When's the next Bryce development cycle?

I was wondering when the next development cycle of Bryce is due to begin i.e. this year/next year/currently not planned? Or is it all still secret info not be shared yet:coolsmile:
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I was wondering when the next development cycle of Bryce is due to begin i.e. this year/next year/currently not planned? Or is it all still secret info not be shared yet:coolsmile:
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2014 - not before
and thats if we are lucky
Bigh please do not speculate about something you know nothing about.
At the moment there is nothing set in stone, so I don't think anyone can actually give a date.
they said - there is no one that can fix Bryce for the Mac or pc for that matter
so if they hire some one today - it will take them at least a year to get a new version ready
I used to code - I know how long it takes
You are still speculating, with no access to anything that is going on behind the senes, I am sorry, but specualation is never helpful and frequently distracting.
Thanks Chohole - was hoping there might be some plan or even a wild guess of when the cycle might begin again. Nevermind, will just have to wait patiently :down:
Look at the bright side of it, Eva1. Instead of just waiting patiently, I experiment with the new features we've got and try to familiarise myself with them - preparing for the next dev cycle.
We are not doing any development at this time on Bryce. The only thing we are trying to do is see if we can update the code for Lion. We've had some set-backs so we can't give a date on when to expect this update.
Sent you a PM Eva. Might be something we can do?
Hi David, didn't get your PM - must be an issue with PM's in the forums, there's nothing in my in box:(
Tiresome the way things have stopped working. OK please just email me, thanks, [email protected]
Think it's time to get proactive.
PMs working fine for me, have received about 15 or 16 today, sent abouyt 8, all with no problems. I even got one from you David.
What is not working is displaying email addresses, we are not sure if it's to stop people posting them or waht. but when we need to put in an email address we insert a space to get it to display, then say "remove the spaces"
Easiest way to send a PM when it's just to the one person is to click the button under their name. That is one thing that has worked from day one and even beforre :)
You shouldn't sound so surprised about getting a PM from me Pam - if the system is working. OK, I'll try "PMing" Eva again and see what happens. Thanks for the tip.
That one came through okay, have sent you and email:)
Glad to hear that - but DAZ is going to have to update for 10.8 (Mountain Lion) as well which is out in a couple of weeks.
Be interesting to see how Mac Bryce and DAZStudio fairs with 10.8's rewrite of the OGL code especially with Nokia possibly being bought out by MicroSoft (D|S uses Nokia Interface software).
Ah, the curse of living in interesting times!
It does seem to be about time for some attention for Bryce. If nothing other than being made 64 bit, it would literally change everything. Hoping.
As long as 32 bit is still available for those like me who aren't using 64 bit yet.....
I think this would be mandatory. After all, Studio 4 is available as 32 and 64 bit.
As long as 32 bit is still available for those like me who aren't using 64 bit yet.....
Unless you are on a Mac that has been bought for the past two years and have upgraded to Lion that is, you can't use Bryce at all.
Because Bryce is free now, Daz doesn't care about Mac users . I paid to have Bryce running on my Mac but I can't use it for ages .
As stated we have been told that once Bryce is brought back into the dev cycle they will be working on the problem with Bryce and the newer OSXs
My number 1 for the next round is to address the Bryce memory issue, I get so annoyed when after spending ages creating an image you get an "out of memory" message and can't save your work. Yes I know there are work arounds but you should'nt have to resort to work arounds, if the issue was fixed I and a lot of other frustrated Brycers would be veeeerrrrry happy.
"gripe over"
That's very good to hear. Will continue to wait patiently.......
There's tons of work I want to get done and resource files I have for Bryce that I want to access.
Letting this lag for so damn long is insane!!!!
DAZ needs to get a few more engineers on this and get it fixed!
Well I'm dumping this today, and switching to Vue Studio, can't hang on forever for this software to be updated, it's not like we're not willing to pay guys :(
Well I'm dumping this today, and switching to Vue Studio, can't hang on forever for this software to be updated, it's not like we're not willing to pay guys :(
I view this as DAZ being dishonest with it's customers.
People actually purchased Brycepro with the intent of using it and a new intel (lion) mac.
There wasn't any red flag notifying me or anyone else of the incompatibility at that time (like there is now)
I had hundreds of hours worth of models and presets that I'm going to have to dump because of Daz's unwillingness to let me know how they're not going to support me in the future.
What I got was only useless frustration from daz as they strung EVERYONE ALONG for months.. "hold on.. .we're working on it!"
(Yes, we now understand that you don't have the balls to tell us that you want us to use YOUR RENDER SOFTWARE and jerk us around until we are forced to switch out of frustration)
Well guess what? I'm pissed.
You should have told us.. upfront.
I'm going to now look to something else .. something stable, professional in every respect to fill my needs.
In the post that you have quoted DAZ_BFurner has said that they will be trying to get Bryce working under Lion. So he is being upfront with you and explains that this is not easy, and they have had some setbacks.
How long has it been?
They're clearly not devoting resources to it at all.
Yes I realize that they need to rewrite code... but the OS was released to developers far ahead and it wasn't any shock that apple was going to remove rosetta from the OS...
Since then, it's been years and we've gotten nothing.... zip .. nada.
It took how long for Daz to update the system requirements to notify people that bryce wasn't compatible?
They may have a single person working part time on it when there's nothing else to do in the office.
Clearly their main focus is on their own app.
Even if that was the case, they should have come straight out and said so.
It would have made things easier for many.
The dev cycle for Bryce 7 was finished and wrapped up and Bryce 7 released before Lion was released. The mac developer who had Bryce knowledge was on contract, and the contract ended before Lion was released. This has been said several times in various threads.
Bryce, Carrarra, Daz Studio and Hexagon are all DAZ 3D software.
My point is that by the time of release all developers had news that rosetta was history and that Bryce was broken.
FIRST: There was a quick upgrade sale to milk the software for every last dime.
SECOND: There wasn't any notice for Bryce not working with 10.7.x (lion) Only that it operated with all systems.
THIRD: Lion gets released to the public Bryce is broken and won't even install under lion and nobody hires the Mac developer back... to update the code?
Clearly Daz is using the bryce application and it's legacy to attract more people to Daz and then get them to switch over to their own app for rendering.
I remember that info clearly posted on the product page by the time they released 7.1 although countless numbers of people either didn't read the product page or skipped over the note about incompatability for OSX Lion and above.
They haven't handled this the greatest of ways, no doubt but they were no where near as deliberately discieving and misleading as you're trying to paint them now.
Daz didn't buy Bryce, pore lots of time and resources into upgrading it to 7 pro just so they could make it incompatible with most Mac users in order to piss them off and take their business elsewhere. There is however a solution if it's really so important for you to do the things you want to do right now. That is to use parallels to run windows on your Mac and then access the PC version of Bryce 7 Pro. Others have done so successfully so it is a workaround that does in fact work. However I get the feeling that's not going to be good enough for you. Which is fine, you're not obligated to have to use workarounds, however it would tend to beg the question of just how important to you is this stuff you've been wanting to do? Perhaps not as important as the tone of your post suggests?