Makeup that comes with figures usually is attached to the face texture, except for the lips. So if you want to use makeup from figure X on figure Y it won't work because the body skin on Y looks diffrent making it look weird. G3 textures can be used for G8.
I'd like to add that you can use skins on different compatible figures - and then use the crresponsing makeup. That might not be exactly what you want thoughl.
Makeup that comes with figures usually is attached to the face texture, except for the lips. So if you want to use makeup from figure X on figure Y it won't work because the body skin on Y looks diffrent making it look weird. G3 textures can be used for G8.
If you just want to change the makeup you need a product like this
I'd like to add that you can use skins on different compatible figures - and then use the crresponsing makeup. That might not be exactly what you want thoughl.
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