Bryce 7 & Mac Os X 10.7

VenuxVenux Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

I think it is a shame we cannot work with Bryce anymore. I bought the software then I bought a new Mac so it would run faster. And it didn't run in my new Mac. I miss it deeply. Please do something I don't want to buy another software because I don't have the time to learn how to use another software. I have been using Bryce since it's first version.


  • VenuxVenux Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Unfortunately that costs lots of money and inspite of the number of people who this has become a serious problem for there really aren't that many people paying in for Bryce 7 Pro. Of course if the program is unusable for someone you can't really expect them to buy something else to use with that program. So it's a catch 22 because Daz needs to make more money off of Bryce to afford to really fix it but customers need it fixed before they'll spend money on it.

    What I don't really understand is why DAZ is offering Byce FREE (along with a couple of other DAZ apps) when it clearly (?) needs money to develop an OS 10.7+ compatible version. Seems like commercial stupidity to me.

    There's a revealing interview with the Daz-man himself (Dan Farr) here

    I appreciate the generous & unconventional philosophy of getting new users on board but DAZ has effectively shot themselves squarely in the foot by not only offering the app for free at a time when they need re-coding funds, but also by leaving the app up & available on the Mac App Store for a US$100 purchase price. I feel sorry for the few who purchased the app. via Mac App Store & have subsequently posted bad reviews.
    Obviously this is also bad for DAZ reputation & desperately needs fixing.

    A simple one-liner on the App Store notes:
    Please note that while "Bryce 7 Pro" is currently not compatible with Mac OS X Lion v10.7, we are working hard to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.

    Perhaps it's not possible to take down an app from the store once it's up? (seems dumb if that's the case)

    As a keen user of Bryce from 'back in the old KPT days' I'll eagerly await an update for OS 10.7+ & meanwhile put my creative projects I'd intended to revive on hold...

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited July 2013

    Venux. While we have every sympathy with your predicament, are you aware that this thread is a year old. I am going to move your two posts into their own thread.

    There is an information thread for Mac Users stickied at the top of the forum, to try to avoid more repetitive threads about this.


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • VenuxVenux Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Venux said:
    I think it is a shame we cannot work with Bryce anymore. I bought the software then I bought a new Mac so it would run faster. And it didn't run in my new Mac. I miss it deeply. Please do something I don't want to buy another software because I don't have the time to learn how to use another software. I have been using Bryce since it's first version.

    I know people stop complaining because they become depressed after a while. But I won't.
    So I will keep encouraging you guys to invest a little more money because there are a million Mac users waiting to hear that they matter. Mac is the platform for creative design, you know that. So you are missing a lot of buyers and possible collaborators.

    I have been using a Mac since 1984 and I cannot see myself buying a PC because you don't see the relevance of your Mac clients and collaborators.

    I would pay for an upgrade!
    Good day!

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    Venux said:
    I have been using a Mac since 1984 and I cannot see myself buying a PC because you don't see the relevance of your Mac clients and collaborators.
    What makes you think that DAZ don't see the relevance of their Mac customers?
    Every piece of software they develop is available on release to both platforms.

    It's not like PC users have had a special new release that Mac users haven't had.

    Anyway, sorry for this being a short post but I'm having waaaay too much fun using Bryce on my Mac to sit here typing.

    I would pay for an upgrade!

    We all would... But we have to play the cards we're dealt, not the one's we'd rather have.

    If you'd pay for an upgrade, take that money and buy an old Macbook running Snow Leopard instead and use that machine just for Bryce.

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