Duplicate files for Genesis 8 female

I keep getting the error of duplicate files detected when I load any of my Genisis 8 females.  I can load and pose them but anything I try to render with them, even the base female figure ,comes out as an empty render. I uninstalled Gen 8 female starter essential and then reinstalled, restarted Daz Studio- still unable to use them. I just downloaded  Marnie for gen 8 and the fix for Mousso's character Nylyssa right before this started. Can anyone give me some ideas what to do? 

I posted the log file if that gives andy clues

1000 x 1000 - 686K


  • IllidanstormIllidanstorm Posts: 655
    Could you post another Screenshot of your log file with it being scrolled to the right so we can see what files cause this?
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Duplicate Formulas, not duplicate files - that means there are two links between a property named A and a property named B, that can heppen within a single file or it can happen when two makers use the same name for a morph that has similar needs for adjustment elsewhere. In any event, I doubt it's connected to the empty render - it might cause shapes not to look right, or bends to go wrong, but that should affect both viewport and render. When you render, is empty all the time or does the figure fade out as you render? Is it an Iray render or 3Delight? Is the camera placed below ground-level?

  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684
    edited May 2018

    I will re post the log file when I get home tonight.

    Richard, the render stays empty for the entire time.  I can see the figure in the viewport just fine. Iray only. I can render any other figure but as soon as I put in a genesis 8 female I get ta popup error message and nothing at all will render.  Will try un installing both the newest figures that I downloaded from Daz and see if that is where the file issue is. Thank you for your comments!

    Post edited by Summerhorse on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    The Duplicate Formula issue will be in an add-on of some kind - unfortunately the log only gives one of the products, so (if it's a conflict between products and not a bug in one) you have to figure out which the other one is from the morph name (which should be the name of the .dsf file, so you can use that to find it or you can use a script to find the proprties with the name in question).

  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684

    I'm not sure how to shrink the screen shot to fit it all on the page, but here are 2 more.

    Thank you Richard, I will look at that

    1575 x 860 - 2M
    1575 x 860 - 1M
  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684

    I found the duplicate file for rarestone morphs- but what should I do to fix the problem?

    1570 x 711 - 1M
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    OK, the raeStone morphs were updated some time ago to avoid clashes with the Zev0 200 Plus set, so go to DIM or your account and get a fresh copy (or reinstall through Connect).

  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684

    Thank you Richard!

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