How does dForce Master work?

I got the dForce Master product from EcVh0. I'm at a loss of how to get this to work =[. Hope someone can give some guidance on how to use the product.



  • IllidanstormIllidanstorm Posts: 655
    It comes with a tutorial which is a PDF I believe
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    It works rather simple - Select the hair, apply the base dforce setting, then select one of the hair presets and make sure you have a proper cap preset selected, and then start the simulation. It takes usually a lot of time, can crash and explode, and the results vary. It come with a PDF, please check your content folder: /ReadMe's/49199_dForce-master—hair-simulation-presets-for-dForce-cloth-engine.pdf

    You can also check out the Pa's commercial thread here:

  • Trash PandaTrash Panda Posts: 111

    ah ok, thanks! Didn't know that there was a PDF in that folder, the tutorial made it clear on how it works =]. 

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