How can I make a dress follow all the body lines? what addons can I use to customize the lower body?

Grey_001Grey_001 Posts: 23
edited May 2018 in New Users

Hi all,

I recently took advantage of the Weekend MM2018 flash sales to get my hands on Aiko 8 pro bundle.

While playing around with the new items and settings I came across three issues.

The first issue is the fitting of the wardrobe items to the model depending on the various preset poses. The screenshot will illustrate the problem better than what I can describe with words. Unless I'm very mistaken, I think I used only genesis 8 assets, and in particular only Aiko 8 assets

Is there a way to avoid that superposition when using poses (especially presets) and clothes?

Secondly, I'm having an issue where I enabled the nipple on the model, but the bra does not cover it, so you have two buds going through the basic bra (I didn't post that version of the render since it's not family friendly).

Is that some wrong setting i've applied to the wardrobe?

The third issue is that I was expecting that the complete genesis 8 female genital model wasn't just a plain texture but also had a minimum of shape or customization option.
The idea was to have a swimsuit with a minimum of crease in the lower area.

Am I not seeing some specific settings to control that or is the pelvis area intended to be absolutely flat and uncostumizeable?
Would something like this add-on ( help model the plevic area to accentuate any physical characterstic of that area?
Assuming you can even model that area, would the clothing follow the contours of the skin or would it be pointless because the swimsuit would simply superpose over it and make it look totally flat (considering the behavior of the bra with the nipple I strongly suspect the answer is "no")?

Thanks in advance for any insight you can share.

EDIT: Changed the topic title to better reflect the nature of the yet unsolved questions

test 0005.png
1000 x 769 - 925K
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  • Grey_001Grey_001 Posts: 23
    edited May 2018

    So after playing some more with the various smart content, I discovered that the 3d genitalia model is under "anatomy" in smart content and the textures are under "material" (previously I was only applying the "material" without the genesis 8 3d anatomy.

    That being said, in the "shaping" section (where supposedly you can tweak a bit the various body parts) there is only 1 option "realism" which is not very helpful.

    Nevertheless, since the model now has a basic 3d model I tried some tests to see if the dresses would fit to the shape or just cover it altogether. For the moment the result was that any dress does not stick to the character but instead superimposes over it by a few milimeters (which is enough to ignore any shape beneath it).
    That applies also to abdominal muscles you might have enchanced with the "fit" shape dial.

    Since my previous message somewhat drowned the questions in the middle of the text, I'll repost the question with a numerial format to facilitate the reading:


    1) Is there a way to avoid the clothing to bend in weird ways when using preset poses (see render from previous post)?


    2) I'm having an issue where I enabled the nipple on the model, but the bra does not cover it, so you have two buds going through the basic bra. Is that some wrong setting i've applied to the wardrobe?
    For some weird reason, I tested this again today and the basic bra now does adapt to the nipples. The main difference from yesterday was that yesterday I used a smart content setting to turn "nipple on" or "nipple off" settings, whereas today I went into the "shape" settings and manually turned up the nipple dial. So I guess this issue is solved for the moment.


    3) I was expecting that the complete genesis 8 female genital model wasn't just a plain texture but also had a minimum of shape or customization option. Am I not seeing some specific settings to control that or is the pelvis area intended to be absolutely flat and uncostumizeable?
    After looking around better I found the 3d model and the settings to customize it (albeit having a single setting "realism" doesn't change much).


    4) Would something like this add-on ( help to model and customize the plevic area to accentuate any physical characterstic of that area (e.g. having more than just a "realism" dial)?


    5) Assuming you can even model and customize that area beyond the simple "realism" dial, would the clothing follow the contours of the skin or would it be pointless because the swimsuit would simply superpose over it and make it look totally flat?


    The end goal is to have a swimsuit or underwear with a minimum of crease in the lower area.

    Thank again for any help or insight you can share.


    After playing around even more with the various settings and tabs in Daz, I found out that there is a modicum of customization for the pelvic area, but those settings are in a third tab named "parameters" (I wrongly assumed they'd all be grouped under "shape"). But still, even after playing with the settings, the swimsuit wouldn't adapt to the new skin and would simply cover it.

    My question 4) still stand though (e.g. if there are add-ons like the one I mentioned that give even more shape/parameters customization options, like a more pronounced mons pubis).

    Also, my ultimate goal is still to have these shapes show up under the clothes rather than having them poke through the fabric or be leveled out (because the dress does not follow the shape of the body).

    Post edited by Grey_001 on
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