Make ground texture look more realistic

Here is Stonemansons alley for example, it looks really pixalated and not good at all. I notice on a lot of enviroments that textures look kinda streched and have not enough resolution. This is rendered with 10000 Iterationens
How can I make the texture look better?


374 x 127 - 20K


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    If it is a tilable surfacemap, you can try increasing the number of tiles. But that's only helping to a degree. With other textures, that is not possible as you have details.

    You can try replacing the material with an Iray shader preset (like an architectural shader) in some cases.

    But the ground in Stonemason's alley is rotten tar, so you'd see some pebbles in the structure. You're sure that it's pixelation and not the pebbles?

    For its time of release, it had fairly huge textures.

  • IllidanstormIllidanstorm Posts: 655

    It's defenetly pixelation, the texture is only 2000x2000 big but should be something like 20000x20000. Adjusting the tiles dosen't work here because it's one big map.


    If there is no other solution I guess I have to buy ground textures...

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    It looks pretty okay when you render it in 3delight, but like most large scale environments, it's not neccessarily meant for ultra-close-ups.

    Also, if you had such a big texture like you suggest, it would have exploded most systems at the time that item was created/released in 2008.

    I don't know what kind of closeup you are planning, a closeup of someone lying on the ground? If not, if you use Depth of Field wisely, you can blur out the close distance ground, and the "grain" won't be that visible further down the road.


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