Not So Fast! A Contest For Mischief Makers



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited September 2018

    Go up to Shop and click it. Then you will see "Vendors"   Go to the A's and go through those vendors, tell me whatcha got that is Genesis 2 on, what sets, what HDRIs (which we will include this next time.) For hair, I'm really only looking for whacky/different hair, but we will need a few to trade that will eventually disappear from the list (a new rule is once it goes out from the Main list, comes back, then out again, it will be removed. That way the same things don't get passed around.) 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    Novica said:

    Wasn't that cool, going through the list and seeing the stuff? I was like, "Ooooh, I don't have that!" 

    Yes it was lol!  My wishlist has expanded quite a bit already.  And there are definitely some, wow, what on earth am I going to do with that?  And why did I think that was a good idea?

    Not to mention the "I own that?  Why haven't I used it yet?"

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    Novica said:

    Don't you just LOVE that 4/4 people own that silly Mother Goose Outfit? cheeky  BTW, I am one of the four. Since I own a lot of content, I may need to play to ensure that folks with less content can play, as I probably own what they own. 

    I like this game way too much.  I was already looking at the list of items that are owned by 3 or more people and trying to pair up the worst most interesting combinations for someone to use.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    Novica said:

    I was also thinking yesterday- how would you folks feel about people participating in the render part of it, who didn't play the game but we could make moves on them? Like we did with the two folks who didn't get to start the game or finish it?  The gameplay can be intimidating (but we're working on automating part of it for you, just be patient) but some people may like the fun of trying to render what they end up with. That way more people can participate, and we can have fun doing mischief to them (evil cackle.) 

    Mischief is the name of the game and the more victims participants the better. 

  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,406

    Sorry RL is taking its toll.

    Ok I don't own much of the list for NSF2 but it's only the A!

    Two more links 404 :


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    What the heck is going on? I tested those links. They were working. And on Google, it is exactly the links I had. What  is Daz doing?????

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Well, if you folks don't mind, just do it from your Product Library for the ones that are showing 404's, and let me know on the survey if you own them. 

    I'm headed to the barn this morning and will check back in briefly, but then won't be online until later tonight. Anyone who has limited items on the survey list, feel free to PM with some things you DO own from vendors in the "A" list. I want to get those nailed down first. I still have to finish up the "D" vendors, there's a lot of those!


  • This is exciting! Novica, I'm glad you found some ways to make the gameplay easier on yourself - I have no idea how you slept during those few swapping days.

    As much fun as the mayhem was, more structured gameplay sounds like a very good idea. I've thinking about some of the more intricate board games I've played, and I'm realizing that games with a lot of complicated rules work best with simple, structured gameplay. I wonder how the game would work if we took turns, just as though we were going around a circle? What with different countries and timezones, we'll sort of be doing that anyhow - so maybe it would be best to make it official?

    With regards to Old Hagrid - I agree she was a lot of fun, but she caused some real bottlenecks and I don't think she actually made a difference to the game. Maybe we change change what she does? For example, she could give you a bonus or a handicap if you end up with her.

    In terms of letting people who didn't participate in the gameplay still compete ~ I'm honestly not a big fan of the idea. The swapping was half of the competition. And while I know I was intimidated by the gameplay (I still feel like the new kid at school here), forcing myself to put myself out there a bit meant that I felt like a full participant, and like I was just as invested as people who have been doing this for years. And it made it so much more fun, too! So while I agree it would be awesome to have more participants, I think the solution is to refine the gameplay.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Thanks for the input :)  BTW, my main computer is broken (bigtime, hard drive issue) and I am using a VERY old laptop that freezes, won't let me use it (too many error messages to even start with) and sometimes won't recognize me as a user. So I may not be back in the forums much (hate using the phone.)  Anyway, the one main thought I had was about taking turns, and I'm not a fan of that as to me that really has the potential for bottlenecking gameplay. Waiting on other people would slow things down IMO. I also like the spontaneity of making moves. Third, if someone spots a great play or quickly researches something, waiting on another person could spoil that move as the other person could change things so much it's no longer do-able. Also, real life could get in the way and people may not play when they think they're going to, or have to leave during gameplay. So I'd honestly rather keep that part spontaneous.

    If we do have prize money, people would definitely have to participate to get any of it, that wouldn't be fair otherwise. I was thinking if we did NOT play for prizes, that would be the only way people could participate in rendering and no gameplay.



  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839

    Ugh, sorry to hear about the hard drive. Even with backups it's a pain to manage. Hope it's just a temporary hiccup. 

  • I really hope you are not down long @Novica I know what it is like to be down and out with your PC!!!

  • 3dcheapskate3dcheapskate Posts: 2,720
    edited September 2018
    Novica said:

    What the heck is going on? I tested those links. They were working. And on Google, it is exactly the links I had. What  is Daz doing?????

    It may not be DAZ (I'm surprised to say!). I think it's something between the DAZ servers and your browser. My guess is that it's Clouds**tflare (although if it is them they seem to have stopped putting up that helpful "Hello, this is Cloudflare, we're b***ering up your connection! smiley" page. Several times in the past few months I've clicked a link or bookmark for the DAZ site and got 404s, reclicked the link/bookmark and had the page load with no problem.

    Error 404s aren't what they used to be ! wink It can now mean "Page Not Found Because We Didn't Actually Look For It"

    Edit: but apparently in those two (ultimate fly/wasp collection) cases DAZ has just made the products vanish completely from the store/website.

    Post edited by 3dcheapskate on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Thanks everyone. I am limiting what I post because this old laptop is missing letters (they don't work) and I have to use an external keylboard for those, plus severe mouse floating around.What should take a few seconds to type can take over a minute. :(  New PC may be shipped later this week, I did a lot of upgrades this weekend.

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