgetting of course that even though they list Photoshop as a required item the brushes will work in recent versions of GIMP as is without any conversion :)

    Please click for the bigger (1680x1050) version

    1680 x 1050 - 433K
  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,976
    edited December 1969

    Oooooh! A thread for my very favorite brush-maker!

    Yes! I absolutely love Ron's stuff -- as a matter of fact, HE is the reason why I am here!

    I first signed up to buy Ron's slime brushes -- something I couldn't find as freebies, and something I wanted very, very, very badly. And when I searched for them, thru some power of coincidence, they were on sale, as a part of Halloween happenings. So, ZOMG. 50% or something off, plus some bonus perks for signing up? I waffled for a bit, but then I bought them, and subscribed myself to be notified if something interesting happens in general in DAZland.

    (I started using DS only in next February, 2012, as a friend of mine pestered until I did.)

    I'll linkify couple of pictures, since they use splatters in gory shades of red, and upload one...

    Smoke, fog, and some other aerial phenomena brushes used, plus blood and slime. Dragon-lovers might not want to click.

    Whole lot of fog here, and this one is safe for everyone.

    Splut! Gory, but trust me, the hill giant was a baddie.

    And uploaded -- snow brushes in the air, the ground is rendered.

    1000 x 1000 - 308K
  • KickAir 8PKickAir 8P Posts: 1,865
    edited December 1969

    A couple of older renders, but one's still a personal fave -- these use some of Ron's water brushes (I forget which ones, sorry) to make transparency maps for plane primitives, used in-render:

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  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited August 2013

    Wow KickAir 8p, love those water renders, and the cool dolphin man.

    Here is mine:

    913 x 684 - 256K
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    This is an old one I did using the older variant of Ron's water brushes. Unfortunatel;y His new sets don't work in my old copy of Photoshop.

    Also one I did using the PSD overlays from his DIgital Energy.

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  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,976
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    This is an old one I did using the older variant of Ron's water brushes. Unfortunatel;y His new sets don't work in my old copy of Photoshop.

    Try in the latest incarnation of GIMP.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Nope. me likes Photoshop. I am searching for an affordable physical copy of a newer version of Photoshop.

  • Pixel8tedPixel8ted Posts: 593
    edited August 2013 Ron's brushes. I don't have the best computer to render with so I use them a lot to build my own backgrounds and or add special effects. Here's an image I just got finished with that uses Ron's Apocalyspe brush set. The entire background is made of this brush set...but you may or may not recognize it as I use lots of layers and layer masking along with gradient mapping.

    590 x 905 - 897K
    Post edited by Pixel8ted on
  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,976
    edited December 1969

    OMG, that's so kickass!

  • Pixel8tedPixel8ted Posts: 593
    edited August 2013


    Post edited by Pixel8ted on
  • DavageDavage Posts: 84
    edited December 1969

    The Destroyer

    Thanks for your brushes Deviney, I use them on every piece I work on. I need to find that sweet spot of not overdoing it on the brushes. It's so easy to get carried away. Special thanks to Smay and Stonemason as well.

    2000 x 750 - 2M
  • DavageDavage Posts: 84
    edited December 1969

    Here's A big handful of some of my other pieces that would be next to nothing without Ron's Brushes. The Image with the birds in the rain was made using only Brushes made in about 5 min. showing a friend how easy they are to use.

    I love the new brush set that came out a bit ago (with all the battle effects) but that's one I'm gonna have to save up for.

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  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969


    Davage003 said:
    Here's A big handful of some of my other pieces that would be next to nothing without Ron's Brushes. The Image with the birds in the rain was made using only Brushes made in about 5 min. showing a friend how easy they are to use.

    I love the new brush set that came out a bit ago (with all the battle effects) but that's one I'm gonna have to save up for.

    Holy crud! The all-brushes image is spectacularly well done, and so much more so for knowing that it's all done with different brushes!

    I would have loved to watch you put that together; I imagine it'd be like watching Bob Ross paint a scene... 'We're going to put some little sad trees over here...sad trees...dark trees...let's put some ravens on the little sad trees...' :)

    -- Morgan

  • ObirusskenobiObirusskenobi Posts: 16
    edited December 1969

    Amen to this thread, Ron's brushes are probably the most outstanding resource I have for photoshop and I believe I have them all, expect his tornado brushes, still his water works are by far my most used. Here's a little pic of them in use.

    1500 x 2000 - 1M
  • NV OracleNV Oracle Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Hey, gang. I also love Ron's brush sets. I've used them in GIMP, so I know they work there, but I do have a question for you. Does the PSD's work in GIMP, too. I tried to use them, but I think I goofed somewhere. When I tried to open them in GIMP, all I got was a black screen, with a colored square in the upper left corner, and a title.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Your friend

    Post edited by NV Oracle on
  • ncampncamp Posts: 345
    edited December 1969

    NV Oracle said:
    Hey, gang. I also love Ron's brush sets. I've used them in GIMP, so I know they work there, but I do have a question for you. Does the PSD's work in GIMP, too. I tried to use them, but I think I goofed somewhere. When I tried to open them in GIMP, all I got was a black screen, with a colored square in the upper left corner, and a title.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Your friend

    Several of Ron's PSD files use groups of layers. Back when I was using GIMP, I had trouble with them, but that was several years ago.


  • NV OracleNV Oracle Posts: 139
    edited December 1969

    Were you able to fix the problem, ncamp, and how did you? Also, I'm using the current version of GIMP.

