Hero FX Xtreme (solved)

ZenrelZenrel Posts: 245
edited July 2013 in New Users

I just got this item with the super hero suit deal and I wonder how can I get the effects to show? Since this product doesn't show up in DAZ Studio Formats, I have to go into poser Format (under pose) to find it, but can't seem to make them appear in scene.


Post edited by Zenrel on


  • ZenrelZenrel Posts: 245
    edited December 1969

    Never mind, I finally figure out the problem. Have to pull out those planes from character to set them up first then add the effects.

  • borisisakittyborisisakitty Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    I know this is already solved..but it's also the only thread I can find with the same issue..and I see how you solved it, but my lord I cannot find anything on google or youtube to show me how to pull planes out of the character...nor on how to use the product. ><</p>

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    In the Content Library pane, go to Poser Formats >> [your content library name] > Figures to load the objects. There are probably presets in DAZ Studio Formats to apply textures to the figures after they are loaded.

  • borisisakittyborisisakitty Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    In the Content Library pane, go to Poser Formats >> [your content library name] > Figures to load the objects. There are probably presets in DAZ Studio Formats to apply textures to the figures after they are loaded.

    I might be confused here..

    I can find the item.
    I just can't figure out how to get it into my scene. I've tried adding new planes and attaching it to things in the scene. I just..I got nothing..nor do I have an emote to express my utter disappointment at being unable to figure this out. It would be easier if I could find anything online about using this item or others of it's nature.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    What happens when you try to load one of the figures?

  • borisisakittyborisisakitty Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    What happens when you try to load one of the figures?

    If I have an item selected nothing.

    If I do not select an item it comes up with a list of items in my scene..if I select one it appears to load for a moment, but then nothing happens. At first I thought it was because the item needed a light set up..but..the item doesn't load into the scene anywhere..and all attempts at changing up the lighting proved that was a waste of time at this point in the game. XD

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    It sounds like you are loading one of the material presets without having loaded the figure first.

  • borisisakittyborisisakitty Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    It sounds like you are loading one of the material presets without having loaded the figure first.

    Have I ever told you I love you.
    Thank you!
    I found it..after searching through all of my figure content. XD
  • Hi there, pulling open an old thread but yeah, I'm kinda lost.  Using 4.9 and pretty new.  I found the FXx-Plane under Poser Formats > Figures > NWS-Hero FXx, and I see the featureless blue square, but for the life of me I can't figure out where to find any textures, I'm drilling down everything in both Daz studio formats and poser, but I'm at a loss!


    Any help would be great, thanks!

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    Hi there, pulling open an old thread but yeah, I'm kinda lost.  Using 4.9 and pretty new.  I found the FXx-Plane under Poser Formats > Figures > NWS-Hero FXx, and I see the featureless blue square, but for the life of me I can't figure out where to find any textures, I'm drilling down everything in both Daz studio formats and poser, but I'm at a loss!


    Any help would be great, thanks!

    I don;t have this item, but the Product Page says that it comes with PZ2 Poser MAT Poses to a apply all options.   That means that you need to look in Poser Formats > Poses for these PZ2 files.


  • margatho33margatho33 Posts: 40

    Hi there, pulling open an old thread but yeah, I'm kinda lost.  Using 4.9 and pretty new.  I found the FXx-Plane under Poser Formats > Figures > NWS-Hero FXx, and I see the featureless blue square, but for the life of me I can't figure out where to find any textures, I'm drilling down everything in both Daz studio formats and poser, but I'm at a loss!


    Any help would be great, thanks!

    Just open your DAZ Studio 4.9 e open the Content Library and Click in Poser Formats >  My DAZ3D Library > Pose > MAT_HFX_Scifi .



  • Can I just say thank you so much for this, it was driving me mad!


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