More Musical Instruments

The HD flute is a welcome addition, but we could really use a larger assortment of musical instruments.
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The HD flute is a welcome addition, but we could really use a larger assortment of musical instruments.
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I’ve got a trumpet ready. Then a trombone and an alto or tenor saxophone:)
@Protozoon Great! A trumpet was exactly what I was thinking about when I posted this.
Btw Your work is fantastic!
Thanks :) The trumpet is fully rigged with tuning and valve slides, water keys, mouthpiece and valves. I just need to add a couple of mutes and poses. My wife was a military trumpeteer for years so I got very good help and references.
The trumpet is now released and fyi I’m working on a sax atm:)
A little sneak peek of my new instrument:
Cool! Alto Sax?
Yes :)
I think it'll include a morph for tenor also.
Trombone coming anytime? We could render Chicago or BS&T or Cold Blood!
Actually I have a trombone at home (one without the F-attachment) and files set for making it in 3D, but I changed plans and did the sax first. Maybe in the near future;) It would complish the trumpet/sax/trombone -combo :)
After all good words above we need this link ;)
Protozoon's Catalog
And for those who interested in musical instruments
Musical Instruments
I have a Germeinhardt solid silver flute...your flute is amazing! Sad I'm so broke, otherwise I'd buy all your instruments.
Just out of curiousity, has anyone ever made a Chapman Stick prop for DS or Poser? Interestingly enough, they used one of these in the extended cut of the 1980s version of Dune, it was a modded version with some sort of spinning thingy grafted onto it to make it look more futuristic.
I would LOVE to have one of these:
Working in a studio as a producer/sound technician, I've rescently produced two albums with a local band using all kinds of weird stuff;) Would like to make some animated videos but I would need this instrument. Any hints?
Link to the band I've been working with:
BTW, this is the deleted scene that modified Stick was in.
These Hurdy gurdys and Chapman sticks are amazing!
Thread of the sax on "commercial":
A new cello with poses is on its way to the store :)
Keep the instruments coming. They spur my creativity!
I have a clarinet half done. I have postponed it though for a while for I have totally different colossal project I'd finish first. I'll continue with instruments in august :)
Have a nice summer!
I think it's great that you're doing all these orchestral instruments, but I'm kind of shocked at the scarcity of good guitars available for Daz. While I'm not much for modeling, I would gladly help in any way I could to get guitar models of the same caliber as your other instruments.
Thanks for the good proposal. From my side the suggestion not to overlook historical and ethnic musical instruments and poses should not be neglected. Thanks a lot!
Piccolo and oboe?
Did I miss the Clarinet? Protozoon said they have one. Would love to see it and poses for it also.
It is still a bit postponed like most of my projects due to overall RL situation here. I have high hopes to get back to it soon.
I'm very glad you are interested in its progress :)
is there a 3D hurdygurdy out there?
answered my own question
That link nearly killed my 2007 laptop. Fan started to sound like a Porsche 911 Turbo, then the whole thing went into orbit.
that would be the 3D viewer
Yeah I had better luck using my main rig;)
I practically have all of Protozon's instruments.
A decent harp would be nice....
One word: Telecaster
it's going to be a very decent 47 strings pedal one ;) Also two other instruments in the pipeline.