Can you help us by voting in the Carrara Noir Challenge?
Hi there,
I hope that you are not suffereing from voter fatigue. :)
We happened to end our last Challenge shortly after you ended yours, and I am crossing my fingers that you can find the time to vote once again.
The entries in this Challenge are somewhat different than in the past, and I think you will find them interesting. Thanks in advance for your vote!
PS - thanks to Horo for already voting!
I voted just the four Entry # numbers from the list, as including things like the Title, the Artist and Comment stuff is unnecessary. Make life simple for the voter!
That said, all the works look excellent - the best of luck to all.
this was not easy to vote... all are excellent interpretations of the Theme, and beatiful lighting....
good luck to the artists.
Thanks, Yellow Pen!
Hey Jamahoney, thanks for voting! For sure, if you want to include only the critical information, that is fine. But for me, observing comments helps me grow as an artist. I like to see what others see.
Anyone else out there in Bryce-land want to help out?
Thanks mtnmen, very much appreciated!
I have just voted. Interesting challenge.
Voted. Very difficult choice.
voted awsome work
Electro-Elvis, drachenlords, mermaid010 - thank you very much!
With a last minute surge from Brycers and some Carrara veterans, we got enough votes. Much appreciated.