Built in Morph Mirror Tool DAZ 4.10?

FurGamStudioFurGamStudio Posts: 7
edited June 2018 in New Users


Does DAZ 4.10 or any other older have a built in morph mirror capability?

I have created a morph using Dformer on a leg and simply want to mirror it onto the other leg.

I looked into Morph Loader Pro but it doesn't seem to make sense to export, morph, then import.

I would expect DAZ to have a mirror tool especially when working with human models.



Post edited by FurGamStudio on


  • Hello,
    Does DAZ 4.10 or any other older have a built in morph mirror capability?

    I have created a morph using Dformer on a leg and simply want to mirror it onto the other leg.

    I looked into Morph Loader Pro but it doesn't seem to make sense to export, morph, then import.

    I would expect DAZ to have a mirror tool. Or do I need to look at Hexagon?


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited June 2018

    There is a Symmetry tool under Edit >Figure.

    Post edited by SixDs on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    SixDs said:

    There is a Symmetry tool under Edit >Figure.

    That's for posing, it mirrors (or swaps) bone rotations.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Merged threads.

  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,642

    I don't know about mirroring morphs but there is a trick I've used with D-formers that might help.

    For each D-former you are using, create a new D-former. Select the field of your original D-former then edit->copy->copy selected item from the menus. Select the field of your new D-former and select edit->paste->past to selected item(s). Do the same to copy the D-former and the base. Select the field of your new D-former, go to the parameters tab and reverse the sign of the X value, i.e. -x becomes x, x without a - becomes -x. Do the same to the D-former and the base. This gives you a mirrored version of your original D-former.

  • Cool thank you all! I ended up copying (on paper if you can believe it) the various trans/rot/scale values and just created a new morph using those values (mirrored certain values). Next time I will try that script and the other trick.
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