Installing Products via DIM versus Smart Pane?
Newbie here,
I've been dabbling with Daz3d on my PC for a few month now. Just recently I've installed the program onto a recent iMac - but I've noticed something that hasn't occured when I was using Daz on PC. I thought I had successfully used the DIM to download and intall my previously purchased content on the Mac version of Daz, but it appears I have to "install it twice"? I see a broken circle with a down arrow inside it - the right click option reveals that I must "install" the product (but didn't DIM already donwload and install the product? I had checked the box "install when downloaded"). I don't recall encountering this scenario when I was using my PC - I would purchase a product, DIM would download and automatically install said product directly into the Daz program and I could immediately start using. I'm not sure if I'm explaining clearly what I'm encountering. Is it something that only Macs experience? Did I miss something? Am I going to have to "install twice" everything I've bought so far (for the Mac?) I could really use some clarification on how this works
Thanks to anyone who can help me out!
Actually, I think I may have figured out what was going on. Kind of embarrassing - there are two tabs in the upper left corner of smart pane - files/products. On my mac I've been viewing only the Product tab which has all the content with the "broken cirlce. down arrow" icon. However under the Files tab, all my purchased content is fully installed and usable (like on my PC). So it looks like I'm good to go!
Silly Me!
The circel and down arrow means that the product can be isntalled through Connct but currently isn't - as long as the thumbnail is in colour the product is there to be used (grey thumbnails indicate not installed at all). See