  • ncampncamp Posts: 345
    edited December 1969

    Sorry, I moved to photoshop and quit using GIMP. What product are you having a problem with? If I have it (and I have most of Ron's stuff), I'll take a look at it and see if I can offer an idea.

  • KinichKinich Posts: 883
    edited December 1969

    NV Oracle, I have a number of Ron's sets and use the Brushes a fair bit in GIMP, not the PSD's so much but carried out a quick check on what I had around and the single layer PSD's in Ron's Blood & multi layered PSD's in Ron's Apocalypse all of which work in GIMP 2.8.4, the version I am currently using on Windows 7 (64bit).
    To use them I simply dragged & dropped them into GIMP (a pop-up about the Colour Working Space will appear and you can Convert or Keep, both work).

  • NV OracleNV Oracle Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Thanks a lot, Kinich. I have that version of GIMP as well, but I think you've lost me at the 'dragged and dropped them into GIMP'. Don't you have to Open them first?

    Thanks a lot Kinich, and you, too, ncamp. I tripped over the 'Auto' button on the Layers window. I had actually forgotten about that little button, but it opened up all of the layers underneath.

    Post edited by NV Oracle on
  • ncampncamp Posts: 345
    edited December 1969

    NV Oracle said:
    Thanks a lot, Kinich. I have that version of GIMP as well, but I think you've lost me at the 'dragged and dropped them into GIMP'. Don't you have to Open them first?

    I have that one. If I open the file in CS6.5, I don't see any grouping of layers. There are 10 waterline layers, a background layer, and a text layer. Looks like a standard PSD. The only thing I see that I have not seen before is background colors on the individual layer select icons.

    If only the text layer is visible, there is a blue green box in the upper left side and some text. By default, all layers were on when I opened the file.

  • TheWheelManTheWheelMan Posts: 1,014
    edited December 1969

    This is maybe the most favorite image I've done to date, and it again features the fabulous brushes of Ron Deviney.

    Title: The Norms

    1680 x 1050 - 283K
  • NV OracleNV Oracle Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    ncamp said:
    NV Oracle said:
    Thanks a lot, Kinich. I have that version of GIMP as well, but I think you've lost me at the 'dragged and dropped them into GIMP'. Don't you have to Open them first?

    I have that one. If I open the file in CS6.5, I don't see any grouping of layers. There are 10 waterline layers, a background layer, and a text layer. Looks like a standard PSD. The only thing I see that I have not seen before is background colors on the individual layer select icons.

    If only the text layer is visible, there is a blue green box in the upper left side and some text. By default, all layers were on when I opened the file.

    What you have to do, ncamp, in GIMP, is you have to go over to the Layers pallet, and click on the 'Auto' button up at the top. The layers open up in the window, and if you click the 'eye' button next to that layer, it goes invisible, and you scroll down the layers window, and pick the layer you want to use, and copy and paste it into a new window, or a new layer of an existing piece of work.

    If I've lost you, and you need screen shots, let me know.

    I don't have any idea what the process would be in Photoshop. Sorry.

    Your friend

    Post edited by NV Oracle on
  • KinichKinich Posts: 883
    edited December 1969

    NV Oracle, sorry about the delay in responding but I'm in the UK and it was getting late when I posted so only saw your response this morning. The 'Dragged & Dropped' statement refers to the way I normally load images into GIMP (and various other image editors).

    With GIMP up and running simply open another window of the folder containing your PSD files (or whatever other image your want to load). Then place the cursor over the file your want and press and hold the left mouse button, with the button held down move (Drag) the selected file so that it is over the open GIMP Image window and simply release the mouse button. You can do this over and empty image window or one that contains an image and GIMP will create a multi-layer image out of whatever was there and whatever you dropped onto it. Then simply rearrange the layer order as you want, hiding or removing layers as you wish, some resizing will probably be required if you dropped the file onto an already open image.

    Hope that helps.

  • DireBunnyDireBunny Posts: 556
    edited December 1969

    I reworked an older image a bit.
    Lot's of smoke and fog bushes and some water brushes for the blood and under her feet (yes she's walking on top of the water surface lol)
    Silent night +

    1418 x 1896 - 535K
  • KinichKinich Posts: 883
    edited August 2013

    Here's a couple more that make use of Ron's Brushes.

    Wicked Wicked Witch

    Which makes use of Ron's Angel Dust for the effect around the witch's staff

    Apocalypse Then

    Which uses Ron's Apocalypse Brushes for the distressed effect

    Edited for correction of the brush pack used for Wicked Wicked Witch, in my defence it was early and I had not had not finished my first mug of tea when I wrote it.

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    Post edited by Kinich on
  • NV OracleNV Oracle Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Kinich said:
    NV Oracle, sorry about the delay in responding but I'm in the UK and it was getting late when I posted so only saw your response this morning. The 'Dragged & Dropped' statement refers to the way I normally load images into GIMP (and various other image editors).

    With GIMP up and running simply open another window of the folder containing your PSD files (or whatever other image your want to load). Then place the cursor over the file your want and press and hold the left mouse button, with the button held down move (Drag) the selected file so that it is over the open GIMP Image window and simply release the mouse button. You can do this over and empty image window or one that contains an image and GIMP will create a multi-layer image out of whatever was there and whatever you dropped onto it. Then simply rearrange the layer order as you want, hiding or removing layers as you wish, some resizing will probably be required if you dropped the file onto an already open image.

    Hope that helps.

    It does help. Thanks a lot Kinich. I had forgotten that feature works in GIMP. I normally just copy and paste. LOL.

    Beautiful renders from you and Dire Bunny.

    Your friend

    Post edited by NV Oracle on
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