Scene renders dark, even though I have lights blazing away.
Scene renders dark, even though I have lights blazing away at full intensity inches away from the subject. The image in the viewport is practically washed out, I've got so much light in there. But the render looks like there aren't any lights at all. I added a spot light and trained it right at the subject and turned it up to full intensity. I couldn't tell the difference in the render.
I feel I must be missing something basic, some control I haven't activated or some button I haven't clicked on, because it's as if the rendered image doesn't acknowledge any of the lights I've added to the scene.
Assuming this is in Daz Studio, are you using Iray or 3Delight - check the render Engine at the top of the Editor or Advanced tabs of the Render Settings pane.
If you're using iray, you have to crank up the lumens- sometimes to values of like 20000
or adjust Tone Mapping to get a better exposure.
Check the EV value in the render tab, also. EV should be 13 or so.
If the render is solid black, is your camera located inside of something else? Try moving it a bit closer to your subject.
The viewpoint from the camera is further from the scene than it appears, sometimes if it
is, say, imbeded in a wall you can still view a scene but not render it because the wall is
blocking the camera "sensor".