Removing head and gloves from Hella bodysuit.

I purchased the "Hella Character and Bodysuit For Genesis 8 Female because I wanted my character to wear it, minus the gloves and the head piece.  The pictures on the advertisement page showed one like the way I want it but I can't figure out how to remove the gloves and head piece (mask).  Any ideas? 


  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983

    Have a look at the Surfaces pane - there is a good chance that the gloves and the head pice have seperate Surface Groups. With the Surfaces pane in editor mode you can turn down the (cutout) opacity channel in the shader settings - you can find it quickly with typing "op" in the text filter box on top.

  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 758

    Thanks, Syrus.  After several tries I finally found the tabs and sliders I needed.  Well, almost.  There's not one for the back of the head or feet.  And the only way to take off the suit from the hands is to take it off of the arms.

    Bummer.  Oh, well.  Gotta adapt.

    Thanks again.

  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited June 2018

    You can define your own Surfaces to split the suit up in pices and hide them like you want.

    Select the Geometry Editor tool and open the Tool Settings pane to have a look at the Surface Groups. You can edit them or create new ones they will show up in the Surfaces pane to set the opacity after that.

    To ease the selection of polygons in the viewport change to show some wireframe mode, activate Use Symetry and once you have selected what you want right-click on the Surfaces in the Tool Settinga pane to Create Surfaces From Selected. There are other features for selection like Select Connected Ctrl* and Grow/Shrink Selection Ctrl+ / Ctrl- these can also be accessed by a right-click menu on the viewport.

    [Edit]: BTW don't worry to screw up the suit you can save the changes you made along with the scene file the original product in your library woun't be affected. If you want to add the altered suit to another scene you can save a Scene SubSet to merge it into other scenes or you can save the altered version with another name to your library with File>Save As>Support Asset>Figure/Prop asset.

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    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
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