Is there a way to pause all smoothing modifiers?

Often, when I am trying to get a rough posing of a figure or just move their position around int he scene, smoothing modifiers can really bog things down. Is there a way to pause all of them temporarily?
Post edited by Joe827 on
For each figure or object to which smoothing has been applied, you can temporarily disable it under the Parameters tab by setting Enable Smoothing to "off". When ready, you simply need to reset it to "on".
I wish there was a way to disable all at once, but no, I don't think there is. Maybe someone out there has a script for it.
This was still working last tiem I tried it
Like with every property in the Parameters pane the setting Consolidate Properties in the options menu will sum up these properties (see the number in brackets) of the same name if more than one item is selected.
Thanks. I failed to consider that option.
Thank you, I'll give this a shot as well. This might be nicer for large scenes. There's quite a delay when I try to select a whole list of items via the scene tab.
One advantage of my script, assuming it's still working, is that it remembers which things had smoothing on initially and won't switch items that were off back on as multi-selecting will.
Just downloaded the script. Seems to work just fine. Thank you so much.