Disappearing product materials?

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

I started a graphic story about a month ago and had to pause work on it for a seperate project. When I came back to it, I saw a change I needed to make in one of the earlier pictures in the set. So I opened that picture file to make the correction and noticed that the footwear the character was wearing, no longer had its material applied. It was just a pair of flip flops but now instead of those, she had this ugly weird shaped white box thing on her feet. I bought those, installed them with DIM (i'm sure) and used them many times. I have never got in and screwed around with file pathways or anything. My content is very much organized chaos. I know where to find things but they really are all over the place. I say that to say, I never change anything in the directories because I'm positive I'll screw things up and have to re-learn where all my content is. So if I never touched this clothing item, why for is it suddenly not loading?


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    The boxes usually means that the obj file is missing, not the texture. If you know the product, the easiest way would nbe to check for the path that the error message is throwing, and compare that with the path that DIM has for the product's installation. It's possible that there was a product upgrade an your file still has the "old" address.

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