Kit Bashing Japanese-style and/or Pacic Rim Type Mechs. What have you done?

tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,570
edited April 2019 in The Commons

Hey guys.  I'm trying to decide what mechs I can kickbash.  There are a few cool ones in the market but non of them are exactly what I want,  Or at least I can't tell from the promo pics.  So I'm looking for something like Pacific Rim type mechs

Image result for pacific rim uprising robots

I've tried some kit bashing with what I have, but the best I have come up with is this

Mecha vs Kaiju by tkdrobert

Please share with me ideas, examples of your own kitbashing work, product suggestions, future products in development, anything that will help.  I'd appreciate any help the community can give.

I have Genises Bot, BEO2k10 v2, and Cyborg Model 4.  Been loking at Stealth by @midnight_stories and @mighty_mestophales for awhile amoung other.

My Favorite of PR:


Post edited by tkdrobert on


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